• Swedish chars Å Ä Ö works on WINXP but not on linux

    Short question. I can't get the mailserver to handle messages with swedish chars when I run it on a linux box but it works perfectly with a windows box. Any ideas? Got the same problem when running JES earlier.... ...
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    last modified by jborgman
  • EJB3 vs Hibernate

    I am currently working on the new Message & Mailbox persistance code. Since moving to JDK5 I have run into a problem with XDoclet that it chokes on code that uses generics. This leaves me with a couple of options:...
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    last modified by mikezzz
  • Next on the docket

    I'm going to work on this: 1. http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBMAIL-112 and then 2. http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBMAIL-107 In my diminished mental state I figure they are low hanging fruit...
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    last modified by acoliver
  • Requires JDK5/JBAS4.0.3

    M4-preX as of my lastest checkins now requires JDK5 and JBAS4.0.3. If you revert the minor descriptor/build changes I made (just as commentting out) then it will still work on JBAS4.02, for now. I expect this to chang...
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    last modified by acoliver
  • Whitelists and Delayed Messages

    I'm trying to get a handle on how one might implement a special case of a "whitelist" in JBM. From what I can tell, a whitelist in general could be as easy as a MailListener in the chain. The maillistener either deliv...
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    last modified by sappenin
  • Thread.getId() (Attn: Andy)

    Just synced up the latest changes and in the APOP code and there is a call to Thread.getId(). This is a JSE 5 only method. Does this mean we can go JSE 5 :-) (I am assuming it was accidental). Mike.
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    last modified by mikezzz
  • send Mail with a MimeMultipart-Body

    I am trying to write a quite simple application with the JBoss-Mail-Server. I have chosen it, because I really like it's design. At the moment I am struggling with org.jboss.mail.message.Mail and javax.mail.internet.M...
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    last modified by sryffel
  • Simple newbie question

    Downloaded JBMS from HEAD (JBossMail 1.0M4-preX) yesterday and built it OK. Edited org.jboss.mail.store.postgresql.PostgreSQLStore to work with the latest 8.x PostgreSQL JDBC driver and put in a few methods in org.jbo...
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    last modified by jamarkha
  • APOP + status

    I implemented APOP w/StaticUserRepository. Ran into some snags with the JAAS which you can follow here: http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=3895901 Of course once that is fixed there is t...
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    last modified by acoliver
  • IM2000

    http://homepages.tesco.net/~J.deBoynePollard/Proposals/IM2000/ interesting stuff. I favor doing this with URLs/http/REST as opposed to SMTP/POP like things but interesting. Obvious flaws in that unreliable senders wi...
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    created by acoliver
  • JBoss Mail Services the appropriate thing? + newbie question

    Hi there :) I am a student of business computing and I am currently working on a little "groupware" project. The heart is the workflow engine (JBoss jBPM) which assigns several tasks to different users (besides some a...
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    last modified by hannes
  • MailAddress problem (ATTN Mike)

    Hi Mike, can you look at this: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBMAIL-110 use this address: "Height, Jason" <Jason.Height@asc.com.au> I'm presuming this is your mail parsing code, although you very naughtil...
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    last modified by acoliver
  • Specmail2001 progress

    I got specmail2001 working on my laptop which was too underpowered to run everything (duh). I hope to have it working in my lab on all of the boxes when I get home. We won't be able to publish numbers unless we submit...
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    last modified by acoliver
  • Thoughts on James Mailet API?

    I'm curious about people's thoughts about the James Mailet API as a design for e-mail processing after it's been accepted by the SMTP server. (The api is described at http://james.apache.org/mailet_api_2_1.html) Sinc...
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    last modified by jfrosch
  • Message Refactoring

    Before delving into the Mailbox changes I would like to refactor the Mail/Message class hierachy. One of my pet annoyances is that the Mail object is very tightly coupled to the SMTP protocol and each area that uses m...
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    last modified by mikezzz
  • SMTP so fast...POP...not so fast

    Why is POP slower than SMTP. Dramatically so. Of course I'm over SSL but still I'm over SSL for SMTP. Is it MySQL blobs?
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    last modified by acoliver
  • Delivery Chains

    I have completed the seperation of Local/Remote Delivery logic into seperate mail listeners decoupling it from the Message Driven Bean. We now only have a single message driven bean class which is configured multiple ...
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    created by mikezzz
  • thoughts on IMAP and mailboxes

    After the the IMAP skeleton has been comitted now here a few things that I have in mind. to push the current IMAP4 stack to a point where T'bird is able to have a look at the real folders and mails that are in a mailb...
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    last modified by sunfire
  • Unit tests and jndi and JMXTestTask.java

    I was trying to run/write some unit tests... hit the src/test/org/jboss/mail/test/JMXTestTask.java whic hseems to want to look up the naming context provider but seems to not succeed. Noticed there was no way to give ...
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    last modified by acoliver
  • Removing Entity Mailboxes

    Currently we have 2 mailbox implementations, one entity-bean based the other hibernate based. As of M3 the entity-bean one is deprecated. If there are no objections, for M4 I would like to remove it from the source tr...
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    last modified by mikezzz