• How to begin...2 instances of JB MS, 2 NICS, 1 JB AS

    Hi, I was going to try and lock down my one instance of JBoss Mail Server, and all of it's sub components and then it dawned on me, I am already tasked to test two instances of JBoss mail Server on same machine so wh...
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    last modified by gohip
  • Why I broke IMAP and other sob stories

    I'm commiting to head some stuff that now stores multi-part mime bodies seperately. IT also begins to fix the IMAP code to use streams rather than big strings (never meant to be perm this is why IMAP is not considered...
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    created by acoliver
  • Request for help...  integrate jASEN (anti-spam)

    http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBMAIL-92 This is a fairly easy task for someone who understands the basic of JBMS architecture. I'd like to push 1.0 with at least a basic spam mail listener system. If you are able...
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    last modified by acoliver
  • Can't send mail to remote mailserver (like yahoo),Why?

    Error like this: [SMTPSender] Delivering to: <macxiaoshu97@163.com> 08:59:17,906 ERROR [SMTPSender] Unble to send email. org.columba.ristretto.smtp.SMTPException: Wrong state! at org.columba.ristretto.smtp.SMTP...
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    last modified by shi97
  • Tips on MailListeners...

    Hi All, So, trying to get a MailListener going, without breaking the existing JMSMailListener, thus there would be the JMSMailListener and MyMailListener in the chain. I copied JMSMailListener and JMSMailListenerMBe...
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    last modified by gohip
  • Generated Database Schema Question

    In reviewing the generated database schema, I noticed that some of the tables include a version column, and some don't. The version column, though optional, is used by Hibernate for managing concurrency issues. Im cu...
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    last modified by jfrosch
  • From James

    Hello, I'm using James in Production mode since 2003 and I developed a few mailets to modify emails rules. I created one to be able to match a regular expression to an account (for examples (john.* matches for john@...
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    last modified by samfra
  • JBoss Mail Server Performance and Throughput

    Does anyone have any data, or could possibly point me in right direction, of where to find out about the Performance and Throughput statistics of JBoss Mail Server? Is there any sort of benchmarking software, that ap...
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    last modified by gohip
  • Quick FYI to the JCA lovers out there

    Mikezzz has created a resource adapter...
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    created by acoliver
  • Chinese Come in !!!!

    ?????? ?????????????? ???? macxiaoshu97@163.com QQ: 46700721
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    last modified by shi97
  • Flash player confusion

    So Adobe's site is confusing and has two installs for Windows. One is ActiveX the other is called a "plugin" and you may think "so which do I need". ActiveX is for IE. Plugin is for Firefox. So if you installed the "w...
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    created by acoliver
  • Fun with MySQL or how I learned to stop worrying and love tu

    So I think I fixed the "flag problem" and the commit is in both branches (JBOSS_CS_1_0_M5 and HEAD). Mike and I are looking into the store problem with attachments.
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    last modified by acoliver
  • http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBMAIL-229

    Not sure if this is caused by the same problem at JMBAIL-229, but something similar happens in the webmail when one tries to send a message to one's self. Upon the send, I get this: 17:13:59,828 INFO [AbstractStore]...
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    last modified by sappenin
  • MySQL and Hibernate

    Was going to file this with Hibernate as a feature suggestion but their jira is broken. I'll have to do something screwy hear (like a big if statement) but ultimately Hibernate needs a query optimizer IMO. From MySQL...
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    created by acoliver
  • How to - block all sending Mail servers, but listed/allowed

    I know this sounds strange, and I dont recall seing it during the setup, but... I would like to be able to block the sending of all emails, to our registered users, unless the sending mail servers @domain is on our l...
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    last modified by gohip
  • Can't navigate web mail?

    Can't navigate web mail? It show that you should install flash 9 beta3, But I have install it? why? Thanks.
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    last modified by youngyoyo
  • 1.0M5-final

    is delayed until I test the fixes that mike checked in for JMSMailListener on my server for at least a day. (I checked them into the branch) I get to the bottom of any mysql issues. Meanwhile, it would be nice if so...
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    created by acoliver
  • Odd windows-only problem for T-Bird

    For POP: Apparently on windows, if a user's password changes on the server -- the client refuses to ever log in again. On OS X, at least, the user is asked for a new password. Workaround seems to be to change the ser...
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    last modified by acoliver
  • JBoss Mail Server M5 Compilation Error

    Hi all. I've downloaded (on 2006.05.21) the JBMS from CVS. When I run the ant dist target I get the following error: ... [echo] DISTRO Complete [javac] Compiling 122 source files to /home/anjc/Develop/Projs/JBMS_M5...
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    last modified by joao.jacob
  • Fixing Mail Lists (esp Mike Barker and Kabir Khan)

    So I'm working on fixing the mail list code (broke in M4 when we moved to EJB3). I've gotten the mail to go to the queue now, but I'm a bit confused on what is supposed to happen next. I'm guessing there should be ano...
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    last modified by acoliver