• Comments on the module Downloads

    The downloads module is a cool addition to Nukes. However, the Add Download fields will be too confusing for most end users. What would be nice is a Browse button to search for files from your hard drive and an Upload...
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    last modified by thorntond
  • Having some trouble installing.....

    Hiya, first of all, some system information: Win xp pro sp1a jboss 3.2.5 nuke 1.1.0 RC3 mysql-4.0.20d-win.zip JDK SE 1.4.1 J2EE 1.3.1 I finally got the nuke-installer to work. I was trying to install under jboss-3.2....
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    last modified by kle
  • WhosonLine and Contextual blocs

    Hi, I have a problem with these two blocks. I don't want they appear but each time I restart the server they appear again. With the other kind of block I can modify directly inside the database. But these blocks are ...
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    last modified by arnaud.tessier
  • updating web-console/jmx-console properties

    Hiya, now that i have nukes installed i am trying to create a website from what i assume is the default, index.html. when i try to update values in the jmx-console/web-console using the invoke button for the update m...
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    created by kle
  • phpbb to Nukes

    How can I convert the original phpbb tables I have in mysql to the Nukes standard? I have phpbb 2.0.6 and would like to change to a java compliant forum. The problem is that I would like to port all the information f...
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    last modified by jeg
  • javax.management.InstanceNotFoundException

    Hi All, I created one .java file and complied it with sucess. I placed this .java in org.jboss.nukes.examples package. when i run build.xml and then deployed with build.xml everything works fine. and i was able to ...
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    last modified by vebs
  • security pattern and test string question

    Hello, I am reading the wiki. In wiki, it is described as : --------------------------- find the first rule in the list where the group applies and the pattern matches the test string if such a rule is found securi...
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    created by yxyang
  • nukes block example

    Hi All i succesfully setup nukes with eclipse. now i want example to create block/module and deploy them on jboss. please do not give this url in your response as they are of no use http://www.onjava.com/pub/a/onja...
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    last modified by vebs
  • GPL-licensed dependencies

    I'm really new to these open-source licenses and all that legal crap, but I just ran into an issue with the MySQL connectors being GPL instead of LGPL. My question is: can a LGPL application link to and distribute a ...
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    last modified by k-dub
  • domain creation

    Hello Everybody, Can some body help me out in creating domains in Jboss, like we have in weblogic. Thanks in Advance Jayakrishna
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    created by jk_bandu
  • Displaying News in the Index page

    I would like to have news stories in the lower half of my index page. How can I do that? Is it possible?
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    last modified by k-dub
  • New RSS Support for news module

    Now there is RSS support for the news module. It works the same way as for the forum RSS, ie: http://localhost:8080/nukes/modules/news/rss?c=1 Will return RSS for the topicid 1 (PS: For the forum it's http://localho...
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    created by theute
  • running nukes on existing tomcat

    hi, i am trying nukes and i have one important question: is it possible to run nukes with its jboss framework on an existing tomcat serverlet container? i mean, to run nukes, i have to start its own server, but what i...
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    last modified by set
  • deploye more thant one jboss nuke on a jboss app server

    Hi, I want to host 2 instances of jboss nukes on the same jboss. Why ? because I host 2 sites completly different with differents purpose using distinct data sources on my server. My pb : I've got lot's naming pb with...
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    last modified by newbeewan
  • Any plans for virtual host support in Nukes? (Nukes2)?

    JBossNukes looks great... except that I've got a JBoss instance with about 12 different virtual hosts, which may (and hopefully will) increase. Ideally I'd like to have a single copy of the Nukes software (including t...
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    created by rcasha
  • how to build a standalone nuke core?

    Hi I am quite new on jboss nukes. I check it from CVS head and be able to run build deploy-all. It works great. However, i want to build nuke core and external modules seperatly to get an full picture of nukes syste...
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    last modified by yxyang
  • the relation between template and module

    Hello I am trying to understand the jboss nukes structure. My Status: I am able to check out from cvs, build, deploy and run properly for nuke 1.1. When i reading the Wiki documentation(Theme Template.doc file) and ...
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    last modified by yxyang
  • setting up nukes in Jboss/Eclipse IDE

    I'd like to set up nukes in the Jboss/Eclipse IDE so I can make modifications to the source code to fit our application's needs. Has anybody done it? Your information is greatly appreciated. The ideal scenario is to k...
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    last modified by xqidtm
  • does Nukes_Branch_1_1 use pure CMP already?

    Hello, When i check out Nukes_Branch_1_1, after i run $build.sh, i cannot find setup.ddl created. Does this mean Nukes_Branch_1_1 use pure CMP ? Thanks a lot yang
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    last modified by yxyang
  • upgrade script

    I'm trying to upgrade from 1.1RC2 to 1.1RC3, but I'm finding lots of DB schema differences. Has anyone written an upgrade script? One really should be provided with each release, IMHO.
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    last modified by k-dub