• Nukes 2.0 Progress

    Anyone know the current status on Nukes 2.0? Thanks, Chad
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    last modified by clung
  • Forum Module (bb) Search Doesn't Work

    I have downloaded the "Nukes_Branch_1_1" branch, and I was able to build and deploy everything successfully. However the search function on the forum modules doesn't work. All searches return without any results. Is ...
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    last modified by niel
  • Error in deploying nukes.ear

    Hi everyone, I have downloaded nukes-1.0.0-mysql. I have followed all steps for configuring mysql, jboss-3.2.3, and nukes from install.txt file in nukes installation directory. I have put nukes.ear into jboss/serve...
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    last modified by amitabh1036
  • How to use user defined CSS in nukes

    Hi, I have created one stylesheet. I want to use that css on my jsps through struts framework.. But when i am accessing it , nothing is getting displayed. But same jsp's run outside nukes css get accessible. any hel...
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    created by vebs
  • How To Restrict Users From Viewing Certain Items in Download

    I have a site with A LOT of groups, each wanting their own download view for their items. How can I either: -Restrict permissions to certain categories within the main downloads module screen. or -Add a downloads m...
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    created by mchinn
  • Curious: Looking for PostNuke Credits in JBossNuke

    I know this is a simple question but I've been looking and looking with no luck so thought I would ask. Does anyone know where I can find the credits files in the JBoss Nukes distribution? Thanks in advance
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    last modified by vworld
  • Installation of standalone 1.1 version

    Running into the following errors during startup. Could this be a configuration or a platform issue? 2004-10-25 14:05:40,313 WARN [org.jboss.web.tomcat.tc4.EmbeddedTomcatService] U nable to invoke setDelegate on clas...
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    last modified by o10526
  • Upload/Download Module and Uploading Files to the Server

    Hi all, Is anyone working on the file uploading and downloading for the Download module? If so, is there an estimated ETA when this will land in CVS? Danny
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    last modified by thorntond
  • Headlines block for GoJust.org

    I'm using Nukes for a non-profit site -- http://www.gojust.org I created a news headlines block to display the topic picture (in my case, a columnist) along with the title. I could make it available to others if anyo...
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    last modified by djaustintexas
  • Search block

    I added a simple search block. (more features will come later) It is in the nukes 1 HEAD. (You will need to update the thirdparty directory to get the latest lucene.jar) It looks by default into the main text of a fo...
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    last modified by theute
  • Module won't deploy / run

    Hi everyone, I spent the last couple of hours with a rather simple question: how do I deploy and run my own "hello world" module in nukes? When I deploy my .sar-file (compressed with the JDK's jar.exe) into the nuke...
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    created by waldi
  • Unique pkey constraint problems w/PostgreSQL

    Hello, I've run into a problem trying out nukes 1.1 RC3 with PostgreSQL. It looks like some entities aren't getting unique primary keys. If I attempt to update and save an HTML page using the HTML module I consistent...
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    last modified by tasj2ee
  • build.sh failing on nuke

    hi i am trying to follow the directions to build nukes to support oracle and when i run build.sh after modifying the local.properties file i get the below error, [root@dev-test build]# build.sh build.sh: Executing: /...
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    created by jhayesnukes
  • Design strategy

    I want to have a section in my Nukes where companies can register themselves, by entering their name, url and description. That information would then be rendered using a table in html. For that, i thought i should us...
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    last modified by pedrojosemartins
  • Module throw exception...

    Hi everybody, I've got a problem that disturb me a bit...! I've code a nuke's module which deploy well on jboss 3.2.3 (tomcat 4.1) when i run manually the server. But when i run the service with the command 'jboss_ini...
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    created by blackbones
  • Class Location

    I can't find the jar file where the class javax.management.NotificationBroadcaster is, which is needed for the ModuleSupport class. Can someone help me? Thanks, Pedro Martins
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    last modified by pedrojosemartins
  • Starting Transaction

    Has someone an example or code snippets how to start a Transaction from an module?
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    last modified by lcb
  • Module access

    I have a jboss-service.xml file that runs as follows: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <server> <mbean code="org.jboss.nukes.addons.modules.empresas.EmpresasModule" name="nukes.modules:name=em...
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    last modified by pedrojosemartins
  • News Module Null Pointer Error

    In the 1.1 release candidate 3 version of Nukes, deleting one of the default news articles results in a null pointer exception and the module is unusable at that point.
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    last modified by thorntond
  • User management via admin account

    Is there a way for the nukes admin to reset passwords & do general maintenance? I have a user that forgot his password, and claims that the "retrieve password" is not working, although I have confirmed it is. I wo...
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    last modified by cuoz