• IllegalArgumentException with most modules and blocks

    Hi, I build nukes 1.1.0 RC1 against JBoss 3.2.3 RC1. Everything seems to work fine so far, except when using the web/jmx-console. When applying any changes I get an IllegalArgumentException in org.jboss.nukes.common....
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    created by miles
  • language localization: is it possible?

    is there an easy way to localize the whole Jboss Nukes portal with a different language rather than english? (as php-nuke does)
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    created by oissela
  • Problem with new modules deploy

    I deployed a new sample module for a project in my university, but nukes tell me: 11:14:28,116 INFO [MainDeployer] Starting deployment of package: file:/C:/jboss -3.2.3RC1/server/default/nukes/linkmodule-service.sar 1...
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    last modified by ferruccio
  • New Module ? : Search engines bots (spider) detection

    I want to know what bot crawls my nukes website. Tons of PHP-like tools exist, but I made a nukes module to achieve this. Based on a bot signature lists (IP subnet or http agent matching), it logs bot requests at nuke...
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    last modified by cnovara
  • Try Nukes Without Having to Install Anything

    Hi all, I have a server setup so people can give Nukes a try without having to do any installations. You can go to http://www.wymaya.com/initNukesdeploy.do?uniqueid=null& and enter a Nukes context and your e-mail...
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    created by thorntond
  • Removing Default "Modules" Menu Title from Default Menu

    This may be a very simple question, but how do I remove the "Modules" text from the default left navigation menu on the default Nukes install? I can't seem to find it in any of the admin gui links nor in the JMX Nukes...
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    last modified by mchinn
  • Mail-Module Problem

    Hi, I have a problem with the mail module. I have set the Gateway in the JMX-Console to our SMTP-Proxy which delivers and receives all our emails. In the log I can see, that the mail module connects to the outside sm...
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    last modified by innovate
  • nukes 1.1 RC3 default theme

    1 I wish to use imagic as a default theme for newly registered users. How can I do that ? 2 All the URL addresses show the jboss port number (8080), even if I has a proxy setup to use apache as a frontend. Does any b...
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    last modified by gpcheese
  • mail module and getDefaultInstance(java.util.Properties prop

    Hi how to configure the security so that the Session.getDefaultInstance(java.util.Properties props, Authenticator authenticator) works in mail module? thanks yang
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    created by yxyang
  • Cannot deploy nukes 1.1

    Hi, I might have found a bug in the forum module (see my last post), but my message was probably just too long. Sorry for posting it again, but it is really important for me: I have tried it for a while now but it is...
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    last modified by martingi
  • Cannot deploy nukes 1.1

    Hi, I have tried it for a while now but it is not possible for me to deploy nukes. Maybe someone could give me some directions what to do? I am using the following configuration: windows xp java 1.4.1_02 jboss 3.2....
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    created by martingi
  • installation problem

    hi, i have a problem... i download and good install jboss 3.2.5. i try install the nukes by src but $nukesHome/build/build.bat give me a error: and non attesso in english: and not attended Where is the error? t...
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    last modified by idreamer
  • 2questions...

    1) i login admin in nukes1.1 i try create a new topic for new but the nukes reply "Unable to create topic "... what i can create the new news topic? 2)where i upload the image for news topic? excuse me for the very ...
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    last modified by idreamer
  • problem using struts in Nukes

    I am developing a small application for testing struts working in Nukes. From my index.jsp i jsut want to give a link that will redirect user to next page. When i uses following code then first page get displayed: ...
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    created by vebs
  • SettingUpSite

    At the risk of being crushingly obvious, this page covers how to set up a basic site with menus and html.   All Nukes managed files are stored internally in whatever database you are using, so you will need to u...
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    last modified by roager
  • unable to compile latest cvs

    by following instructions reported here: http://www.jboss.org/developers/projects/nukes/build i got these errors when trying to build: F:\nukes\nukes>build Executing F:\nukes\nukes\..\tools\bin\ant.bat -logger o...
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    last modified by oissela
  • nukes with tomcat?

    can nukes work with tomcat? what should i do? thanks in advance.
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    last modified by jemrusalem07
  • render page preview?

    hello sir/madam: i'm looking for a content management software that is capable of 'RENDERING PAGE PREVIEW'. Does Nukes have this feature set? thanks alot, i really need your help. Thanks.
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    last modified by jemrusalem07
  • newbie ask: nuke with tomcat?

    i'm just a newbie sir/madam. could nuke and tomcat work together? how will they fit? thank alot.
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    created by jemrusalem07
  • nukes 1.1RC2 available

    nukes 1.1RC2 is now available, so get it while it's hot. :) cvs tag: Nukes_1_1_0_RC2 mysql precompiled zip: http://www.jboss.org/nukes-1.1/nukes-1.1.0-mysql-RC2.zip the original RC1 announcement can be found here: h...
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    last modified by jae77