• New Theme: pure

    I am not into web design at all but i made a theme called 'pure', both to have one more that i tried to make fancy and to experience difficulties that designers can have using Nukes templates system. I commited that ...
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    last modified by theute
  • ClassCastException in downloads

    I'm trying to get my site up and running with Nukes 1.1 RC2. I just tried to post a download, and got this huge stack trace in the logs. JBoss is running behind Apache 2.0.50 using mod_jk, if that makes any differenc...
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    last modified by k-dub
  • Wrong search in GroupModule

    The Search funktion in the GroupModule always returns only exact matches of the searchstring, ignoring the selected search method(Excat, Beginns with, Contains). After looking in the code if found out that the search...
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    last modified by lcb
  • Resources for Portuguese

    Hello, I'm making the translation of nukes for Portuguese, pt_PT, and would like to know if would be interested in this type of resources, equally I added several labels to the files of existing resources, to be abl...
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    last modified by anabela
  • Nukes and Tapestry

    Would it be a good idea to use Tapestry for Nukes or would it be better to start from scratch using tapestry without using any Nukes code ?http://jakarta.apache.org/tapestry
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    last modified by superduper
  • Tag Base in HTML page Header

    all, How is it possible to change or delete the tag BASE in the HTML page header of Nukes ? Thanks.
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    last modified by arnaud.tessier
  • WhosOnlineBlock??

    Hello everyone, I have a block WhosOnlineBlock that I wanted to place of the right side, but do not know as making. A time that when restarting nukes it always appears of the left side. This block is kept where? In ...
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    last modified by anabela
  • Problem of memory with file upload

    Hi !! There is my problem : I have created a module with upload of files. So in my form I have the option enctype="multipart/form-data" When I validate my form, my physical memory decreased (of 176Mo to 50Mo !!!). I...
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    last modified by sysuser1
  • Back to the old ddl, forget pure CMP

    I have created a news installer in branch 1.1 that is minimal but works. I have also worked at minimizing the redundancy in the ddl files with an improved format of setup.xml. I think we should forget the idea of pur...
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    last modified by julien1
  • Problem to update my database when I upload a file

    Hi, I don't know if you can help me but I try... There is my problem : I use Hibernate to map my database. I have a form with file upload and text fields. When I modify a text field my database is updated but when I ...
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    last modified by sysuser1
  • Cannot Change Attribute Values in jboss-service.xml

    I'm trying to tweak the imagic theme a little by making the following changes in: nukes/nukes/src/resources/nukes-sar/META-INF/jboss-service.xml My Site Name My Slogan I also changed the theme.html file. Then I e...
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    last modified by sklakken
  • Attachments support in forum

    I added the support for attachments, it's in the HEAD of the CVS. If people can try it and give feedback about any bug, they are very welcome.
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    last modified by theute
  • Blogs in Nukes?

    Hi to All! i downloaded nukes and was able to deploy it, but to find that it does not include a BLOG as a module as the live sample here in Jboss.org has. my question is can i include if posible the Blog to my Nukes,...
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    last modified by gerryjun
  • Nukes 2.x: Creating components on the fly and persisting the

    One option is to create MBeans on the fly for each component. Also have a Model MBean, which is persisted and holds a reference to the component MBeans. On save() it should persist its own state along with the list of...
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    last modified by ivelin.ivanov
  • Finsihed Nukes Contribution

    Hi all, I finished the additions we has discussed in User forum -- specifically, I have added an "archive" funtion to the managehtml code that allows one to upload a zipped file and add/update the entire directory st...
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    last modified by milesparker
  • Fishing for advice in building a new theme

    Hi, I'd like to create a new theme for my department's home page. I've aleady looked at the "tutorial" but it doesn't provide any advise on building the theme class. I realize there's an assumed knowledge when playi...
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    last modified by sklakken
  • Unreliable forum mailer?

    My time for nukes dev goes up and down throughout the year (depending on other committments) so i like to lurk thru the email subscription to the forums. So i get it in my inbox rather than going to the site. But occa...
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    last modified by joehobson
  • Recruiting

    People from the excellent NovaJUG (Northern Virginia Java User Group) where i used to go moved their portal to Nukes on JBoss. (Clap clap clap) ( www.novajug.com ) They are making a group of people to work on their w...
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    created by theute
  • New contributor

    Hello, i am joining the development of Nukes so i thought a little introduction could be nice. I pretty much come from PHP for web development (currently writing the 3rd edition of a book in french about it) even thou...
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    last modified by theute
  • javax.servlet compile error

    I'm trying to build nukes from the current (7/30/04) snapshot and receive the following error. Apperently I need to place servlet.jar somewhere in the directory tree. If this is true - how and where? Any help would b...
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    last modified by sklakken