• How do I get the @RolesAllowed annotation to work for my Web application?

    I hope I placed my question in the right space.   I have asked this question yesterday on Stack Overflow, but I got no answers there yet, so I thought I would also place it here to see if I would have more luck ...
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  • mdb auto create queues

    Is it possible to auto create queue (for mdb) from ejb-jar.xml descriptor in wildfly? Maybe there's a possibility emulate this behavior like here?: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBAS-6013
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    last modified by gagagogo
  • EJB 3 Session Bean does not rolling back transaction

    Hi,   I am using JBoss EAP 6.3 and HSQL DB. I was trying to test the transaction rollback for CMT bean.   From my transaction aware method (Annotated with REQUIRED attribute), I persisted one entity bean t...
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    last modified by arnabban5
  • javax.naming.NameNotFoundException for lookup to a session bean

    First of all I am very new to EJB and JBoss hence all the answers and advices are welcome thankfully ! I have used NetBeans 8.0.1 and develop an Enterprise application on JBoss 5.1.0  GA.   The stateless s...
  • No EJB receiver available for handling

    I don't really get why i'm i getting this type of error. I've searched and many of the solutions i've found doesn't solve my issue here.   Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalStateException: EJBCLIENT000...
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    last modified by 7ashiro
  • Did not receive data from invm:0

    I am migrating applications from jboss 4.2 to jboss 6.2(JDK7)... I have almost done it. Now I am facing an issue. When I left the server idle for long time( More then 2 hours ) I got the server log like this: file is...
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  • CDI issue with abstract class.

    Hi All, I may be in the wrong side of the stick, But I need to do this, Can anybody help me please.   I have these classes...   interface A{      void add();     &...
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    last modified by sumncc
  • How to pass parameters through the deployment descriptor to MDB ?

    Good day! I have a wildfly-8.1.0.CR1, mdb like this:   public class PBX implements MessageListener { @Resource(name="host")   private String host;   @Resource(name="port")   private String port...
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    last modified by gagagogo
  • java.lang.Class cannot be cast to java.lang.String when invoking a EJB Bean Method

    I've faced with the problem. I've successfully lookuped my remote bean from JBoss, but when I try to invoke any of its method next exception is about to appear:       java.lang.Class cannot be cast...
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    last modified by gizzie
  • Pros and cons of migrating from J2EE to JEE 7

    Hi All, Trying to figure out our deployment strategy to Wildfly.    We have an application written with mostly J2EE stateless session beans and a couple of BMP (bean managed persistence) beans.  I un...
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    created by lsgroup
  • Remote Stateless Session Bean - Access to Caller Principal?

    Hello,   I have a web application which is being considered to be ported to a Java FX 8 client.  Currently our security is handled via the j_security_check login which will create a User Principal in the se...
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  • Accessing EJB3 through mod_cluster

    Hi,   In standalone mode i have 3 nodes out of which 2 nodes are in cluster.Node1 and Node2 have stateless EJB and Node3 has client to access the clustered EJB. mod_cluster loadbalancer is installed on Apache h...
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    created by bibhunayak
  • Hi I am getting following issue, While I am trying to create JDBC Connection using JBOss7.1, Pls help me

    14:21:50,395 ERROR [stderr] (Thread-3 (HornetQ-client-global-threads-576153008)) java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver from [Module "deployment.AVIH.jar:main" from Service Module Loader]   1...
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    created by indarjeeth
  • @singleton EJB Concurrency Problem When use @Lock(LockType.WRITE)

    In Singleton ejb 3.2  specification is :   If a method is of locking type WRITE, client access to all the singleton's methods is blocked until --------------------------------------------------------------...
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    last modified by masummymesingh
  • issue to look up the ejb from jboss 7 to 7

    Hi,   when i making the multiple request frequently or quickly to look up the ejb from jboss 7.1.1 to 7.1.1 some times its working fine but some times i am getting the exception is java.lang.IllegalArgumentExc...
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    created by vika7860
  • Custom principal is not propagated to ejb session context (resteasy3 + oauth)

    Hello,   I'm using resteasy 3.0.1 Final with oauth in JBoss 6.1 EAP and my custom principal class is not propagated to sessioncontext in an EJB3. Oauth is configured as BearerTokenAuthenticator   My login-...
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    last modified by marcel.rovira
  • not able to access ejb3 from axis2 client

    Hi , I am trying to access ejb3 deployed on one JBossAS 7 instance(Destination Server) from another JBossAS 7 instance(Client Server).EJB is deployed in destination server as WAR and the client is packaged in AXIS2.w...
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    created by bibhunayak
  • Bussiness Validation in out of Transaction scope for  Enterprise Java bean

    what is the best practice Business validation in transaction scope or out of tx scope  for EJB ?   -------------------------------------------------Validation in Not Tx scope -------------------------------...
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    last modified by masummymesingh
  • In N-Tier Architecture app , which place OF  the  Bussiness Validation ?

    When writing high transaction data centric  applications, what are the best practices for implementing data validation / business validation ? structure is :   Controller (JSF) + Manager (EJB)  + DAO(...
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    last modified by masummymesingh
  • i am testing remote ejb invocation from one AS7 to another AS7 instance running on different machine.we are getting below exception even after successful handshake between both servers

    [Server:server-two] 10:45:17,602 INFO  [org.jboss.ejb.client.remoting.RemotingConnectionEJBReceiver] (MSC service thread 1-4) Successful version handshake completed for receiver context EJBReceiverContext{clientC...
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    created by bibhunayak