• Errai Forge Addon

    I have a new Eclipse Luna install and a new JBoss Tools install, which contains a lot of Forge stuff too. When I read the instructions to "install the Forge Addon" they say that I should hit Ctrl + 5 and wait a few mi...
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    last modified by cody.teardrops
  • LESS issues

    Hi all, I am trying to use Errai's LESS feature and bumped into an issue: The way LESS is used by Errai is to bake in the LESS code into the generated JS code and not to generate a separate .CSS  file,  a...
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    created by hr.stoyanov
  • Errai-forge-addon

    Hello,   While trying to use the errai-forge addon cmdline tool I came upon this error   When trying to execute the errai-setup command ***ERROR*** No such command: errai-setup using errai 3.1.1.Final f...
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    last modified by rjdamore
  • How to exclude entities from the scope of Errai JPA when compiling

    Hi everyone. I'm using Errai 3.0.0-Final (currently upgrating to 3.0.2-Final) I want to add the org.jboss.errai.jpa.JPA module to my application. I will use it with only one simple entity for the moment. However I h...
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    last modified by vwjugow
  • Maven with errai and jboss compiling and packaging

    Hello.   I'm trying to compile/package an errai/gwt project and deploy it to the jboss7 server.  I am having difficulty getting the profile correct for the jboss server.  At least I think that is my pr...
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    last modified by rjdamore
  • I Need Bootstrap's Modals In Errai?

    Besides displaying content within the NavigationPanel, I now need to also show modals in my app (just for variety in the UI). Since I am already using Bootstrap, I felt like using its Modal. Borrowing from code in the...
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    last modified by chaluwa
  • Question:  problem running gwt:compile from cmdline  MarshallerFactoryImpl exception

    Hi all,   We have a problem compiling our project: we are getting a   [ERROR] Errors in 'gen/org/jboss/errai/marshalling/client/api/MarshallerFactoryImpl.java' [INFO]       [...
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    last modified by rjdamore
  • STRANGE : Exception caught: no subscribers to deliver to for subject.

    Hi, i follow the documentation for the messaging service but i've an error when i'm using it :     Here the example used for the test. In my entrypoint, i'm just adding a button to deliver a message "hi ...
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    last modified by jimmy.pannier
  • Cannot understand @Key annotation on Portable entity

    I need to change the name of a property that must be deserialized from a custom JSON.   I noticed that there is an undocumented annotation called "Key" that seems to make the job I need, so I wrote:   @Po...
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    created by luca.masini
  • Errai 3.1.0 marshalling problem with WildFly 8.2

    I am attempting to use Errai JAX-RS which utilizes Errai marshalling. In my maven project I have included a single dependency on errai-javaee-all. I can build and deploy the application but when I attempt to access it...
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    last modified by aanderson1776
  • Wildfly 8.1.0.Final: Errai 2.4.4.Final: WARN: Did not find a way to clear Weld's event observer cache

    Hello,   I was in the throws of kicking the tyres of Drools Workbench on Wildfly 8.1.0.Final and encountered the following warnings:-   16:23:54,840 WARN  [EventDispatcher] (default task-31) Did not f...
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    last modified by manstis
  • Errai UI question

    Hi all, I am trying to define an Errai page template (in a particular HTML framework, more on that later) with SIDEBAR, CONTENT and FOOTER as follows: <body > <div id="template">   <div class...
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    last modified by hr.stoyanov
  • KeyCloak, Errai and bearer Token

    Hi all, The English is not my native language, but will try to make myself understood. I'm building an application that uses Errai 3.1.0 for the view(modification of "Errai Security Demo"), Dropwizard for the rest ...
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    last modified by victor.soria
  • Request: Update documentation of using Errai with Keycloak

    HI   I have been trying to get Errai to work with Keycloak, however Keycloak has evolved, and the Errai Security Keycloak docs no longer align.   Ive spent many hours but could not figure out how to make i...
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    last modified by magick93
  • @Templated on fields

    Hello, There is a special use case for @Templated annotation on class fields. Having a complex UI with lots of custom components, I am facing a rather cosmetic problem. There is a master template.hml, custom componen...
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    last modified by lukasherman
  • OSGi - is it possible with Errai?

    Hi all   I would be very interested in hearing from anyone who has actually created an Errai OSGi application, though that is unlikely.   Theoreticaly, is it possible?   As our app gets more complex,...
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    last modified by magick93
  • Errai 3.1.0 warnings ...

    I ma getting some (hopefully harmless) warning with Errai 3.1.0: 1. With Wildfly 8.2.0 I am geting this from CDI upon deployment: ... 21:36:45,652 WARN  [org.jboss.weld.Event] (MSC service thread 1-2) WELD-000...
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    last modified by hr.stoyanov
  • Google Guice usage in Errai 3.1.0/3.0.4

    I pulled the dependencies in Errai 3.1 and I see that Google Guice is pulled in by errai-bus: org.jboss.errai:errai-bus:3.1.0.Final +--- org.jboss.errai:errai-common:3.1.0.Final |    +--- org.jboss.erra...
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    last modified by hr.stoyanov
  • Trying To Use SDM From Maven In Errai App

    My gwt dev mode stopped working last night so am forced to use SDM going forward. The problem is that I have not been able get it to work. I am following the guide from the GXT docs here http://goo.gl/eotrmg which use...
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    last modified by chaluwa
  • I Can't Get Errai Security Demo To Work / Run ?

    I am trying to implement Errai Security in my app, but decided to take the demo for a spin. This has not gone as expected because I am yet to get it to work / run following the steps in the Readme.md file packaged wit...
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    created by chaluwa