• Keep getting logged out of forum

    I can't seem to stay logged in to the forum. Whenever I post a message, I am returned to the login screen requesting I log in again. I have tried it from Firefox and IE and seem to have the same issue.
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    last modified by futuredan
  • OC4J and camel-cxf endpoint

    Hi!   I'm developing an integration service deployed on tomcat in the development environment and oc4j in test and production.   I tried using servlet transport using the CXFServlet but have failed, only j...
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    last modified by sigmundl
  • Drools and Fuse ESB, please advice

    Hello everyone, i need some advice on this:   I read on the servicemix page about the drools engine and how you can use a jbi component to be able to deploy these rules on servicemix.   However, I want to ...
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    last modified by rogelio_sevilla1
  • Frequent outages of repo.fusesource.com

    Over the past few months, there have been myriad occasions when I was not able to deploy servers running Fuse's ActiveMQ because a crucial XSD hosted by Fuse was not available. Is there anything that can be done about...
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    last modified by jelder
  • My program just closed Please Help

    I was working using FUSE and then it suddenly closed and my computer shut down.   Please help!!!
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    last modified by chrismansela
  • Windows Server 2008 R2 Support

    What plan does FuseSource have for supporting  ActiveMQ and ServiceMix on a Windows Server 2008 R2 platform?  I notice the current support matrix only goes up to Windows 2003, and then only on a 1.5 JVM....
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    last modified by fhlbdm_travis.klotz
  • Integrating Fuse ESB with Salesforce.com web services

    I am very new to ESB and have an impending project integrating Fuse ESB with Salesforce.com and some other systems.  I was wondering if anyone has any experience with this sort of integration and if so what learn...
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    last modified by gt6081a
  • Minor release migrations.

    Curious to know if someone has demonstrated how to 'upgrade' between the minor releases without having to reconfigure the installation each time.  In other words how would one go from 00-27 to 00-39 for example w...
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    last modified by slepage01
  • Ehcache on Fuse ESB

    How can I work on Ehcache in Fuse ESB 4.4??
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    last modified by farha
  • [High]what are tools,influence,and support available without Subscriptions.

    Hi ,   I would like to know what are all tools, influence, and support  without Subscriptions/license .   http://fusesource.com/enterprise-support/support-offerings/ From the above url we came to kno...
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    last modified by narenroy
  • how to create subscribed user account.

    Hi,   We have purchased fuse subscription for that how do we create subscribed user account for support case.   Thanks, Narendra.
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    last modified by narendragollapilli
  • Camel on limited hardware / embedded devices

    Does Fuse have any customers or know of any cases where/if camel is being used on limited hardware or embedded devices?
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    last modified by jamie3_james.archibald
  • Fuse Fabric questions

    Since I have not found any  fabric related topics, I've started this by hoping it will expand and collect some useful information.
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    last modified by pharsfalvi
  • Concurent Web Services call and design

    Hi,   Hoping someone can assist me with the following use case:   1) Multiples clients can access a Web Service that is exposing a single operation:   operation(int id, String .. params)   2) C...
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    last modified by johnwalker
  • OSGi vs JBI in SMX - integration issue question

    Hi   I have a question regarding JBI and OSGi in Fuse 4.x.   In Fuse 3.x the jbi was a standard and the whole communication layer was provided by NMR. As I understand in Fuse 4.x the OSGi is base of the sy...
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    last modified by rafal.janik
  • Starting Camel and ActiveMQ from spring

    Hi,   I'm having a maven multi-modules project. The modules (layers) in my eclipse project are:   DAO, Service, Web, persistence, service, webservice, routing, model, amq.   All are *jars* files, exc...
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    last modified by johnwalker
  • Retrieve example code

    What is the best way to retrieve example code from the Fusesource repositories?  I've tried to use Maven to materialize a project into eclipse, but it I get errors.  I probably don't have the rights to acces...
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    last modified by pat.flanigan
  • jaxws:endpoint without implementor attribute. Is possible?

    Hello.   I'm trying to do the classical:   External WS Client  --> endpoint --> Camel route --> Endpoint --> External WS Provider   I know that cxfbc works but I want to move to OSGi...
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    last modified by giveway850
  • Running Example Code

    I am trying to run run example code from the ActiveMQ in action book, directly from unmodified jar files and the war files. This example is taken from chapter 8, and is the jms-webapp-local, though I've done the webap...
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    last modified by pat.flanigan
  • WLS to ActiveMQ communication using JMS bridges and JMS queues

    We have a customer who is trying to set up their system to communicate from WLS using weblogic JMS queues to JMS queues provided by ActiveMQ.  We need some assistance configuring JMS bridge(s) from WLS to accompl...
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    last modified by jwc