• Not able to find camel-karaf-commands

    Folks    I am trying to run fabric-camel-cluster-loadbalancing example in version Fuse 7.0.2 . However after installing all the containers and profiles as described in this example , I get an error  c...
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    created by spandit2
  • Performance Issue when Sending Messages from Jetty to CXF

    I have a bundle deployed in servicemix that has two routes within it.  1 is a jetty route that sits on port 9191 and receives soap messages and routes them to a CXF consumer in a different route, which then proce...
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    created by eric.bender
  • absolute file paths in bundles?

    we're using 7.0.2 as a framework for a large project that will need to be deployed on production servers in the near future.   it seems that FuseESB is embedding absolute file paths in the bundle cache when envi...
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    last modified by rwelty
  • Regression in Fuse 7 regarding CXF with WS-Security

    Hello everyone,   I've upgraded to Fuse v7.0.2 and one of my bundle is using CXF and WS-Security to provide a secured SOAP endpoint.   When I try to send a SOAP request to my endpoint using SOAPUI, I have ...
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    last modified by vmahe
  • No implicit conversion to CxfPayload after velocity

    Hello,   I use Fuse 7.0.2 in order to provide a SOAP endpoint via camel-cxf using the PAYLOAD mode with a velocity template. http://fusesource.com/docs/esbent/7.0/camel_cxf/Payload-Templates.html   In v...
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    created by vmahe
  • Installing legacy WAR with WAR protocol: question about JNDI

    I'm attempting to install a legacy WAR file into Fuse ESB using the WAR protocol. Code within the WAR accesses resources (specifically, DataSources) via JNDI resource-refs defined in its web.xml (example: "java:comp/e...
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    last modified by fiddlerpianist
  • WS-Atomic Transaction

    It seems that CXF doesn't support WS-AT.  We have a 3rd party library that uses JAX-WS to create a proxy to their service that contains a policy that requires WS-AT.   Is there a way to configure a bundle i...
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    created by tdiehl_tdiehl
  • missing requirement in example

    Hello, I'm trying to run the examples at https://github.com/FuseByExample/camel-dynamic-routing   After a little slogging through my configuration, I get things running up until I try: features:install dynami...
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    last modified by nate.marks@pobox.com
  • Need examples of setting up authentication for a web app in Fuse ESB 7.0.2

    i just moved the app we're building to version 7.0.2, and have managed to work through all the security issues and get everything working as well as it was before. however...   i'd like to add basic authenticati...
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    last modified by rwelty
  • Camel route from NMR to cxf:bean

    Hi,   I want to expose a web service (provider). In addition, I need to use a client with another services, and I want the comunication by nmr.   My configuration file is as follows:   <cxf:cxfEn...
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    last modified by arcaballero
  • camel-mongodb feature

    Hi, I want to add the camel-mongodb feature to servicemix/fuse ESB but it isn't in the latest build - I'm guessing because these still ship with camel 2.8.x and this is a 2.10.x advancement?   Is there anyway to...
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    last modified by tom.hargrave
  • restfull WS to activemq

    Hi   i have a restful webservice where i receive an Json input (POST) that i then convert to a javabean. i need to put that bean on a activemq queue anter it has been converted.   i have attached my kode s...
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    last modified by toptoy
  • Implement a provider and consumer with jaxws

    Me pregunto cómo implementar un cxf-bc: El proveedor y el consumidor con jaxws, así que puedo destetar JBI,   Thanks
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    last modified by joatham.perezexposito
  • How to connect to the FuseESB console from shellscript?

    Hello, how can I connect to the FuseESB console from a shellscript to run some command?   At first I tried following command: ssh -p 8101 smx@ "osgi:list"   But the ssh command enforces to ent...
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    last modified by radomir.kadlec
  • Can you use Blueprint to publish a Camel CXF endpoint to the NMR?

    I've looked at the cxf-camel-nmr example that ships with ServiceMix. It uses Spring-DM to configure the endpoint.   Is there a similar way to do this in Blueprint? I gave it a shot, but CXF (2.5.0.fuse-7-061) th...
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    last modified by fiddlerpianist
  • Logging per Application for just one application

    hi,   I would use the Logging per Application just for one of my applications, for the others i would like they continue to write out in servicemix.log   i would like to conserve my property for the out lo...
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    created by mathieuj
  • Can Fuse ESB implement message broker and message queue

    Dear Masters in Fuse Source,   I'm a really newbie in ESB (you can say no experience). And actually I haven't really understood the real meaning of ESB.   My expectation of ESB is a middleware that can co...
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    last modified by rizkisunaryo
  • Creating Custom MBeans

    Hello, I have some beans I use within my routes that I would like to be able to access some methods of via JMX.  I have tried with both my processors as well as simple POJO beans with no luck thus far.  I am...
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    last modified by eric.bender
  • JBI - OSGI Migration problems

    Hello, I migrate my POJOs from JBI to OSGi, following this infomation   http://servicemix.apache.org/docs/4.4.0/jbi/components/servicemix-bean.html   When deployed POJOs, not shown endpoint information, a...
  • How to validate messages with MTOM attachments?

    Hello I have SOAP message with MTOM attachments. The message is consumed in a cxfbc-consumer like this:     <cxfbc:consumer            service="...
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    created by radomir.kadlec