• Why I am getting an error "Unable to install Apache Maven facet"

    I just downloaded Fuse Eclipse Tooling 1.4.1 with Fuse Services Framework Tools 2.0.2 on my Eclipse platform But when I tried to create a JBI project "File" -> "New" -> "Project" -> "Java...
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    created by luojoe
  • Download "FUSE Development Environment"

    Do you know from where I can download "FUSE Development Environment"? I did it few months ago but I can't find it now
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    last modified by timm_timm
  • Server Editor throws NullPoinerException when selecting JBI Component

      There are several issue with Server Flat Editor   1. List of tabbed pages doubled (2 for JBI component, 2 for JBI Endpoints) 2. When Server is running, open an editor, then select JBI Component page and...
  • Access denied to the org.eclipse.jst.j2ee jar

    Hi there,   I've installed the latest Fuse ESB ( and followed the instructions exactly as per http://open.iona.com/wiki/display/ProdInfo/FUSEEclipseTools for my Mac OS X Leopard based Eclipse Europa dist...
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    last modified by huntc
  • 1.4.0 Generate source artifacts from WSDL

    I'm experimenting with using the Eclipse tooling to build a contract-first web service.   I'm trying to follow the screencast demo as closely as possible given the version differences.  I've also set the WS...
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    last modified by mwr0707
  • Other visualization tools?

    I know about the <dotViewFlowListener/> visualization listener but I'm wondering if there are any other visualization plug-ins for the FUSE products. Any other OSS projects out there that we are thinking of hook...
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    last modified by peterm2@iona.com
  • FUSE 3.3 monitoring/status out of sync

    Fuse tooling 1.4.0:   I'm noticing that when starting IONA FUSE 3.3 server from the servers view, the state goes from Starting.... to Started (stays that way for a few minutes) and then to Stopping... without an...
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    last modified by mwr0707
  • Servicemix Tooling Goals and Ideas

    This is a short-version of an e-mail conversation I've had with Oisin.  I have put together a list of observations and suggestions based on my experiences with the hopes of spurring a productive discussion around...
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    last modified by mattrpav
  • Can i manage all the FUSE products with this new FUSE HQ tool?

    I want to know if i can manage all the FUSE products with FUSE HQ?  Also, if I am using HP OpenView does this new tool work with what i have?  How is it different than HP Open View?
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    last modified by rocky_rockybanks
  • Eclipse Maven support bundled in IONA FUSE Tooling

    It appears the IONA FUSE Tooling includes a bundled version of the M2Eclipse plugin available at http://m2eclipse.codehaus.org/. If this is correct, what version of the M2Eclipse plugin is bundled? Has IONA customized...
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    last modified by rg64
  • Creating a Binding Component

    I have attempted to create a Binding Component using the FUSE tooling and each time I make the attempt I get an error from Maven telling me that the project does not exist...it reports the project name in the followin...
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    last modified by bnritte
  • Network connection problems when getting FUSE Tooling for Eclipse

    Just performed a fresh installation of the current Eclipse Europa and followed the instructions for the FUSE tooling. The pre-requisites seemed to download OK. Restarted Eclipse then attempted to get the fuse tooling...
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    last modified by ahawley
  • IONA FUSE Tooling w/STP Europa Fall Maintenance Release

    Is there a version of the FUSE Tooling that is intended to work with STP Europa Fall Maintenance Release (10/16/2007), FUSE ESB and FUSE CXF
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    last modified by rg64
  • Compiling error in my first lession on Eclipse - and ServiceMix tutorial

    Please help explain why I get the following error Failed to run generate source goals /PricingService/pom.xml Some builds failed when I try to follow the "first contract service - JSR-181" turorial I do not see an...
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    last modified by ptran
  • JBI Tooling support for CXF and Camel components

    Any idea when the FUSE Tooling will be updated to support JBI packaging and deployment of CXF and Camel components? Both of these are critical components in the FUSE stack. I would hope that you are planning to suppor...
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    last modified by rg64
  • Eclipse Europe, Fuse Tooling 1.3.5

    Here's the plot: I've taken a complete new installation of Eclipse. I've installed the SOA Tools 0.7 and installed the Iona Fuse 1.3.5 tooling. This causes the following error after startup: An internal error occurre...
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    last modified by eeuerlings
  • 404 not found

    I just tried installing. The eclipse update manager found the updates, I accepted the agreement - after reading every word and hiring a lawyer - but then got a http 404 error when it tried to download.     ...
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    last modified by therockhopper