• Why does inflight message not get rerouted by failover on loadbalance

    I have a message which is stuck as inflight due to the fact that the activemq endpoint has been taken down. However, we set up the route with a loadbalance and alternate location e.g.       Should the ...
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    last modified by catlinit
  • Camel Mina TCP consumer?

    I have a case where I need to do the following:   1) Connect to a TCP port 2) Keep the connection alive (or re-connect if it becomes disconnected) 3) Send out a message to a camel route for every textline ...
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    last modified by jamie3_james.archibald
  • Camel :Ack failed Mina Listener if the publish endpoint is JMS OK  if FILE

      Hi I have two Camel Routes that consumes HL7 messages from mina endpoint. Route 1 publishes to a file endpoint and sends ACk HL7 Message to mina endpoint. The response is sent successfully.   The Rout...
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    last modified by sandy2011
  • Camel Mina HL7 Publish message Response Out Message exceptionn

    Hi, I have a simple Route which picks up HL7 message from a folder and publishes to a TCP Listener. The Listener consumes the HL7 Message and sends a HL7 message as response. I have to set the mina options sync=true...
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    last modified by sandy2011
  • How to read script from a file ?

    Hello,   I have a route where I want to read a groovy script from a file.   from("quartz://timerName?cron=0/5 * * * * ?")             .bean(groovy("f...
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    last modified by labo32_delaboe
  • Camel ReplyTo ActiveMQ

    Hi,   I have a question about ReplyTo header with ActiveMQ. When camel receive message from some queue with header ReplyTo pointing to some temporary queue, camel do not send message to this queue at the end of ...
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    last modified by michal.warecki
  • Camel Fuse ESB: HL7 Message to Mina HL7 Listener..Issue with OUT Time out

    Hi, Please see the camel Route below. I am sending HL7 Message from a folder to tcp listener which listens for HL7 messages and sends response back a HL7 OK/Success message. I tested the listener using other HL7 edi...
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    last modified by sandy2011
  • Issue with HL7 Type Conerter using Fuse ESB 4.4

    Hi, When I run camel routes as stand alone using Java DSL , I don't seem to have issues since I can put all dependency in POM files.   But when I try deploying Spring DSL Camel Routes in Fuse ESB there seems to...
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    last modified by sandy2011
  • How to enable groovy function in Java DSL ?

    Hello together,   I deployed a camel route as war file and I want to extend my route using groovy.   I added   <dependency>   <groupId>org.apache.camel</groupId>   <ar...
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    last modified by labo32_delaboe
  • Routing to POJO - not working

    I have created to bundles.   1. POJO service bundle - this is a simple POJO with the interface and only one method with one String parameter and return as String. This bundle uses blueprint to declare the bean a...
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    last modified by mpalvankar
  • Exchange Pattern Issue InOut InOnly  FuseEsb Camel Route

    &lt;bean id="activemq" class="org.apache.activemq.camel.component.ActiveMQComponent"&gt; &lt;property name="configuration" ref="jmsConfig"/&gt; &lt;/bean&gt;   &lt;camelContext xmln...
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    last modified by sandy2011
  • javax.xml.ws.soap.SOAPFaultException: Could not find conduit initiator for

    My camel route invokes dynamic external web services through its bean(fuse source servicemix-4.3.0 and osgi).   The flowchart   is as below:     endpointA -> endpointB(bean acting as...
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    last modified by jyang
  • Transform a file into a filename inside a route.

    I'm trying to setup an example that will watch a directory for new files and then alert another component about the name of this file.  I was thinking that I could stuff the name of the new file into a message qu...
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    last modified by markk
  • Camel + JAXB + AnyType

    I have a JAXB generated class which contains an AnyType           public void setDetail(Object value) {         this.detail = value;   ...
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    last modified by jamie3_james.archibald
  • Define Simple Camel Route: ¿endpoints defined in same Bundle as route?

    Hello.   I wanted to ask you for the best way to create a simple route in Camel with a WS-consumer and WS-provider.   If I am not wrong, I have two basic options:   Opt1 .- Create a Bundle with the d...
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    last modified by giveway850
  • FuseSource-Camel

    Wow; what a great product and service to boot.  If you ask, why  Spring/Fuse/Camel, here's the place.  Great work!.   Still not a fan of slf4j though....
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    created by jradecki
  • Copy Message From One Queue to Another

    How do I do this?   I want to configure Camel in camel-context.xml so that, when a message lands on one queue, it copies the message to a second queue so that the message is on both queues.
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    last modified by chris@moodyworks.com
  • Cannot publish to a deleted Destination: temp-queue://ID:fsa-1-62130-131772

    When I run my camel services in eclipse everything works great. However once they are deployed in SMX I get the following exception when the Server attempts to respond to the client via activemq component.   Can...
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    last modified by jamie3_james.archibald
  • org.apache.cxf.interceptor.Fault: No such operation: (HTTP GET PATH_INFO:

    The environment: camel:cxf(2.6.0), osgi and servicemix(4.3.0-fuse)   My camel:cxf component behavior is OK except the warn statements (see below). Can I ignore  these warn message?   Thanks, -Jing ...
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    created by jyang
  • Jms Component & WebLogic

    Is there a way to load the weblogic JMS connection factory locally/statically  i.e., no JNDI?   <bean id="jms" class="org.apache.camel.component.jms.JmsComponent">   <property name="connection...
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    last modified by pchandler