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Thread Datasource Setup
Datasource SetupGood day. Can someone please help me with my datasource setup. I've essentially lost 2 days trying to get database connectivity. I'm trying to deploy an OSGI bundle into FUSE ESB 4 that retrieves a sq...
Thread FTP through consumer template receiving only one file
FTP through consumer template receiving only one fileI am doing a FTP through consumer template and it is receiving only one file from specified folder. I am not sure why it is not pulling all the files that match file name pattern?
How to call a Bean with parameters ?Hi, I know that it's possible to call a bean with this syntax: Ex: .to("bean:beanName?method=transform") But is it possible call a bean passing parameters ?? Ex: ...
camel-quartz in clustered server envI have to use camel quartz in a clustered deployment of multiple camel instances. I want my trigger to fire only once across the clustered. Request you to point me to approppiate document/resources for this. T...
XML streaming and splitI need to stream a large xml file. split it and ummarshall . Split is needed at multiple xpath level for header and body. What is best way to do it? I am tied with camel 2.7 so can not use camel-stax. Thanks
Thread JAXB Marshalling and Character Escape Hander
JAXB Marshalling and Character Escape HanderI have a JAX-B annotated class that contains an String element that has the contents of a CDATA section e.g. <![CDATA[ SOME CDATA HERE ]]> When utilising the JAX-B marshalling availible ...
Monitoring of camel routesThere are many options available for monitoring like Fuse management console Camel web console JMX JON (Jboss operatioal network ) I want to know which one is most suitable for route monitoring ...
difference between WireTap and InOnlyHi, I am not sure what is the difference if I write: I want to use this for sending Exchange to Queue and logging to MSSQL database in another route for audit purpose. Thanks, M...
Thread camel xslt an osgi - java.io.FileNotFoundException
camel xslt an osgi - java.io.FileNotFoundExceptionHello, I try to get a route with a xslt as osgi package up and running. Environment: karaf - camel 2.11, camel 2.10 servicemix 4 and 5 route as simple xml file or as jar blueprint or spring xsl fi...
Adding JMS route may blockAccording to this issue which was resolved in Camel 2.10, a Camel AddRoute may block when using AMQ failover and one broker is down. https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CAMEL-4770 http://grokbase.com/t/came...
Thread camel audit logging in activemq using logback
camel audit logging in activemq using logbackI am new to Camel and just started learning and using it for current project. Am planning to audit the log message in activemq and to use 'logback' (I don't know whether any other suitable options available).&...
Starting a Route with a paremeter via JMXHello, I was wondering if I had a custom MBean I wanted to write which would have a parameter entered in via JMX, what would be the best way to start an existing route and pass it that parameter (via header or some ot...
Thread CamelBlueprintTestSupport injecting wrong route from time to time
CamelBlueprintTestSupport injecting wrong route from time to timeI have spent whole day on Camel Testing and still I dont have clue what am I doing wrong. If I have only one blueprint xml file with route it always works fine. If there are 2-3 other blueprint xml files it will pick...