• syncOnWrite

    I'm using Fuse 4.4 and Kahadb, and am confused about 'syncOnWrite' functionality noted in the AMQ store doc:   http://activemq.apache.org/amq-message-store.html, but not mentioned in version 4.4 of the Fuse ...
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    last modified by heatlamp
  • failover:(tcp://x.x.x.x:61616,tcp://y.y.y.y:61616) .. how to round robin?

    I have a requirement where the failover protocol would require for some round robin scheme since x.x.x.x and y.y.y.y could be up and down any given time. It would be nice to be able to round robin and keep retrying, b...
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    last modified by guest
  • Could not accept connection : java.net.SocketException

    I have the following in my activeMQ 5.4  log. Any ideas?   2011-07-05 19:21:34,620 | ERROR | Could not accept connection : java.net.SocketException: Too many open files | org.apache.activemq.broker.Transpor...
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    last modified by pchandler
  • STOMP for TCL?

    Hi All,   I am a student,I am doing Master Thesis on Messaging Systems.After lot of Research we found ActiveMQ better suited our needs.   Existing Project is implemented on TCL(Tool Command Language).Can a...
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    created by ritwikha
  • 5.5.0 issues

    Downloaded apache-activemq-5.5.0-fuse-00-27 and tried to start a connection to the broker, but failed with following error:   java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder    ...
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    last modified by topikpl
  • Message loss in network of brokers - transactional send

    Hi,   According to my tests, I seem to be losing messages in my network of brokers setup when I kill source and target brokers randomly while producer is pushing messages to one broker.   It is as if store...
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    last modified by oseymen
  • Resolve issue with stuck messages on queue

    Hi,   We have a message broker active  (version fuse 5.4.2) with approx 30-40 queues. everything appears to be working fine except one of the queues has 80 messages showing as pending in the webconsole, eve...
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    created by kriswhite
  • activemq in blocked state - consumers not consuming the messages

    I am getting the below error in ActiveMQ logs "INFO | Slow KahaDB access: cleanup took 761". After this error, my consumer is not consuming any message from the queue. After restarting my consumer, it started reading...
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    created by mmkrishna2008
  • Unexpected OutOfMemoryError

    Hi, I got OOM error with activemq-5.4.2-fuse-02-00. I'm aware of "Number of threads" section of http://activemq.apache.org/javalangoutofmemory.html but there are circa 10 Destinations, so I don't consider this to be a...
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    created by topikpl
  • network of brokers and configurability of single topics

    I have a situation where I will have 2 brokers up networked together.  Therefore, if one client connected to one broker and another client connected to the other broker will 'hear' messages from the same topic. H...
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    last modified by guest
  • Maven Build Error for 5.4.2 Fuse-2.00

    Hi All,   I took "apache-activemq-5.4.2-fuse-02-00-src" and tried to build from it. I am attaching the  Maven Build Error in RA artifact of activeMQ.     Please help me.       Th...
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    last modified by nnprasad
  • Client c# over Http

    Hello All,   We have an fuse-message broker deployed on Amazon EC2 instance. So, we've developed a c# client and java server that access directly over the 61616 port.   We've a  question: Is it poss...
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    last modified by gabriele
  • Fuse Message Broker(ActiveMQ) and JMeter

    Hi,   I'm just wondering if there are any examples of testing done with JMeter, some sample test scripts for example, of a typical messaging scenario.   On the Apache website, this link exists, which promi...
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    last modified by rajk1000
  • Attribute concurrentStoreAndDispatchTransactions gives error on startup

    Following section in activemq.xml file configuration:       gives error on startup   Attribute concurrentStoreAndDispatchTransactions is not allowed to appear in element kahaDB     ...
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    last modified by kuido20@yahoo.com
  • ActiveMQ, profile/load/stress tool/software.

    1. I am interested in capabilities/limits of ActiveMQ. Is there a published report that give ActiveMQ performance numbers? Example: Messages per second as a function of message size?   2. If I wanted to do my ow...
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    last modified by pchandler
  • Exclusive consumer possible in clustered ActiveMQ / SM3 / JBossAS config?

    Hi, I have trouble configuring ActiveMQ's exclusive consumer feature for clustered consumers: I'd like messages in a queue to be delivered only to one consumer with auto-failover to another standy-by consumer. Proble...
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    created by sbrandt
  • Async exception with no exception listener: java.io.EOFException

    I get the exception below and JMS stop receiving messages? Any ideas?   Version: apache-activemq-5.4.0   Camel Route: <route>    <from uri="jms:topic:MyTopic"></from>  ...
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    last modified by pchandler
  • Connect Exception While Connecting to 5.4.2 version of both apache and fuse

    I upgraded from Apache ActiveMQ 5.2.0 to Fuse Active MQ 5.4.2. Fuse 2.00   My test program I attached here sends and receives 10 mesages.   Worked fine on Windows XP Version 2002 SP3 tested with and withou...
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    last modified by nnprasad
  • Facing Problem on Master/Slave (Clustring) of ActiveMQ 5.3

    hi, i have to implement the clustring concep on activemq broker, so i created 2 instances on windows (same machine), data is replicating properly but problem is client not able to produce or consume the messages fro...
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    last modified by suresh215
  • !!Urgent!! - Sending Messages not possible due to ActiveMQ in Blocked state

    We are currently using ActiveMQ 5.3.1 in our application with a shared file system master/slave approach on NFS. In the current scenario we are running the ActiveMQ process on a Linux box with non-root user account. W...
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    last modified by surajsathyapal