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Thread Consumer does not consume certain messages
Consumer does not consume certain messagesHi, in our productional environment, we use message queues in a request reply scenario. Now, we encountered the problem that about 0.5% of all responses do not reach the client but couldn't track down why. ...
Thread Unable to delete temperory queues using ActiveMQ NMS API for .Net
Unable to delete temperory queues using ActiveMQ NMS API for .NetObjective: After implementing Request-Response system using ActiveMQ Queue, I need to delete the temperory queues created by client(Request System). The steps involved in Request System(Client): 1.The client ...
ActiveMQ and Autoscaling on AWSHello EveryBody, I would like to deploy ActiveMQ on Amazon AWS. But now I don't know what is the right way to scale ActiveMQ automatically. My goal is have two Linux instances with activemq, in clust...
Thread How to Convert Message Types using the JMS Bridge
How to Convert Message Types using the JMS BridgeHi, I'm able to configure a JMS Message Bridge as documented in http://activemq.apache.org/jms-to-jms-bridge.html between ActiveMQ and WebLogic Server. My question is how is the property inboundMessageCo...
Camel and AMQ async deliveringHi, Could, please, anybody give some tips on how queue should be configured not to make wait the second message until the first one is released from an endpoint. I have the following xml config: &...
memory percent usage in JconsoleActiveMq broker ActiveMq.Advisory.Consumer.Queue(xyz) memory percent usage increasing with in 10 to 12 hr broker goes down. Please Help
AciveMQ performance problemHi folks, I am involved in developing a POC using Fuse/came/blueprint and ActiveMQ as messaging server. To put it simple my app consume http messages using camel-jetty and write the message to a Queue. Paralle...
ActiveMQ Web ConsoleI have tried installing the web console from the features in servicemix, looks like everything installed fine. activemq-web-console version 5.5.0-fuse-00-43. At any rate, when trying to hit the url for t...
JMS transaction floodIs it normal to get a flood of JMS transactions while Camel is active but idle? I get the following cycle repeated about 10 times per second, part of which seems to create and destroy threads: 2011-11-24...
AjaxMQServlet and Tomcat 7 problemHi, I downloaded "activemq-web-demo-5.5.1.war" from http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/apache/activemq/activemq-web-demo/5.5.1/ and put into Tomcat webapps directory, but has below error: Nov 22,...
AciveMQ and jetty-maven-pluginHello, how can I configure to start ActiveMQ during start of my jetty server configured in my maven pom.xml using the mvn jetty:run command ? Thanks labo
Thread AciveMQ5.3 is unable to dispatch messages to consumer
AciveMQ5.3 is unable to dispatch messages to consumerWe are able to post messages to queue but consumer is not able to consume messages. Only after restarting ActiveMQ consumer started reading the messages.. We have two activemq instances in cluster.. please re...
How To Get Rid of Old KahaDB FilesIn my ActiveMQ kahadb directory I have db files going back for months. When I look at my ActiveMQ console there are no messages in any queue that are that old. When I move the old db files out o...
Thread ActiveMQ HTTP Transport Compression Support
ActiveMQ HTTP Transport Compression SupportHello - I have an application that has been using the OpenWire TCP transport to publish TextMessages, with compression enabled - works fine. If I switch to the HTTP transport to traverse an XML Gateway...
Thread Is there a Default Redelivery Policy and if so how to set it?
Is there a Default Redelivery Policy and if so how to set it?Is there a global default redelivery policy for Fuse Message Broker? Is there a way to set the policy parameters specified on http://activemq.apache.org/redelivery-policy.html in activemq.xml? Thanks, ...
Active MQ 5.5 releasedActiveMQ 5.5 has been released - Which version of Fuse Message Broker corresponds to this 5.5. release? The latest one - FUSE Message Broker - Version 5.4.2-fuse-02-00 - Mar 11, 2011 seems to mention i...
Thread Connecting Fuse Message Broker 5.5.1 from IBM Cast Iron
Connecting Fuse Message Broker 5.5.1 from IBM Cast IronI'm trying to connect to Fuse Message Broker 5.5.1 from IBM Cast Iron (CI) and for some reason CI is not connecting and not throwing any error (It just keep saying 'Connecting to endpoint'). I called IBM support and t...
FUSE Message Broker Performance TestingHi I would like to know which tools are appropiate (recommendations) for performance testing and if there's a good document to read about tests. Regards, Esteban