• Combining CXF responses

    I have a scenario where I publish a webservice using CXF Endpoint. All requests that reach this endpoint is multicasted to a set of webservices with the same WSDL as the exposed one. Until now, everything is fine. &#...
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    last modified by italost
  • JAX-RS: HTTP Method URL matching on HEAD request

    Hi, we have a problem with CXF rest impl.  We are running CXF inside of servicemix4/OSGi.   Considering the resource class: - @Path("/myresource/...") public class MyResource {   @GET @Produces("a...
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    last modified by jsbournival
  • Using cxf java2wsdl causes anonymous type exception when deploying

    hi   Issue 1:     I am generating all code from wsdl with multiple schemas and discovered when deploying a cxf-se if there are any anonymous types, an illegalargumentexception is thrown from com....
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    created by rand
  • Threaded streaming of MTOM attachments

    Hi,   I have been prototyping a few scenarios involving transfer of large attachments with MTOM using CXF (v2.2.4).  It's working very well with the exception of one case.  We have a web service which ...
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    created by shanaghe
  • (SOAP) WS using cookie

    With CXF, I would like to create a (SOAP) WS that uses cookies - but I cannot get it to work. It appears that I need to provide some Jetty configuration in a cxf.xml file. Below is what I used, but that does not seem ...
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    last modified by gweiske
  • Unmarshalling Error: prefix ns2 is not bound to a namespace usin PHP client

    Consuming web service (WSDL 1.1, RPC/literal, soap 1.1) with java client works ok, but when consuming with PHP client I get following error (server side):   2009-10-09 16:50:22,064 org.apache.cxf.phase.PhaseInte...
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    last modified by miljenko
  • Lazy initialization of CXF endpoints?

    Do we perform extensive lazy initialization of our CXF jax-ws endpoints? I've noticed that in some of the services we're using we experience a 'first-time' invocation penalty of about 4 times the subsequent average re...
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    last modified by ade
  • How to start working with "FUSE Service Framework"

    I downloaded the Fuse Service framework for windows platform and installed successfully. Now how can i start working with this. Already i have some experience in webservice using weblogic9.2 using jax-rpc.   If ...
  • WSDL Address location is not changed dynamically

    Hi Forum,   I have a created a BottomUP (java2ws) Webservice and deployed the same in the FUSE ESB 3.4 server. Webservice is working fine, when I run from my machine. But when I tried to invoke the webservice fr...
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    last modified by dinesh_gioe
  • unwinding now Marshalling Error

    I am using the following route:             from("direct:fetchRidSource")               &#...
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    last modified by italost
  • Missing Release Notes for release

    See subject.
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    last modified by rlg673
  • how to configure the url and port in CXF?

    I have to send my request to   http://localhost:8181/cxf/MyServiceSoap I want to change port 8181 to 9090 and remove cxf. So my url should be to http://localhost:9090/MyServiceSoap. Here is my xbean.xml ...
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    last modified by jkhan
  • wsdl2java shell script problem

    just intalled:    fuse-services-framework-   OS:    x86_64 GNU/Linux   Tried running: fuse-services-framework-   Got: cygwin=false: Command n...
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    last modified by pchandler
  • Problem with SWA  (soap + attachments)  and  DataHandler

    Hi,   When I'm trying to deploy an osgi CXF service (wsdl first ) with attachments (swa) deployed on FUSE 4 . I got the exception below:   Caused by: org.apache.cxf.service.factory.ServiceConstructionExcep...
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    last modified by marcelcasado
  • Developing Interceptor Docs

    There is new documentation about using CXF interceptors available. Check out http://fusesource.com/docs/framework/2.2/interceptors/index.html.   Comments, corrections encouraged.
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    created by emjohnson
  • import xsd into wsdl got PARSER_ERROR

    I am using FS deployed to tomcat 6.   in the WSDL <wsdl:types>         <xsd:schema>             &...
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    last modified by tcheng4
  • javax.activation.DataHandler does not have a no-arg default constructor. ?

    Hi,   When I'm trying to deploy an osgi CXF service (wsdl first ) with attachments (swa) deployed on FUSE 4 . I got the exception below:   Caused by: org.apache.cxf.service.factory.ServiceConstructionExcep...
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    last modified by marcelcasado
  • Where can I find a swa (soap + attachments) contract first example

    Hi,   We are implementing a service based on the WCS (Web coverage Service) specification. The specs require to use soap with attachments to return binary data. Is there a cxf example of contract first with "swa...
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    last modified by marcelcasado
  • How to plug-in web service of legacy system through FUSE?

    How to plug-in web service of legacy system (which using java, soap) through FUSE? Please describe in detail
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    last modified by amol_netake
  • Problem with PHP - maybe MIME?

    Hi,   Bit of a long shot but we're not sure what to do next.   Since we changed to use CXF our PHP clients are having problems to handle the replies from CXF.   The error from their SOAP libraries ar...
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    last modified by ee7arh