• Error in building Jboss 7.2.0.Final + Gatein Portal 3.6.0.Final

    Hello everyone!   When I build Jboss AS 7.2.0.Final with Gatein Portal 3.6.0.Final I get this error   [INFO] GateIn JBoss AS 7.x.x packaging ................... SUCCESS [0.042s] [INFO] GateIn - Portlet Co...
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    last modified by tenzor
  • Is there any way to hook users functionality in GateIn?

    I want to replicate users profile field data in other custom tables (other than GateIn tables) on user’s creation process. Here GateIn user’s creation functionality remains the same as it is. Two ways that...
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    last modified by abdulbasitmughal
  • Responsible menu portlet - rights

    Hello,   I've tried to use responsible menu portlet in my portal container, but menu shows all menu items regadless of user rights on pages. So page, which is not public could be seen by unauthenticated users. I...
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    last modified by tomashuryn
  • @PortletRedisplayScoped for CDI in GateIn 3.6.0.Final

    With the release of GateIn 3.6.0.Final we introduced some new CDI scopes to ease its use within a portlet.  This second blog on CDI scopes for GateIn, will cover @PortletRedisplayScoped. This scope can be used wi...
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    last modified by kenfinni
  • @PortletLifecycleScoped for CDI in GateIn 3.6.0.Final

    With the release of GateIn 3.6.0.Final we introduced some new CDI scopes to ease its use within a portlet.  In this first blog on CDI scopes for GateIn, we will cover @PortletLifecycleScoped. This scope can be us...
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    last modified by kenfinni
  • CDI Injection into Portlets and Filters with GateIn 3.6.0.Final

    With the release of GateIn 3.6.0.Final we now have the ability to inject CDI beans directly into our portlet classes, whether they extend GenericPortlet or implement the Portlet interface, and any class that implement...
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    last modified by kenfinni
  • OAuth & FB - custom registration screen and username

    I've made my own integration with FB in the past and I would like to move to GateIn native integration now. And I have two question to FB integration:   1) How can I call my own page/Richfaces popup, when user i...
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    last modified by tomashuryn
  • Screencasts: GateIn's new mobile site

    A couple of screencasts have been created which cover the awesome new mobile (and responsive!) site which is included in GateIn 3.6.   The first one covers a brief overview of the mobile site that shows some of ...
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    last modified by mwringe
  • Introducing Site Redirections Management UI

    Gate In Device Detection and Site Redirection for performing redirection based on Use Agent has been available since version 3.5.0.Final but configuration was only possible through manual editing of a XML file, itR...
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    last modified by alexandrem
  • GateIn and OAuth: Integration with social networks

    In GateIn 3.6.0.Final we have added possibility to integrate the GateIn portal with Social networks Facebook, Google Plus and Twitter. Portal users will be able to register and login into the GateIn Portal using their...
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    last modified by mposolda