• There is no page redirection happens when i click on a navigation

    Hi I created a Gatein navigation (in GateIn3.6) programatically using following code   Navigation navigation = PortalRequest.getInstance().getNavigation(); Node home = navigation.getNode(NodePath.path("home"...
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    last modified by anishantony
  • Is it possible to create a page in gateIn using public API

    Hi all Is it possible to create a page in gateIn 3.6 using public API. Is there is any sample code available to create a page from public api?   regards   Anish Antony
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    last modified by anishantony
  • Got exception when i deploy sample-portal.ear in GateIn3.6

    Hi   Got following exception when i am going to deploy sample-portal in GateIn3.6   JBAS014775:    New missing/unsatisfied dependencies:       service jboss.securit...
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    last modified by anishantony
  • OrganizationServiceImpl

    Hi   we have a custom OrganizationServiceImpl hat works fine with the old version of gatein (installed on jboss 5xxx), but on the new version gatein3.4 it doesn't work.   I receive two errors: One during...
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    last modified by marco.battaglia
  • User specific navigation using navigation.xml

    Hi All,   I created a GateIn Portal application deployed in Gatein 3.2. Is it possible to create user based navigation in my portal by using navigation.xml. Here is my problem   I created some  us...
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    last modified by poornima.abhi
  • Cannot deploy sample-portal.ear in GateIn 3.6

    Hi all   I created a sample-portal.ear from the following code https://github.com/gatein/gatein-portal/tree/master/examples/portal and i deployed the ear into my gateIn 3.6 (with jobss as 7). Ear location is Gat...
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    last modified by anishantony
  • How to get current portlet information programatically

    Hi all how can i get the portlet information programatically, upon edit or viewing of the portlet.. my requirement is  to get the portlet id to identify the portlet and dynamically set values on viewing and edit...
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    last modified by anishantony
  • Migrating from 2.7.2

    We have a project with JBoss Portal 2.7.2. The portlets are developed with JSF and Richfaces. Database is Oracle and we use JPA.   Is there any guide or document to migrate from JBoss Portal 2.7.2 to Gatein and ...
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    last modified by jmartinez.sice
  • Select a wsrp lib (liferay wsrp vs. GateIn wsrp) to integrate with pluto

    Hi,   I want to make an app based on pluto to consume remote portlet produced by another app based on liferay. The wsrp4j lib used in pluto is quite old and retired, it can not consume remote portlet produced by...
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    created by kerler.liu
  • How to share portlet headers

    Hi,   In the screenshot below (Gatein 3.6.final Tomcat 7 bundle),  there are 4 portlet windows: - 3 portlet windows to enter a parameter - 1 portlet window to display a BIRT report. - Both report and par...
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    last modified by infoni
  • User sessions in GateIn 3.6

    Hi. Ask the community for help. Prompt, where GateIn keeps information about current user sessions? I can not find anywhere it
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    last modified by bigsmall
  • Gatein User Autorization

    Hi. In front of me is such a task - after authentication on the GateIn portal to add a field indicating the category to which this user. I would be very grateful if you tell me how to do it? I'm using GateIn 3.6
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    last modified by highman
  • Sometimes it is not possible to login into GateIn

    Hi all     I configured my GateIn portal with oracle 10g. Some time (rarely) when i am going to login into GateIn it is not possible to login and a message like "username or password does not exist" this wi...
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    created by anishantony
  • Custom JS and CSS for portlet

    I want to change the display of content in portlet through custom CSS and JQuery in portlet pages using GateIn 3.6. I have tried two ways to achive this   1st: I have tried the help avaiable at https://communi...
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    last modified by abdulbasitmughal
  • Can't login GateIn when oracle service restart

    Hi all   I configured my GateIn 3.2 portal application with oracle 10g.  After that  i restarted my oracle  service without restarting my GateIn portal. Then after when i am going to login into ga...
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    last modified by anishantony
  • Setup GateIn with Eclipse Kepler Release for the Debugging of Portlets

    Can anyone please guide me that how i can integrate GateIn 3.6 as server into Eclipse (Kepler Release) for the debugging of Portlets. Currently i have installed JBoss tool for kepler through market place. Whenever i a...
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    last modified by abdulbasitmughal
  • Community of GateIn Portal

    Hi at all,   im looking for the size of the community of GateIn Portal. Does anyone know any number for it?     Best Regards Mehmet
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    created by plucker
  • gatein 3.1 problem session

    I installed GateIn 3.1 and I integrated portlets that contain jsp page. I created user1, user2, user3, user4 so that each user connected when it will have its own menu to access. The project was successful, but afte...
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    last modified by reddas
  • convert org.exoplatform.application.registry.Application to org.exoplatform.portal.config.model.Application

    Hi all Programmatically I need to put some portlets into a page. For that i do the following scenario.   I got information about all portlets in my application from application registry in the form of  org...
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    last modified by anishantony
  • Deploying a portlet in a non-portlet container

    I have a specific requirement to write a specific application module as a portlet and deploy it in a JBoss server (not in a portlet container) and have it consumed in a portlet container (hosted in a different server)...
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    last modified by vimal.mathew