• Does gatein prevent Brute force attack

    Hi ,        Now i want to know if there is some methods can prevent Brute force attack ,   Thanks !
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    last modified by wguo
  • What is site editor in GateIn ?

    Hi i can edit the current page using site editor functionality. But i have some queries about this site editor which follows 1. What is Site Editor? Is it a portlet? 2. Is it possible to attach this site editor wit...
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    last modified by anishantony
  • Cant create a user page using gatein public api

    When i create a user page using gatein public api i got an org.gatein.api.EntityNotFoundException exception. Here follows my code for creating user page   User user = PortalRequest.getInstance().getUser(); Por...
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    last modified by anishantony
  • Is it possible to add permission in portlet.xml

    Hi all Is GateIn provide any permission related tags in portlet.xml file.  Please ignore this question if it is not valid.
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    last modified by anishantony
  • Interaction South America 2013 and the Design Insights

    On the 13-16th November the "Interaction South America" conference occurred in Recife, Brazil. The ISA is the biggest event of Interaction Design with this year's theme being "New models, new industries, new interacti...
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    last modified by gcardoso
  • GateIn 3.6 on Openshift

    Hi all, I am trying to deploy GateIn 3.6.0.Final to Openshift, but with no success following steps from this tutorial and using this updated standalone.xml file from https://www.openshift.com/forums/openshift/gatein-...
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    last modified by fkiss
  • GateIn Knowledge Base

    This document keeps reference to relevant documents around most common problems and questions. However it doesn't contain all existing knowledge about the project. To browse all recent articles and track discussions i...
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    last modified by jpkrohling
  • Is it possible to create organization-configuration file in my extension ear folder

    Hi i am using GateIn 3.6 i  created a sample-portal.ear extension for my portal application. Is it possible to put portals user/group configuration file(organization-configuration.xml) inside created sample-port...
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    last modified by anishantony
  • How to overrride organization-configuration.xml file from my ear file

    Hi all Is it possible to override default organization-configuration.xml file (which appears inside gatein\gatein.ear\portal.war\WEB-INF\conf\organization) from custom created ear file (the ear file created by using ...
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    last modified by anishantony
  • Talking about design on the Interaction South America Conference

    From 13 to 16 November there will be a big event in Brazil which will discuss interaction design, the "Interaction South America" conference. This is the biggest event of Interaction Design in South America, and will ...
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    created by gcardoso
  • Custom Navigations in Portlet

    I have to develop vertical navigation menu for the left side of page. So i decided to customize the exiting menu. For this purpose i have created a portlet then downloaded the code from https://github.com/gatein/gatei...
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    last modified by abdulbasitmughal
  • ExtJs not running on GateIn 3.6

    Hi all I am using Extjs 3.2 in GateIn 3.6. Here i follows my gatein-resources.xml file   <module>             <name>ext-base</name> &...
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    last modified by anishantony
  • Javascripts are not loading on GateIn 3.6

    Hi all, I migrated my GateIn 3.2 working portal application into GateIn 3.6 (JBoss AS7). I think on GateIn 3.6 there is a some tag changes happens for  adding javascripts in gatein-resources.xml file (according ...
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    last modified by anishantony
  • Javascripts are not loading on GateIn startup

    Hi I migrated my GateIn 3.2 application to 3.6. Now  GateIn not loading the any javascript from gatein-resource.xml also i got a following exception when GateIn startup   14:19:33,903 ERROR [org.gatein.po...
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    last modified by anishantony
  • Problem with js files while migrating from gatein 3.2 to 3.6

    Hi I have deployed my application in Gatein3.6 (actually i am migrating from gatein 3.2 to 3.6). But while login into my application the portlets are displayed without contents.While inspecting application with mo...
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    last modified by saumya
  • CDI-JSF2-Richfaces Portlet war file inside an ear file

    I'm trying to create an EAR project composed by: jar module with the model classes and the persistence unit ejb module with all the EJB and CDI Beans war module with a GateIn Portlet that need access to the Beans d...
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    last modified by xalperte
  • Redirect a user to page on login/logout based on role

    Author: Marek Posolda At this moment, this feature is not provided in GateIn or EPP 5.* out of the box. In current GateIn, redirection after login works as follow: When user signs through click to Sign in button,...
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    last modified by mposolda
  • gatein 3.6 portal about Mysql configuaration

    我的配置 : # # Copyright (C) 2009 eXo Platform SAS. # # This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as # published by the Free Software ...
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    last modified by wanggn
  • GateIn 4.0

    Hi,   the dev of GateIn 4.0 started last march but it was not yet mentioned in the community site.   Now it is fixed and you can follow or contribute to the development from this all purpose GateIn 4.0 pag...
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    created by julien_viet
  • WCMS in GateIn

    Hi everybody, I need to provide features to my GateIn portal users, to let them to make folders and sub-folders and put contents and create links to other resources. I was thinking about integrating eXo WCM with Gat...
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    last modified by ivandl