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Thread How to get information about all portlet in my application
How to get information about all portlet in my applicationHi all is it I need to get information about all portlets(with its access permission) in my application , is it possible in gateIn? or is there is any gatein service classes available to provide port...
Thread Any backword compatibility issues are there?
Any backword compatibility issues are there?Hi All I am developing an application in GateIn 3.2. I used several GateIn service classes inside my application (like datastore, organization service...etc). I would like to migrate my GateIn version 3.2 to 3...
Blog Post Introducing Site Redirections Management UI
Introducing Site Redirections Management UIGate In Device Detection and Site Redirection for performing redirection based on Use Agent has been available since version 3.5.0.Final but configuration was only possible through manual editing of a XML file, itR...
problem loading javascriptHi all, i'm developing a portlet in JBoss-jpp 6.0 that use jquery, mustache and other graphical javascript libraries. In the jsp i use jQuery in order to load data for drop-down list objects with somet...
Thread PageService class not available in GateIn 3.2
PageService class not available in GateIn 3.2Hi It is not possible to import 'org.exoplatform.portal.mop.page.PageService' class in my GateIn 3.2. I think its only available in GateIn 3.5. I need to create a page in GateIn programmatically, Is it possib...
Start to JbossHi All,. I'm new for Jboss portal............ I do not know where i strat when i start.............. Please some one guide me how to i develop the jboss portal application.... And al...
Blog Post GateIn and OAuth: Integration with social networks
GateIn and OAuth: Integration with social networksIn GateIn 3.6.0.Final we have added possibility to integrate the GateIn portal with Social networks Facebook, Google Plus and Twitter. Portal users will be able to register and login into the GateIn Portal using their...
Thread Need to refresh browser on the maximize and minimize mode
Need to refresh browser on the maximize and minimize modeHi all I need to refresh my whole brower when i switch from maximize to minimize view (from one view to another view) of portlet, How it is possible by using GateIn?. Currently only ajax request happen ...
GateIn Portal 3.6.0.FinalI am are proud to announce GateIn Portal 3.6.0.Final release. This is the outcome of several months of hard work of all developers involved in this project. Here I would like to thank everyone who helped make...
GateIn 3.5 in OpenshiftHi everyone, I'm trying to run GateIn 3.5 in Openshift. I'm managed to run to 3.2 version following that link : https://community.jboss.org/wiki/DeployingGateInToOpenShift But now, here is the exception thr...
Lucene Index ReplicationEnvironment: JBAS 7.1.1, GateIn 3.5 Actually i am running a GateIn portal consisting of two nodes, and an apache load balancer. Everything works fine except, that the lucene indexes are not replicated ...
Disable GateIn builtin portals (classic portal)Hi all How can i disable builtin GateIn portals (classic portal) in GateIn 3.5. Is there is any configuration available for that? regards Anish Antony
Thread The users from active directory have no group by default.
The users from active directory have no group by default.I have configured some users under an Organization unit in active directory. Then, I integrated this Active directory with GateIn 3.2 using picketlink-idm-msad-readonly-config.xml file. After configuring , the users...
Thread Default membership for GateIn active directory users
Default membership for GateIn active directory usersHi all How to put a default membership for active directory users in GateIn. I am using picketlink-idm-msad-readonly-config.xml file for configuring Active directory in GateIn regards ...
Thread switchyard-as7-0.8 vs GateIn-3.5.0.Final-jbossas7
switchyard-as7-0.8 vs GateIn-3.5.0.Final-jbossas7switchyard-as7-0.8 vs GateIn-3.5.0.Final-jbossas7 Hi I am trying to deploy the Switchyard in GateIn Jboss as7, unfortunatly switchyard is not deploying in GateInJboss As 7. then i go thr...
Thread Is there is any ready made portlets available
Is there is any ready made portlets availableHi all Is there is any ready made opensource/paid portlet available for gatein like fourm, wiki...etc. I know that these components are available in exo but i think it is not possible to reuse those portlets in...