• Error accessing drools-guvnor/ console configured to use MySQL datasource

    Hello everybody, I was trying to configure drools-guvnor to use the same database set in JBoss configuration, but when I access the drools-guvnor/ console (http://localhost:8080/drools-guvnor/org.drools.guvnor.Guvnor...
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    last modified by lauradp
  • GuvnorNG for AS 7.1.1?

    Hi,   Is there a build of GuvnorNG for AS 7.1.1 final?  When deploying the latest GuvnorNG WAR: https://hudson.jboss.org/hudson/job/GuvnorNG-SOA/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/guvnorsoa-distribution-wars/ta...
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    last modified by kenj
  • Guvnor with MySQL repository

    Hi,   I'm trying to connect Guvnor at the MySQL database :   - I install MySQL - I create the 'guvnor' database - In guvnor I indicate the informations for connect to database :   MySQL driver : com...
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    created by mister_nono
  • Test scenaries for JBPM processes

    Hello!   Are there any possibilities to use Guvnor graphical test scenaries editor to prepare scenaries for testing JBPM processes? Or any other ways to prepare those scenaries by business users rather by develo...
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    created by dmitry.erkin
  • Drools/Guvnor and MySQL - error 400 and 500

    Hi,   I have following issue while opening localhost:8080/drools-guvnor/. Page is shown, but after 1-2 seconds I get errors:   400 Sorry, a techincal error occured. Please contact a system administrator 5...
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    last modified by maxur
  • Login failed  org.jboss.seam.security.AuthenticationException: Authenticator must provide a no  n-null User after successful authentication

    Hello!   I catch java.lang.NullPointerException if I uncomment next line (highlighted) in beams.xml   <security:IdentityImpl>     <s:modifies/>     <!-- JAAS...
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    last modified by dmitry.erkin
  • create POJO Model jar using REST API

    does anyone know how to create POJO Model jar using REST API? I post something like this  " <entry xml:base="http://localhost:9080/repository/packages/package1/assets">    <title>testAsset1...
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    last modified by richard916
  • Can't access to REST. HTTP 400 error.

    Hi There,   I do have some troubles using guvnor, especially getting rest informations. Using windows, i downloaded a drools-5.1.1-guvnor-standalone version. ( testing on a war 5.5 deployed on a tomcat 6 server...
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    last modified by tanc
  • Embed Guvnor via iframe show exception

    Hi,   I have deployed guvnor 5.5 in my local tomcat, and I tried to embed standalone editor via iframe in my web application. The page show the following error: 500 The call failed on the server; see server log...
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    created by oliverzy
  • Error 401 when a java program calls a guvnor package

    Hi,   I'm trying to do this tutorial http://planet.jboss.org/post/jboss_drools_how_to_tuning_guvnor_part_1   After have created the rule, I write the java class named GuvnorTest (as in the tutorial).  ...
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    last modified by mister_nono
  • trying to create a package with the REST api.

    so I'm trying to just call a PUT on http://localhost:8080/drools/rest/packages/mypackagename   but I get a 500 internal server error.   Do I need to send some sort of information with it when creating the ...
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    last modified by rockypulley
  • Guvnor API (REST or WebDav) to build a package

    Guys,   How to use API to build a package in Guvnor?  Any direction/link/document/sample would be appriecated.   Many thanks!
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    created by bigcar
  • How to display the graphic guvnor editor

    Hi,   When I want to create a drools rule in guvnor, I do : Navigate Guvnor > Packages > myPackage > Technical rule assets. Then, a frame with Fact type list and a plain text rule editor is displaying. ...
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    last modified by mister_nono
  • Guvnor Installation Error on Startup

    Dear Community,        I am trying to install Guvnor 5.5.0 on JBoss 5.x. But facing following error on startup:   2012-11-26 16:52:36,257 ERROR [org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext...
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    created by hushen.savani
  • Drools Guvnor needs Spring pre-installed?

    Hi,   I've just installed Drools 5.5 onto Tomcat 6 - all good.   I'm trying to upload a JAR containing POJOs that define a domain model but Tomcat is throwing an exception;   Nov 26, 2012 1:43:55 PM ...
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    created by paulmkeogh
  • How to setup custom lifecycle governance around rule artifacts using Drools & Guvnor

    Dear All,   I am looking for helps/pointers on setting up a custom governance process for my rules using Drools & Guvnor (5.4 runing on Tomcat 6.x). The basic use cases are as below-   1. My rules will...
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    created by sibendu
  • How export/import individual rules in Guvnor 5.0?

    We have a drools guvnor 5.0 enviorment in production with 5 rules, now in other release we need to give a deployment package to a department to do that, but, looking in to the documentation and in the available option...
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    last modified by roar109
  • switch guvnor deployment server problem -  5.4F/tomcat6.0.35/mysql rdbms repository

    author remove the thread
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    created by dig1234
  • Archiving a package in guvnor archives the global model?

    When I have a package in guvnor that has the model imported from the global area then try to archive that package, it appears to be archiving the global model as well. So all other packages which use that model are br...
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    last modified by rockypulley
  • Advanced enumeration in decision table

    Hi all,      I set up a dependent enumeration like this 'Shipment.customer' : (new my.package.dao.MyDAO()).customers() 'Shipment.zone[customer]': '(new my.package.dao.MyDAO()).zones("@{customer}")...
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    created by baldan