• how can I login Guvnor ? vesion 6.0.0 beta5

    i use vesion 6.0.0 beta5 tomcat 7 , but how can I login Guvnor ?  on the login page,i don't know the username and password ?help me..
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    last modified by yanghengtao
  • how to add deadline and escalation to the human task in process designer

    Hi ,        I am a new guvnor user , now i want to add deadline and escalation to the human task , how should i do in the process designer , i see there is a Notificatons item in the right p...
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    created by wguo
  • what causes Thread already associated with Transaction error Guvnor 5.5.0.Final ?

    Hi,   I use KnowledgeAgent to get process definition from guvnor for my JBPM project.   However, randomly the Guvnor5.5.0.Final will run into error     javax.enterprise.event.ObserverException &#...
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    last modified by thomas.setiabudi
  • not possible to edit business rules

    Hi, I am quite new so appologies if my question is trivial. I search in the forum and in the docuementation and nothing is precised so I assume my mistake is basic but if you wouldn't mind it would help me a lot if y...
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    created by winseb
  • importing icons in guvnor-console

    Hello everybody, I'd like to know how I can assign a custom icon to a jbpm workitemdefinition in http://localhost:8080/drools-guvnor/. Thanks in advance, Laura
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    created by lauradp
  • Only evaluation example displayed on jbpm console. POJO file not valid?

    Hi all, My process includes only a script task. The classes required for the script have been defined and put into a jar file. The jar file has further been copied onto standalone/deployments as well as jbpm-gwt-co...
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    created by rekhyt73
  • Error deploying drools-guvnor in apache-tomcat-7.0.41

    Hi,   I have tried to deply Drools 6beta3 in apache-tomcat-7.0.41 and I am getting the errors that are in the attached log file. I am getting thread and memory leak errors when I try to deply it. I dont have muc...
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    last modified by deanwake
  • Author field failing to populate when created a new Guvnor asset using REST API

    Hi all,   I'm in the process of integrating the Guvnor backend with our custom frontend and have run into a problem creating a new asset. The following call to the REST API successfully manages to create a BPMN2...
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    last modified by sclaggett
  • How can I assign actors for a user task by reading from a (i)file (ii)MySQL database

    In general, how can I read content from a -A file -External MySQL database and assign these values to process variables?   Thanks a lot.
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    created by rekhyt73
  • Issue when starting Guvnor - NTLMAuthentication.setHeaders

    Hi,   I have installed Guvnor on Tomcat 7, but when I start Tomcat the Guvnor application does not start up. The tomcat log file containing the stack trace is attached. This is the error that's causing the fai...
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    created by saurabh.pawse
  • Accessing Guvnor 5.5.0.Final gives "Transacetion already associated with Thread" exception

    Hi,   I have a web application which accesses Guvnor. We have processes and forms in Guvnor repository in a package. Guvnor is configured with JackRabbit and Oracle 11. Our web application accesses the process d...
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    created by ahmedza
  • Deploying Guvnor and Form Builder on different nodes is not working

    Hi,   I have a form builder embedded in guvnor. Its working fine when both are deployed on the same node of jboss on port 8080. I deployed these on different nodes but guvnor is displaying error upon opening or ...
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    created by ahmedza
  • Integrationg JAAS authentication and drools fine grained authorization.

    Hi, When i enable fine grained authorization all my users become non-admin, i am using tomcat 6 Drools Guvnor 5.5.0.Finali I am not using authorization in my login module i only set one principal in my subject ...
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    last modified by manukyanv07
  • Password Incorrect/Password Required on Guvnor JAAS authentication

    I am using  JBOSS7.1.1 and Guvnor 5.5.0 , I have an issue on implementing Jaas authentication. On Guvnor Url http://localhost:8080/guvnor/ a login window has been popup and after filling credential its throw a ex...
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    last modified by om.omshiv
  • Enable Role based authentication in Guvnor with JBoss 7

    My version of the drools guvnor is 5.5.0.Final, the Jboss is 7.1.1. I tried to change guvnor to use jaas to login, so I added the configuraions as followed   1. I changed beans.xml in web-inf of drools-guvnor a...
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    last modified by jeyalakshmi.r
  • Guvnor Username AND Password

    Hi All, I have Guvnor Application which is running but i dont have username and password to login .... Can anyone please tell me username and password
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    last modified by akansha_20
  • Validation Fails

    A really dumb question.  After HOURS AND HOURS of trial and error, and HOURS of internet search, still no joy.   There is no such thing as a quick start any longer with drools and guvnor and AS...   S...
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    last modified by markrees22
  • How to set a file type to use the upload new version editor in Guvnor 5.5.0.Final?

    Hi,   I got my guvnor war from JBPM5.4.Final Full installer.   The guvnor will always edit any ".bpmn2" file with the web based bpmn process designer.   My question is, how to disable this and make g...
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    created by thomas.setiabudi
  • permission control don‘t work in guvnor-5.5.0.Final-jboss-as-7.0

    Referring to the following documents, I do the permission and user authentication configuration for drools guvnor, http://docs.jboss.org/drools/release/5.5.0.Final/drools-guvnor-docs/html_single/index.html#d0e5233 h...
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    last modified by forrest43
  • Error Opening Form Definition from Guvnor with form builder deployed on different node

    Hi,   I am having an issue in integrating GUVNOR and JBPM-FORM-BUILDER when I deploy guvnor and form builder on different nodes. I am getting Http-500 : Error getting task from Guvnor. Or I am getting Http 404 ...
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    last modified by ahmedza