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Thread Unable to Curl into jBPM Console
Unable to Curl into jBPM Consolecurl -u "user:password" -H 'Accept: application/json' http://localhost:8080/gwt-console-server/rs/process/definitions redirects to a j_security login page. Am I doing something wrong or is there no longer basic authe...
Errai in a clusterErrai is quite nice when you only need to converse with a single server but many scalable web applications take advantage of clustering techniques. Is this something on the horizon for the Errai message bus?...
Thread change the state of a process without using the BPM Console
change the state of a process without using the BPM ConsoleHi i would like to change the state of the process. if we know that we can move from a "task" state of a process with the assignee alex, that when we connect (alex/password) we find a task and we have to improve it w...
Thread Need help on GWT's gadget deployment on GateIn
Need help on GWT's gadget deployment on GateInHello, I'm traying to make a Hello-World gadget and to deploy it under GateIn. I followed some tutorials which begin by making a standard GWT and then convert it into a gadget. But I ignore what should...
Crear usuario en gwt-consoleHola, soy nuevo en esto y necesito ayuda. Ttengo instalado gwt-console y gwt-console-server (5.5.1) en jBoss 4.2.3 GA y no se donde crer aun user/pass para poder acceder. Grácias
Automatic loginHello, I'am trying to set automatic login in order to include jbpm-console in a portal and use portal session to authentificate user. Is there any solution to use existing session to login automaticly and ski...
Thread Gwt-console app shows only a blank page for me
Gwt-console app shows only a blank page for meHi I downloaded the trunk folder (from http://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/soag/bpm-console/trunk) for bpm console and installed it according to the instructions on http://community.jboss.org/wiki/bpmconsole page. (...
BIRT REPORTS in JBPM CONSOLE 2.0Hello, I want create new reports in JBPM Console 2.0. I'm using a eclipse Galileo with JBPM 4.3 in a apache-tomcat-6.0.26 with MySQL. I installed the BIRT 2.5 in Galileo but the server says that the reports a...
Thread How to call external module into GWT application
How to call external module into GWT applicationHello, I tried to enable communication between my GWT application (gadget) and his container GateIn (~ eXo Social). I'd like to manage import into my application in order to use services forwarded by GateIn (~ eXo S...
Leaving the application runningfor sometime leads to the following server side errors (on tomcat) Message was not delivered.
org.jboss.errai.bus.client.api.base.MessageDeliveryFailure: org.jboss.errai.bus.server.NoSubscribersToDeliverTo: for...
Customizing the workspaces look and feelIf I want to add a logo/picture etc to the workspaces look and feel, where do I look? I cannot figure out which css is being used etc. I know that the background image is "background_header.png" and ...
WSModalDialog hiding?I have been able to use the WSModalDialog. But how do you hide it? I see that the WSModalDialog internally has a WSWindowPanel. It just has a show() method. How do I hide it?
Serializable Objects from client to serverI am using a serializable domain object from the client to the server side. It contains a bunch of String, boolean properties with getters and setters. I can transmit the data from the client to the server witho...
MVP with Errai ? UiBinder ?Hi, as you know MVP (model-view-presenter) has become the preferred approach for architecting complex GWT applications. Moreover there has been introduction of UiBinder with GWT 2.0, also there are thi...
Errai session collision with multiple tabsI've got a simple chat room scenario put together where messages are sent to the server side then put into another topic where the chat clients are all listening. I'm currently using the JBoss Comet servlet but ...
Errai + streaming data to clientsHi, does errai supports data streaming? For example market data (3-4 messages per second)? I.e. data strings that must be sent very often to all clients that are subscribed to the market. Could you compare Light...
WSWindowPanel is deprecatedHeiko, I see that the WSWindowPanel is deprecated in favor of the mosaic WindowPanel. But when I used the WP from mosaic, the popup would show and disappear. But with the WSWindowPanel, the popup that I wa...
Thread NoSubscribersToDeliverTo exceptions and a consequence
NoSubscribersToDeliverTo exceptions and a consequenceMy situation is that I have multiple app server nodes clustered together. I have implemented simple sharing of Errai messages between the nodes via JBoss Cache but in order to reduce the traffic generated by the...
Thread copying Errai* properties to WEB-INF/classes
copying Errai* properties to WEB-INF/classesI am unable to figure out which plugin actually kicks in copying the Errai*.properties from src/main/java to war/WEB-INF/classes directory. This is one critical piece of the puzzle I am missing.
Thread small 'gotcha' in errai QueryService example
small 'gotcha' in errai QueryService exampleThe errai 1.0.0.GA release (on 2010-03-01) has the following: @Endpoint
public String[] getQuery(String queryString) {
return new St...