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Thread Nullable FK gets created as not null FK in the _AUD table?
Nullable FK gets created as not null FK in the _AUD table?Hi I have an entity with two optional @ManyToOne relations. In the Db the table has show two columns set to "not null=false", that is, they can be null. In the corresponding Envers table show two columns tigh...
Thread Problem with Joined Inheritance And @DiscriminatorColumn
Problem with Joined Inheritance And @DiscriminatorColumnHi everyone! I have a trouble with a inheritance mapping using a discriminator column. Using hibernate 5.0.7.Final version Here we go:
@Table(name = "TB_CRA_PESSOA")
Thread Envers not write in my property Object audit table
Envers not write in my property Object audit tableHello every one Im new in java dev world and now I have work with Envers. I need to get auditeds for some entity and show history of changes of it. But I have one problem now if some one help me I will be very very ha...
Entity "locally revisioned"Hi, I guess the question is already asked in the forum but I have not found the response. In the documentation :
One viable solution is to introduce an option to have an entity "locally revisioned", ...
RevisionEntity'm using Hibernate-Core:4.3.11.Final and Hibernate-Envers:4.3.11.Final and I have my implementation of org.hibernate.envers.RevisionListener and I have my revision entity(MyRevisionEntity) which extend org.hibernate....
Thread Querying on an audited entity with conditions
Querying on an audited entity with conditionsHi all, I am new to envers and I've got a question for you. I've got an audited entity Atricle with some attributes (id, title, category, state (it can be: validated, published, draft), date) When an a...
Hibernate Envers: AuditQuery throws ClasscastExceptionHello, I have a basic entity called Report, which is annotated with @Audited annotation. Changes to the entity are being stored in the database correctly by envers, where I have a number of revisions for the Re...
Hibernate 4.2.1.Final Envers store_data_at_delete issueI am experiencing a problem after upgrading from Hibernate 4.1.12.Final to 4.2.1.Final. Specifically, I am observing strange behavior while using the Envers store_data_at_delete property feature. C...
Querying multiple typesHi, I'm trying to develop a timeline using Hibernate Envers. To achieve that, I need to query for all changes in all types made in a specific date range. How can I do that? I already managed to query f...
Envers insert null objects to AUDHi, I'm trying to add Envers 3.6.10Final to myproject which contains Hibernate 3.6.10Final and Seam 2.2 . after I insert an Entity envers only inserts revtype and revinfo and the rest of columns remain null. &...
Thread MappingException: Type not supported: ManyToOneType
MappingException: Type not supported: ManyToOneTypeI am getting this error message
org.hibernate.MappingException: Type not supported: org.hibernate.type.ManyToOneType
does that meen that manytoone association is not supported?
Envers Unidirectional OneToMany MappedByNot Sure If this Issue is already resolved. Please let me know the link if it is already resolved. Parent Class has list of child @Entity @Table(name = "DUA") @Audited public class DuaVO{ ...
Thread How can I force Envers to write the contents of a join column
How can I force Envers to write the contents of a join columnHi, this is my problem: My Entity: @Entity @Audited @Table(name = "GLOBAL_PARTY", uniqueConstraints = @UniqueConstraint(name = "UK_GLOBAL_PARTY", columnNames = { "GPKENN" })) public class GlobalParty { ...
Envers: Can this be done, and if so, how?I'm new to using Hibernate Envers Properties. Does anyone know how I can save a new record where the if the properties values are the same, I would want Envers not to report the property as having been changed...
Hibernate Envers with many-to-one mappingI am using hibernate envers 4.0.1.Final, with Hibernate 4.1.4.Final. I have below entities having relation with each other : CustomerEntity; @Entity @Table(name = "customer") @Audited public class Custom...
Create revision when son is updated/addedHi everyone, I have a class called Classroom and a Class called Pupil. Classroom has a list of pupils and Pupil has a reference to its parent Classrom.
public class Classroom {