• Failure on ReplicatedPagingTest

    There still a failure on replication / paging and I just discovered the root cause.. perhaps it will also happens on other replication tests...     To replicate the failure:   On ReplicatedPagedFailo...
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    last modified by clebert.suconic
  • Adding a new facility to start a hornetq cluster to hornetq-maven-plugin

    To allow for more HA test scenarios in version tests, it needs to extends the capability of hornetq-maven-plugin. Currently the plugin can start a live and a backup. The new facility will be implemented based on this...
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    last modified by gaohoward
  • Synchronization on producer.send(message)

    Dear All,   I am quite new to HQ and would like to ask a question:   I have a multiple thead situation, when multiple threads can potentially make a call to the same producer.send(message); at the same mom...
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    last modified by sudovenko
  • JGroups integration on the Resource Adapter

    Howard, currently you are making the AS7's integration code to inform HornetQ's resource adapter about every JGroupsBroadcastGroupConfiguration, even if that's not being used.   It's not very efficient, and it's...
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    last modified by clebert.suconic
  • PingTest::testServerFailureNoPing failing

    org.hornetq.tests.integration.remoting.PingTest.testServerFailureNoPing started to fail right after this commit:     commit eefc4f3debbd93682de9de97f3d2ffd1b666c51d Author: Andy Taylor <ataylor@redhat.c...
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    last modified by clebert.suconic
  • volunteer to reformat the branches...

    We need a volunteer to reformat the 3 branches to the new coding style, add checkstyle to master and these 2 branches and reconfigure eclipse / idea.     Any volunteer?
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    last modified by clebert.suconic
  • what shall we do with hornetq-core and hornetq-jms

    Now that we have a clean seperation between client and server with these 2 modules we now have 3 jars for each (NB there is a PR for the JMS layer). One thing we could do is move all the core classes into the client m...
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    last modified by ataylor
  • ReplicatedPagedFailoverTest::testFailThenReceiveMoreMessagesAfterFailover2

    I know why the test is failing.     For some reason the page is being deleted before the ACKs were replicated. Whenever the server failed over, the current page was still the old page, however it had a reco...
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    last modified by clebert.suconic
  • Versions on branches...

    We should keep the version on our branches immutable...  that is, we never change any version on Branch_2_2_EAP, Branch_2_2_AS7, master or any new branches we create.     Instead we should commit the v...
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    last modified by clebert.suconic
  • Branch AS7_EAP

    I just created a Branch AS7_EAP on upstream.     It's nothing we have to worry about. It only has a couple of minimal changes production has to make EAP builds on the pom. The only thing is we have to pull ...
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    created by clebert.suconic
  • Concurrently using ClientRequestor.request

    I just discovered if I use ClientRequestor.request concurrently I will have issue on receiving the response. This is the situation:   1) use ClientRequestor.request to send in Request A and expect Response A 2)...
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    last modified by thomaslo
  • HornetQ 2.3 integration in AS7

    Hi,   I am looking at the PR to integrate HornetQ 2.3 into AS7[1]   I have rebased Andy's commits to be up to date with AS7 master branch (I refactored the xml code to split the XML marshaller from the XML...
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    last modified by jmesnil
  • Per class logging / tracing

    Isn't there a way we can get back to log/tracing at class levels?  I really used this feature when debugging before, and I would rather use System.outs than this logging... so... is there any way we can improve i...
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    last modified by clebert.suconic
  • Transaction contract in HornetQ Resource Adapter is broken

    I've been working on making the HornetQ RA works in AS7 standalone.   The maing goal is to be able to consume messages in a MDB from a remote JMS server. The secondary goal is to validate that we can use the H...
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    last modified by jmesnil
  • Dead lock between stop and start

    on master...     I believe we shouldn't synchronize (this) on start to fix this: We have two locks now startupLock and this. We should have just one.         Java stack information for ...
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    last modified by clebert.suconic
  • Transaction Exception in HornetQ

    Hi,   I'm having problems with hornetq and transactions in a CMT MessageDriven EJB.   After millions of insert/updates correctly transacted by the consumer I start to see this error:   10:41:59,262 E...
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    last modified by fababril
  • Thread dump org.hornetq.tests.integration.cluster.failover.ReplicatedPagedFailoverTest::#test testFailBack

    I have seen this same hang in other failback case. I dont think it's related to paging.. but on the failback mechanism.   It's Friday night and I won't have time to evaluate this now.. just wanted to register he...
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    last modified by clebert.suconic
  • ObjectMessage serialization

    This week I have been working on a few head-scratching AS7 issues[1] related to ObjectMessage.   Good news is that most of them are due to incorrectly deployed Java EE modules and can be fixed. Bad news is that...
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    last modified by jmesnil
  • Configuration options defaults and documentation --> XSD

    Right now, we have:   The allowed XML configuration options declared in the XSD; their default values effectivelly determined by hard coded values in Java code; options and default values documented in XML files ...
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    last modified by borges
  • Server side exception doesn't break transaction commit

    I'm using HornetQ_2_2_5_Final as JMS provider. In my configuration paging is enabled. In my program JMS client publish event in a JTA transaction boundary. I ran into a case that disk use to store paging file is fu...
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    last modified by ysliu