• Unable to get session replication to work on wildfly 13 domain mode

    Hi, I've been trying to achieve session replication on two wildfly servers in domain mode. I followed [1]: https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/WFLY9/WildFly+9+Cluster+Howto as i was using wildfly 9 at first. I was t...
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    last modified by michelle.alvares
  • HHH-12457 isn't fixed in infinispan 9.3.x

    Hi all, there is bug in infinispan-hibernate: [HHH-12457] Local Infinispan read-write caches become stale on rollback - Hibernate JIRA Pull request was merged in 9.2.x ([9.2.x] HHH-12457 Local Infinispan read-write ...
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    last modified by ykalemi
  • Missing exception classes when upgrading to 9.3.1

    The following classes no longer seem to exist:     org.infinispan.interceptors.totalorder.RetryPrepareException   org.jgroups.util.NoProgressException   org.jgroups.util.QueueClosedException ...
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    last modified by mmr11408
  • Unable to acquire lock after 15 seconds for key

    Hello All,   Am getting below exception while running tracer.... which is built in functionality provided by BPM tool, looking for your suggestions how to proceed further.   ERROR [io.undertow.request] (d...
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    last modified by sreecharan
  • Infinispan required all the pojo classes to implement Serializable.

    Dear All,                    I am new to Infinispan and implementing the same in Distributed mode. Before we were using Caffei...
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    last modified by omverma22
  • S3_Ping - Authentication Failed

    Hi All,   If I configure the S3 detail as below and running the server   <S3_PING             host="dummyhost"      ...
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    last modified by balajiora
  • WildFly 11 - JGroups initialization delay

    We have a web based application running on WildFly 11 (Migrated from WildFly 9 recently) and we are facing this weird issue when all the nodes in the cluster are started up.   Here is how our application is desi...
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    last modified by balu0503
  • Infinispan 9.3.1 cluster not formed using TCPPING

    Hi,   We are using Infinispan server 8.2.6 and use TCPPING protocol for cluster discovery. We recently tried to move to Infinispan Server 9.3.1. Upon installation, the Infinispan server seems to come up fine, ho...
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    last modified by purushos
  • Infinispan JCache configuration in JBoss 5.1.2

    Hi all,   I am working on clustering Infinispan caches (version 9.1.7) in JBoss 5.1.2 servers. The way I am accomplishing this is by creating an uber jar and relocating certain jgroups packages. I have followed ...
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    last modified by j.ajmani
  • Getting exception with Hibernate 5.2 and L2 Cache

    Hey guys,   So I have been struggling to get this to work. I have following packages in my gradle:   compile "org.hibernate:hibernate-core:5.2.+" compile "com.vladmihalcea:hibernate-types-52:2.2.+" compil...
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    last modified by x0a1b
  • why dcm.getAddress() function returns "null value" if i invoke that function after creating DefaultCacheManager object??

    Dear sir, i am using following code to initialize DefaultCacheManager class    DefaultCacheManager dcm= new DefaultCacheManager("Config.xml");    Address localNodeAddress =dcm.getAddress() ; //r...
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    last modified by jaga244
  • How to shutdown an Infinispan cluster without losing data?

    What is the best strategy to restart a complete Infinispan cluster (distributed cache with persistence) without to lose any data?   For example, when an operating system patch has to be applied or a new software...
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    last modified by nsahattchiev
  • org.infinispan.util.concurrent.TimeoutException infinispan 9.3.0.Final

    Hi Team,   Cluster is formed and after some point of time, we hit this bellow exception: Three node cluster. No split brain happended. All the three servers are connected all the time. I manged to get the thead...
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    last modified by pkolanda
  • Significant performance drop of distributed stream search when use persistence

    Hi all,   we face a very big performance drop when our Infinispan cache is configured to use persistence.   The test setup is as follow:   2 boxes, each with 1 Xeon CPUs (with 8 cores and 2 threads per...
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    last modified by nsahattchiev
  • Upgrade from 6.0.2 to 9.2.4- issue after split brain recovery

    Upgraded the infinispan from 6.0.2.Final to 9.2.4.Final. All seems to be working when the cluster is started. But after recovering from split brain, below exception is thrown and cluster stops working. No code change ...
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    last modified by pkolanda
  • Unable to acquire lock after 15 seconds for key

    The following exception is inconsistently thrown in JBoss EAP 7.0. We have not faced such an exception in JBoss EAP 6.4 or in any lower releases. What does this exception mean? Any changes is required in the web appli...
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    last modified by browngrey07
  • Infinispan 9.2.5 - string-keyed-jdbc-store -  I/O error while unmarshalling from stream

    Hi , I am using Infinispan Server 9.2.5.Final (WildFly Core 3.0.8.Final) for JDBC String store (Using PostgresSQL 9.2 as a persistence store ) . I could save/retrieve  my data using infinispan client hot rod lib...
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    last modified by rahulgarg132
  • Bind multiple security realms to management interface

    Hi,   I'm running several nodes of Infinispan 8.2.6.  As part of an environment refresh process i'm trying to automate the build and configuration process.   My current build is configured so that t...
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    last modified by ninjasftw
  • Synchronous Replication in Infinispan server

    Hi,   We have configured a replicated cache in Infinispan cluster (v8.2.6) of 3 nodes. The replicated cache is configured as below in the configuration xml:   <subsystem xmlns="urn:infinispan:server:cor...
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    last modified by purushos
  • Strange problem of distributed jdbc cache store for index.

    private ConfigurationBuilder persistenceConfigLucene(ConfigurationBuilder configurationBuilder) {   configurationBuilder.persistence()   .addStore(JdbcStringBasedStoreConfigurationBuilder.class)   .k...
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    last modified by seto