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Thread (SAP) RA deployment procedure on JBoss AS 7.1.1.Final
(SAP) RA deployment procedure on JBoss AS 7.1.1.FinalHi, I was planning to use SAP JCO and got the sapjco3-linuxintel-3.0.9 archive. Then I came across JCA and Iron Jacamar and was taught better Could you please explain the deployment procedure of a SAP...
ConnectionListener Implementation classHello, I noticed that https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBJCA-704 was resolved. Great job! Where should this implementation class be placed and when is this version being shipped with AS 7/EAP ? ...
Thread JCA Resource Adapter Deploy fails on JBOSS AS 7
JCA Resource Adapter Deploy fails on JBOSS AS 7have a custom resource adapter to connect to a EIS. My requirement is only outbound connectivity to EIS. I have packaged the rar with iron-jacamr.xml in META-INF but when i deploy i get below error 15:12:47,86...
Hello World ExampleHi , i have deployed the hello world rar example and i see the HelloWorldManagedConnectionFactory binded to jndi and is available using name java:/eis/HelloWorld I have a simple ejb bean in which i lo...
xa-datasource is not registered correctlyHello, I'm writing a quickstart to show integration of JBoss Transactions, IronJacamar and Tomcat. However, I am a little bit stuck with Postgres xa-datasource. It seams that it is not getting registered corre...
Thread Specifying a different WorkManager for a custom resource ada
Specifying a different WorkManager for a custom resource adaHi, I'm using jboss 4.2.3 and I have developed a custom resource adapter. I want my resource adapter to use a different WorkManager than the default jca one "jboss.jca:service=WorkManager" so that threading in this R...
JBoss Migration from 4.2.3 to 7 - JCAHi, I am trying to migrate from Jboss 4 to 7. Im using the ff resource adapter from 4: In my ra.xml I am still using: <resourceadapter-class>org.jboss.resource.deployment.DummyResourceAdapter<...
WHY pingDatabase failed status=-1?Hello, our customer encoutered this issue while they do some normal operations on web application. The exception is: 08:30:45,435 WARN [LocalManagedConnectionFactory] Destroying connection that is not valid, due to t...
Thread ¿Number of threads of JCA WorkManager in AS7?
¿Number of threads of JCA WorkManager in AS7?We are doing some performance tests of our application (REST API with Mysql) and find that with independency of the concurrency (no matters if we have 50 clients or only 3) the JCA subsystem uses only 2 threads. This ...
Thread excluding classes from being exported from rar
excluding classes from being exported from rarHello I have a resource adapter using jca 1.6 deployed on jboss 7.1.1.Final, the problem is that the classloader exports all classes included in the rar. Im trying to exclude the classes that are only used internally...
Thread Feature request:Add an interface to allow end-user to have a second chance to create a normal database connection after failling to get connection because of database password error
Feature request:Add an interface to allow end-user to have a second chance to create a normal database connection after failling to get connection because of database password error
Developing a Resource Adapter to an EISHi all ! I'd need to create a Resource Adapter which connects to an EIS via sockets. I've gone through the HelloWorld example code in the documentation however I cannot figure out where should I store the socket hand...
Thread Supporting SocketAddress as a config property?
Supporting SocketAddress as a config property?I know this isn't part of the spec but supporting SocketAddress as a config property would be a really nice enhancement. Resource adapters often need to bind or connect to sockets. So you'll have to reimplement this e...
trouble with RAR with ResourceAdapterI have a rar file in charge for some month on JBoss AS7 Alpha1-SNAPSHOT, using ironjacamer 1.0.13.Final now. After some trouble with the migration from 4.2x it worked fine for a long time. Code was not changed. Now ...
Classloading IssuesI am deploying an inbound/outbound enabled resource adapter (test.rar) and an Singleton Session EJB in a standalone jar (ejb-test.jar). Within the resource adapter, I have included an ironjacamar.xml that defi...
what does idle-timeout-minutes mean?Doe it mean: recollect the connection from the application and put it to pool if the application does not use the connection after certian minutes physically close the connection if the connection in the pool for abou...