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PROPER JOBRelated to this: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBAS-4490 Please make sure if you add new configuration you: 1) Describe it in the dtd 2) If it is a ManagedConnectionFactory property the ra.xml is updated 3) The ...
JBAS-5278 - The real issueJesper, you've taken this task from me? I'm going to take it back. I've synched up all the fixes/changes from 4.2 into head except the resource adapters. Basically what's left to do is porting the last two subtasks ...
JBAS-5278 Errors .I have been seeing the following error in org.jboss.test.jca.test.ExecuteJMSDuringRollbackStressTestCase testcase . 2008-04-01 17:58:53,658 TRACE [org.jboss.resource.connectionmanager.TxConnectionManager] (WorkerThre...
Quartz, timer unification, message inflow RARSome ideas floating around about cleaning up, unfiying timers in jboss projects have come back to looking at * Unification of timers into a Quartz based implementation. Timer uses to unify include: ** jPBM timers ** ...
JCA Statistics through JMX/JSR77I was able to find that the org.jboss.management.j2ee.JCAConnectionFactory.java's getPoolStats(..) does not capture the UseTime, WaitTime And WaitingThreadCount . UseTime --> Time spend using the connection . { Th...
JBAS-1808 - MCF MBeansAs per the RAR MBeans we should optionally allow an MCF to expose its own management/statistics. This could just be config in the -ds.xml Finally, the original requirement is to expose prepared statement cache stats...
Thread JBAS-5229 - Feature request - Atomic redeploy of connection
JBAS-5229 - Feature request - Atomic redeploy of connectionWhile this is sounds trivial to do, it is a lot more complicated than it sounds. When you redeploy the datasource it has lost track of the transaction context. e.g. // Begin Transaction here // Before redeploy Con...
Thread ManagedConnection AND ConnectionEventListener relationship i
ManagedConnection AND ConnectionEventListener relationship iAfter going though the JCA specs I could make that there is one-one relationship between ConnectionEventListener AND ManagedConnection. In the BaseWrapperManagedConnection I can see private final Collection cels = ne...
DeploymentInfo/Template MCFIn working on this, I just want to make sure there is something I am not missing. Currently what I consider to be a simple mapping from the DeploymentTemplateInfo to the ManagedConnectionFactoryDeploymentGroup (the g...
DataSource LoadBalancing feature .Configuring the URLSelectorStrategy right now will provide the user to customize the FIALOVER logic. http://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/jbossas/trunk/connector/src/main/org/jboss/resource/adapter/jdbc/URLSelectorStrategy....
Thread Mbeans defined in a datasource descriptor should be started
Mbeans defined in a datasource descriptor should be startedFollowing the wiki (http://wiki.jboss.org/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=EncryptingDataSourcePasswords) about encrypting datasource passwords may lead to an error starting services that depend on the datasource:
2007-11-26 13:...
JBAS-5002 - Tracking XAResource failuresThis is a thread to discuss the tracking of XAResource failures (for resource adapters that don't do it themselves). Unlike what I put on the original feature request http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBAS-5002 it wo...
JBAS-1437 RARMetaDataRepositoryAfter much wailing and gnashing of teeth...it begins. The plan is to maintain, the repository, the mapping between the ConnectorMetaData and it's associated ManagedConnectionFactorys and ActivationSpecs. This is goin...
Thread Can someone tell me the difference of ManagedConnectionPool?
Can someone tell me the difference of ManagedConnectionPool?Hello I am a jackaroo who is reading the the code of JCA. I find two ManagedConnectionPool in Jboss code, one is JBossmanagedConnectionPool ,the other is InternalmanagedConnectionPool. Both of them are in package org...
At LastRemaining: 1) MetaData Refactoring to eliminate the *-ds.xml nonsense that has plagued JBoss since the dark days 2) Integration with the ProfileService to be a *real* integration. Not a mock up which is what the cur...
Thread JBAS-4517 - "Removal" of JMSContainerInvoker in head
JBAS-4517 - "Removal" of JMSContainerInvoker in headI've converted the old JMSContainerInvoker in jboss-head to use the JCA 1.5 inbound resource adapter. This involved: * Changing the JMSContainerInvoker class to just be a hardwired version of an inflow mdb deploymen...
PreFillPooling Test failingI'm currently working on http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBAS-4520 which involves moving all the tests that depend upon the transaction manager to run in the appserver against the real TM. I've moved the PreFillPoo...
Tests failing in JBoss HeadSome of the jca tests are failing in JBoss Head. All the tests pass in JBoss4 (some of them I recently copied from JBoss4 to JBoss5 so I know they are the same). I fixed some of them by the change in the other post ...
New DataSource deployment metadataI've brought the datasource deployment metadata up-to-date with the JBoss5 MCFs. I think we still need to support the old ha-*-datasource xml for backwards compatiblity don't we? We should be able to support this by...