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Thread Method Content Comparison
Method Content ComparisonI am trying to make a compatibility class loader. General scenario. People edit the source file, change the contents of a few methods and add a few fields and then recompile the class. I then compare the orig...
How to solve java.lang.VerifyError ?Hi there, I am just working on an instrumentation project. Target is to instrument android applications. I know its a different VM, but I found a way that works :-). I do the instrumentation, after the...
Thread Help for java.lang.VerifyError when modify a method
Help for java.lang.VerifyError when modify a methodHi,all, I write a class named Bsafproxy which will change the method of the org.jdesktop.application.ResourceMap in the basf-1.9.jar; I don't know why it can not work, who will do me a ...
Thread How to add parameter annotation to new Method ?
How to add parameter annotation to new Method ?Hi. I faced with one case. On my work I got necessity make proxy for class which contain methods with annotatuions. Some methods has parameter annotations, like this: public void theGameIsRunning(@Name...
Problems with the tomcat classloaderHello While developing a very small and lightweight j2ee linke server, I try to extend a abstract class at runtime using: ClassPool pool = ClassPool.getDefault(); ...
Next release date ?Hi Javassist team, I'm wondering if there is any planned date for the next Javassit release (3.16.0-GA) ? We are looking for the fix JASSIST-127 Thanks and keep up the good work ! Vincent
Thread Adding a Method Annotation not working as expected...
Adding a Method Annotation not working as expected...Hi All, I have a few classes ( in a supplied jar) in which I am trying to mark certain specifc methods as "Deprecated" . I am able to use javassist and add the annotation to the method (code attached to the ...
Class loader issue in javassistI am trying to get a hold on javassist for one of our companies projects. I wrote this simple class for testing {code} public class Main { public void test(){ &...
how to get ClassPool in EclipseApplicationHi, I have a problem with getting the ClassPool in my EclipseApplication. Here's the Use Case: I have an EclipseApplication where I can "run" my Interpreter for diagrams. To evaluate the guards i wanted to ch...
VerifyError on auto generated codeI have a code generator that wraps a set of pojo's. I have been running it using the tools library successfully compiling the java previously. In the latest version i have changed to javaassist 3.15.0.GA and n...
Static imports support in javassist?Dear all, Could anyone suggest if static imports are supported in javassist? If yes, in which manner a static import can be added after we created an instance of CtClass? Any suggestions are highly ap...
Adding interface to an existing classHi I have a class which is in legacy system and we cannot change the class. I need to create a java proxy for that class but this is a class without interface. So I have created an interface and write the fol...
running tattletale on solarisHello, it's strange but trying to run tattletale on one solaris 10 sparc machine we have fails with: bash-3.00# java -Djava.ext.dirs=`pwd` -jar tattletale-1.1.2.Final.jar share/tomcat5 ttt_tomcat5
Exception in...
Drools AssistanceCan someone please assist me by specifying the Drools FORUM that can be used within JBoss to assit everyone further. This is very IMP as well as URGENT. Thanks and Regards, Starfish
lastest version?Hi, I noticed that Hibernate is depending now on 3.12.1.GA, while JBoss7 seems to be built with javassist-3.14.0-GA.jar according to this log: https://hudson.qa.jboss.com/hudson/view/JBoss%20AS/job/JBoss-AS-7.0.x-Tatt...
Javassist truncates big class fileI have a problem with Javassist. When I try to edit a (relatively) big class file (38KB), Javassist will truncate it. It is the biggest class file I have tried editing, so I am asuming it has something to do with the ...