• primitive class

    Integer.TYPE instead of int.class should do.
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    last modified by potian
  • How to create the scheduler

      "mohan_cbe" wrote: "mohan_cbe" wrote: "mohan_cbe" wrote: How to create new scheduler? and How to create new scheduler without distrub the exisiting schduler ? Thax in advace. Regards CMohan.M
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    created by mohan_cbe
  • Call the java file.

      "mohan_cbe" wrote: "mohan_cbe" wrote: "mohan_cbe" wrote: How to automatically call the java file once jboss (Version 3.2.2) server start ?
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  • Enterprise Java Beans

      "rubens_veronez" wrote: "rubens_veronez" wrote: What I need to do?? I am using Jboss 3.2.3 and JBuilderX, I create a Entity Bean and Session Facade for access it, I deployed and when I call for create method in...
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    created by rubens_veronez
  • Atleast one role of a foreign-key mapped relationship must h

      "j_sorin" wrote: "j_sorin" wrote: "j_sorin" wrote: Could someone tell me please why I have the error message below and what should I do to solve the problem ? org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentException: Atleast ...
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  • Editing Class Files?

      "garymantle" wrote: "garymantle" wrote: Hiya just joined, so I quite new to all this! I have an applet javascript routine with a class file of which I would like to edit a little. Can this be done and how? ...
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  • URLClassPath

      "teti" wrote: "teti" wrote: i think that a better design of URLClassPath is necessary. For example i think that the best way is for openClassFile method to throws IOException and MalformedURLException.... Hi ...
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    last modified by anonym124
  • Modify problems

    I work with javassist to modify classes and I'd like change type of fields in the class. It's possibile to do it with javassist.expr without insert new method and new fields? Thank you
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    last modified by mfargetta
  • Problem Trying to Access a newly Created REcord

      "pkasturi" wrote: "pkasturi" wrote: Hi, My Development Environment uses Eclipse with JBOSS using the Lomboz Plugin (XDoclet). I am able to perform all the operations. I get the following problem. When I add ...
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  • Where to load/define generated classes

    I'm using JavaAssist to create proxies and transport classes on the fly to take some of the tedium out of our project and help speed development. Not to mention the response 'feels' alot faster than throwing maps arou...
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    created by wildgeeza
  • javassist.CannotCompileException: [source error] no such fie

    need advice on this :- /** * * @param clas * @param mname * @throws NotFoundException * @throws CannotCompileException */ private void addTiming(CtClass clas, String mname) throws NotFoundException, CannotCom...
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    created by kenken64
  • Javassist release numbering

    Two question/issues about Javassist release numbering. First, I would prefer that the version number of Javassist be placed into the JAR file name; i.e. javassist-2.6.jar. This has become a common and extremely usef...
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  • use of JBoss with Eclipse

    Hi, I want to know if Lomboz is the recommended plugin to use JBoss with IDE Eclipse or the framework myEclipse (from genuitec) ? Thanks for your response. K. Djaafar
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    created by kdjaafar
  • outputing local variables values in runtime with javassist

    Hi, I am trying to output values of local variables with javassist. Could anyone please provide a code sample of such operation? It seems, that doing this for declared fields and methods are much more straightforward ...
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    created by vicki
  • Accessing resources (xml, properties ) in other ears

    Dear All, I am in a position to access the resources (xml, properties ) from other ears. Until 3.0 it is working fine. But in 3.2.1 it is not working. Is there any additional configurability to get the other applicati...
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    created by saravananvs
  • reference java.lang.Object.class

    I found that I can't use a reference to a Class with "class". For example: CtClass clazz = pool.get("java.lang.Class"); CtMethod m = new CtMethod(clazz, "getClazz", null, myClass); m.setBody("{return java.lang.String...
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    last modified by aloubyansky
  • Why "Ct" prefix?

    Just curious, why are the classes prefixed "Ct"?
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  • Coding Standards

    I'm sure there used to be coding standards on the site. Are there now ?
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    created by spidergawd
  • How to do it............

    Dear users, I am working on a task which is to make new method with one extra parameter , using the existing method source like : Original Method : Method A (int a) { return a+2; } Generated Method : MethodAx(int a,...
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    created by ravipal
  • RMI Wire Protocol

    Hi all, Sorry to bother you but does anyone of you knows where I can get my hand on the RMI Wire Protocol? Version 1 & 2 (2 at least). Thanks Yoz
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