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Thread AOP Tests
AOP TestsI've got most of the tests passing again with jdk 5 now, apart from the following two. 1) org.jboss.test.aop.bridgemethodnotwoven.BridgeMethodTestCase(jdk50) This is due to a fix that was put into JavassistMethodHas...
Metadata rewriteI take it that the new org.jboss.metadata stuff in the container module http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=3952697#3952697 replaces the org.jboss.repository implementation for the AOP met...
Thread Update AOPTestDelegate to better integrate into eclipse
Update AOPTestDelegate to better integrate into eclipseCurrently you cannot run the tests easily from within eclise using the run as junit... capability because the test harness does not locate the jboss-aop.xml based on the classpath. Something like this does this:
default.mf does not existHI I have just downloaded the latest revision (59310) of the head, following the instructions at http://www.jboss.com/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=BuildingJBossAOPFromSubversion my problem arise when I try to build the project...
Add a jboss-aop-src.zip artifactI added a jboss-aop-src.zip artifact to the build for use in the snapshot/snapshot-metadata repository.jboss.com contents to simplify debugging aop issues. Both these version have been synched with the current trunk a...
Proxy Object override methodsI've fixed a problem whether the proxy factory wasn't implement equals/hashCode/toString properly when you used java.lang.Object as the parent. The changes can be most easily seen from the new methods in the ProxyTem...
ClassInfo and array annotationsI just finished some complete tests of the ClassInfo api. The annotations stuff is working great, thanks Kabir. But, I don't understand why the array type is returning annotations from the component type? This doesn...
JDK1.6 retro compilerMaybe this is more of a dev question? I'm thinking of using some JDK1.6 classes such as java.util.NavigableMap in JBossCache. Some classes in 1.6 are already part of the backport. (This could easily be done without t...
jbossretro/aop integrationOne screwed up situation in the 4.0 branch is the aspects module have both jdk5 and j2se1.4 source trees and seperate artifacts. Can this be unified to a jdk5 based source tree with source/target levels of 1.4 + jboss...
Thread using CallLoggingInterceptor on existing web app
using CallLoggingInterceptor on existing web appi have a simple web app with a servlet or two. i'd like to use the org.jboss.aspects.logging.CallLoggingInterceptor to log method invocation on my existing running app without touching the deployed .war. i want to use...
Thread Migrate security layer from the aspects module to security m
Migrate security layer from the aspects module to security mScott was mentioning that he wants to move the security codebase in the aspects module to either the security module or reuse the security module. Are there any major issues with this? Apart from the caution that nee...
JBAOP-87 - Annotation DependenciesI think Kabir has got the basic test working? but obviously this needs some more tests. This functionality also ties into "write your own dependency" feature that hasn't been done yet in the MC. The idea being that y...
JBAOP-88 - Aspect FactoryThe advice factory from the Microcontainer is sort of there in a "bodged" way. It seems slow and think part of what is doing is probably redundant and/or it is actually duplicating work. Some of the complication come...
KernelControllerContextAware" [JBAOP-210] Do some better management of when things are added to the advisors map of the AspectManager/Domains When run by the MC we force the proxy containers to implement KernelControllerContextAware, and we u...
Thread Aop field interceptor to provide filtering for method call s
Aop field interceptor to provide filtering for method call sKabir, This is the issue that we discussed in Vegas: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBCACHE-110 Basically what I am looking for from PojoCache point of view is that, say, if while I am doing all field interceptio...
Contention point in the AOP layerI cannot seem to be able to drive the CPU load to >85% in my Seam application stress testing. If I increase the client threads, the response time would simply increase and the CPU stays at around 85%. So, I did a t...
Advices for inherited methodsI've revisited how bindings for inherited methods work http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBAOP-154, to be more similar to how overridden methods work.
class POJO{
void test();
void test2();
class Sub1 extends ...
Privileged blocksI got the microcontainer tests working in both weaved and unweaved configurations. This involved fixing some access control problems in AOP. These tests won't excercise the AOP issues too much since there are no adv...
AOP precompiled tests - NoClassDefFoundErrorsI am getting NoClassDefFoundError errors for the precompiled-tests and precompiled-genadvisor-tests on linux. I have the test classes compiled under output/tests.classes The classpath in the build.xml also looks fine....
Strange regression in Proxy processingThere seems to be a regression in the proxy processing. It goes into a loop while trying to create the proxy. But I only when running the test from inside eclipse? Running from command line ant doesn't cause the probl...