• Where is the server/default/deploy directory

    Hello, I am trying to find a JBoss release that has the ${JBOSS_HOME}/server/default/deploy/ directory structure.  So far, I've downloaded the following to files, but the dir structure looks different from what ...
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    last modified by galvi024
  • Where is the server/default/deploy directory

    Hello, I am trying to find a JBoss release that has the ${JBOSS_HOME}/server/default/deploy/ directory structure.  So far, I've downloaded the following to files, but the dir structure looks different from what ...
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    created by galvi024
  • Unable to locate an executable at "/usr/bin/java/bin/java" (-1)

    After recently installing Grails for a new project, my jboss install will not run. I get the following after running ./run.sh   Workhog:bin joenicora$ =============================================================...
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    last modified by joenicora
  • Client application to get the roles of a logged in user (JAAS)

    Hi there,   I have the following code working to run a client java application to login a user on the jboss server running with jaas authentication.   JaasJbossConfiguration.activateConfiguration(); Usern...
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    last modified by michael.schwarz
  • couldn't find run.sh to start jboss?

    Hi ,   I am new to Jboss and installed Jboss 4.2.3 ga src in linux machine. I could not find run.sh to start the Jboss server. Could anyone,help me out. Thanks in advance
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    last modified by hari790
  • Stateful Bean Session timeout

    Hello Team,   I am using JBoss 6 to host my Application. But now i am facing error of Statefull Session bean as below.   2013-08-08 11:02:33,953 ERROR [org.jboss.ejb3.cache.simple.SimpleStatefulCache.Gener...
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    created by s_arfat
  • JBoss, Maven, DataNucleus - next steps

    All,   I am stuck on the next steps for JBoss AS7, Maven & DataNucleus. I posted https://community.jboss.org/message/831214 and got the basics working.   The database is fully functional and I can do ...
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    last modified by elnoobie
  • Getting Up & Running with MySQL, DataNucleus & JDO

    Warning:  I am a complete newbie with JBoss AS7.   The Goal & Tools My primary goal is to get a complete service up and running locally (at first).  Later I will worry about moving things to OpenS...
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    last modified by elnoobie
  • DeploymentException: Web mapping already exists for deployme

    I am brand new to JBoss and am evaluating version 5.0.0 for a new development environment that is urgently needed. I have started with the simple example documented below and deployed the resulting war file to "C:/My...
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    last modified by leogregory
  • Running several JBOSS 7_1_1 clusters on the same network

    Hi Guys          Ok ... so I need to run more than one JBOSS cluster on the same network .     1>  Now from what I understand the UDP Multicast address needs to be u...
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    last modified by sid_de
  • Hibernate sessions in JBoss AS7 using JPA

    Apologies if this isn't the right forum, if it's not please direct me to a more appropriate location!   After following the reverse engineering tutorial (http://docs.jboss.org/tools/movies/#hibreveng) I've succe...
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    created by ccooperfos
  • Deployment Error / Unable to load library

    Here are some lines from the console which concern me.   These lines come up when I start the service: 16:17:55,075 ERROR [ProfileServiceBootstrap] Failed to load profile: Summary of incomplete deployments <...
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    last modified by metaphiz
  • Problem with StringConverter in JAX-RS

    Hello,   I recently started working with JBoss again and I am struggling a bit.   At the moment, I am trying to build a JAX-RS service that is returns a simple data structure. One of the fields however h...
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    created by gstvie
  • JBoss 4.2.3 escaping issue

    I need to send xml via cookies. So I have the following code: Cookie cookie = new Cookie("cookieName", ""); cookie.setValue("xml=<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?>"); response.addCoo...
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    created by pr0z_kh
  • Issue starting default jboss instance

    I am trying to start a production jboss deployment of Jboss eap 5.1.2 and I am running into an issue while it is starting. I am sure its just something I am missing in the configuration.  Here is the error I am r...
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    created by d_michael
  • truncate Jboss log file contents to 0 when restarted

    Hello All,     Our JBoss log file, "stderrwfc.log" keeps growing.   Where do I make this change so that log file doesn't grow anymore and how to do it?    I'm looking into how to set the ...
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    last modified by awara1
  • jboss-6.1.0 FINAL

    how to deploy application in jboss-6.1.0final...
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    last modified by pradhumnjboss
  • jboss error: "process crashed on startup"

    Hi I am new to JBOSS. I am facing one problem in Jboss. Whenever I am trying to start jboss it is giving error that "process crashed on startup". Previously also we have same problem due to diskspace issue. So we h...
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    last modified by rajathcl
  • Can i integrate GateIn into Jboss 5.

    Hello Team,   Can i integrate GateIn into JBoss 5/6. To monitor user login and logout in my deployed Application.   Thanks in advance..
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    created by s_arfat
  • How to configure JBoss logs to view in Awstat

    Hello All,   How to customize JBoss logs config file, So that i can configure and view in awstat.
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    last modified by s_arfat