• I am getting below error while running JBoss 4.0.0

    2014-05-22 17:42:48,353 WARN  [org.jboss.web.tomcat.tc5.Tomcat5] Failed to parse descriptors for war(file:/home/e34244/NewJboss/JBoss/server/testNode3/deploy/jmx-console.war/) org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentExcep...
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    created by sumedh_kakde
  • Problems setting up HA cluster

    Hello Everyone,   I'm trying to set up a ha cluster according to the guideline AS7 Cluster Howto - JBoss AS 7.1 - Project Documentation Editor (don't be irritated that I'm the last author. I only cleaned up the ...
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    last modified by rickster
  • Accessing jboss admin console returns "Http 400 Bad Request" error

    Hi,   I have recently installed Jboss AS version 4.2.3.GA on a Linux platform. the server has started successfully without any errors, but trying to access either the jmx console app or jboss /status page is re...
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    last modified by sasha77
  • Jboss 4.2.2 GA throws Failed to Route Reference error

    Hi All, I'm a newbie in using Jboss server. I have installed jboss 4.2.2 GA server and have some queues initialized. I'm able to properly send and receive messages between queues. But sometimes, i'm getting the follo...
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    created by gokulapandian
  • Web service call logging under JBoss 5.1.0 GA

    Hi All,   Thanks a lot for your time. I am working on a platform that is running multiple web services on JBoss 5.1.0 GA with Java SE 1.7 on top of Solaris 10. I am trying to obtain some idea as to how many ca...
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    last modified by cpmurphy87
  • Balancer (name) and LBGroup (name) in JBoss 7

    When I implement a number of clusters  I end up with something like:   Node app1-server (ajp://server:8109): Enable Contexts Disable Contexts Balancer: mycluster,LBGroup: ,Flushpackets: Off,Flushwait: 1...
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    last modified by willemnoorduin
  • how to use Jboss navigation api ?

    Hi there,        ive been asked to create a dynamic navigation tree menu that will be able to call another portlet on the same page.(to be deployed in Jboss portal)   my first idea on s...
  • Jboss 7.1 and EJB

    Hello Everyone,   I am migrating my application from Jboss 5 GA to Jboss 7.1,I Jboss 5 we are using ejb's in which we are using AsyncUtil.mixin method to convert ejb proxy to async by a boolean variable.How can ...
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    last modified by hasnainraza3
  • JBoss 6.1 Final and stand-alone Apache CXF client

    How can I get a servlet client, running in JBoss6, to run a java client that works with Apache CXF v2.4.6?  I have a stand-alone java client that calls a remote webservice successfully.  I built the client w...
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    last modified by ramboid
  • Jboss 5 GA and J2EE 5

    Hello everyone   Can you please help me how to update Jboss 5 with Java j2ee 5 version.
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    last modified by hasnainraza3
  • Android Communication

    How to communicate  Jboss server(6.1.Final) by using Android Application , I am new for this, I want to retrieve the data which is stored in Mysql Server with the help of Jboss Server . any one can suggest some ...
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    last modified by pradhumnjboss
  • Slow EJB Start when I change a method signiture

    Hi,   I´m using JBoss 4.3 running over Linux RedHat. I have a EJB 3 that has a lot of methods, including private methods. My JBoss container starts in 30 seconds. If I remove a private method from a EJB (a...
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    created by stateri
  • What SSL implementation does Jboss 5 use by default?

    Hello, All. For the last hour or so, I've been trying to find out what SSL implementation jboss 5 uses by default (if you don't specify SSLImplementation in the https connector to see if it's impacted by this:   ...
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    last modified by creatureoflegend
  • Slave fail to registered to DC when DC restart

    Hello,   Normally, you start the DC then the slaves. Everything is fine then, slaves are registering to the DC and they appear in the management console. If the communication is lost between them, for any reason...
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    last modified by agelinas
  • Jboss ESB 4.7 server OutofMemory Error

    Hi,     we are using Jboss ESB 4.7 server in our test and production environments. when we deploy and run the app server works fine with out any issues. after 3 to 4 days app is throwing out of memory. we ...
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    last modified by john234
  • Upgrading Resteasy Within JBoss AS 7

    Hi,   I am new to Resteasy, try to set up the Resteasy, follow the Resteasy-reference-guide-en-US, in the "3.1. Upgrading Resteasy Within JBoss AS 7", it says "The Resteasy distribution comes with a zip file cal...
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    created by hbrong
  • SSO between two JBoss711 AS

    Hi,   I'm newbie to JBoss AS. I would like to do SSO between two web application running in different JBOSS711 AS. Both of AS are running in standalone. I've gone through this link http://java.dzone.com/article...
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    last modified by amarnath_rc
  • Jboss 7 Class Loading Issue

    Hello everyone,   I am migrating application from JBOSS 5 to JBOSS 7.1,i have two ears for e.g A and B,B ear contains ejb classes, when A ear publish a workflow it is queued and the ejb classes in the B ear cons...
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    last modified by hasnainraza3
  • Reading Application Properties

    Hi All,   I am a newbie to java and jboss. S/W using: Jboss v7.0.2 Java 1.7   I want to place an properties file in the server folders ,and access the same in Java.   Please help  me.
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    last modified by anup_patil
  • Can I use nested query in ejb finders?

    We need to use following query in CMP entity bean: SELECT OBJECT(o) FROM CPRecoverLog o WHERE o.status = ?1 AND o.CPTransactionId = ( SELECT MIN(o1.CPTransactionId) FROM CPRecoverLog o1 WHERE o1.status = ?1) The bea...
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    last modified by amit10may