• EJB invocation on particular cluster node

    For some reasons, I want to call singleton EJB on particular cluster node (known by its name at the moment of call). I think this is quite reasonable requirement, since singletons in cluster environment are special ty...
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    last modified by sebek64
  • How to stop singleton service programmatically in jboss 7.1.1

    When split brain issue happens (due to network issue), each node in cluster forms its own cluster group and start acting as master node (running singleton service provider). Once network issue resolved, all nodes get ...
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    last modified by prabus.4797
  • Issue with HA Singleton Service

    We have an application in which the singleton node is decided based on the implementation (Create a singleton service) given in the link below https://access.redhat.com/site/documentation/en-US/JBoss_Enterprise_Appl...
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    last modified by sreeja_e_j
  • JBoss As 6 recovering failover itself?

    Hello,   I read that  JBoss can handle load balancing itself (Sharing server load  between jboss instances) .I do not want load balancing between nodes. This site explains load balancing. http://docs....
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    last modified by deryaaltuntas
  • Can't reconnect to JMS server after cluster node goes down

    Hi, I'm running jboss in cluster configuration - 2 nodes on the same machine with different ports. I have a queue to which messages are sent. When i stop the master node, i immediately see errors in the log. Here are ...
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    last modified by kratosh
  • How do I link a server-group to a virtualhost

    My environment: JBoss AS71 - seperate domain master and two domain slaves. Apache Frontend with mod_cluster I can't use multicast (and mod_advertise), so I have ProxyList defined in profile on master. I also have t...
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    last modified by joffer
  • Jboss 7.1 Clustering

    Hello Everyone,   I am migrating my application from Jboss 5 GA to Jboss 7.1.In Jboss 5 we are using all profile for clustering in which we don't replicate our session between the nodes,we are using sticky sessi...
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    last modified by hasnainraza3
  • Jboss as 7 virtual host

      Now,my project's address is but i want to browse it using, without /myapp.   I have alread took the method of virtual host and dns ,look like this :   jb...
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    last modified by sam.gu
  • Clustering Jboss eap 6 with haproxy

    I want to create a jboss cluster with haproxy load balancer in standalone mode. My question is in standalone-ha.xml file there is an extension for mod cluster <extension module="org.jboss.as.modcluster"/> and t...
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    last modified by thesamabey
  • Clustering is working perfectly, but a small question

    I have successfully clustered multiple application servers. Session replication is working perfectly and everything else seems to be as expected (I'm using JBoss AS 7.2.0 )   I'm interested in the following: Onc...
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    last modified by krahn007
  • mod_cluster - Error [MEM: MEM: Can't read node: {4}]

    Hello,   I have a 2 node standalone cluster that I am trying to configure with mod_cluster. I read this page before starting - https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/AS72/AS7+Cluster+Howto   I grabbed the m...
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    last modified by vikrammurugesan
  • Clustering with pojos

    Hi   we currently have a web application using Seam 2.3 on JBoss as 7.1. Given the increasing demand on the webapp we foresee the need to move to a clustered environment soonish. Currently the whole project is...
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    last modified by ibenjes
  • EJB Timer Service in JBOSS5.1.0

    Hi,   I run a JBOSS 5.1.0 Cluster with 2 Nodes. My problem is, that the EJB Timers run on both nodes.   How do I achieve that the timers run only on the master node and switch to the second node only in c...
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    last modified by euler
  • Trouble with mod_jk, JBoss EAP 6.1, clustering configuration - urgent help requested!

    Hello,   I am looking for some urgently needed help with my JBoss 6.1 EAP clustering problem, at least I believe it is a clustering issue.  The error stacks are coming from JGroups, and it happens only with...
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    last modified by dpasiuk
  • Could not start JBOSS EAP as cluster

    I need distributed cache and session replication in my application. So, how I understand, i just need start two instance of jboss eap with stadalone-ha.xml configuration /jboss-eap-6.2-node-2/bin/standalone.sh -Djbos...
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    last modified by ks.zealot
  • Simpe JBoss cluster not working as expected

    I'm deploying a simple EAR identically on two machines. It has a get.jsp and put.jsp.   Get.jsp adds the current time to the session   Put.jsp reads that same time from the session and prints it, or prints...
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    last modified by krahn007
  • Jboss EAP-6.1.0.Alpha - Clustering - Apache mod_jk - load balancing - 302 redirect issue.

    Hi all,   I am trying to create a clustered jboss environment with apache fronting for load balancing. The versions i am using are: Jboss: EAP-6.1.0.Alpha, Apache httd: 2.2.25, mod_jk: tomcat-connectors-1.2.37....
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    last modified by prahari
  • Learn what's new in WildFly 8 clustering, community feedback wanted!

    Hello guys,   As you probably have noticed, we have released WildFly 8 with new features and of course full EE7 support (certified!). If not, read all about it here: WildFly 8 Final is released! · WildFly &...
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    created by rhusar
  • Re: Clustering + Session sharing lock acquisition errors

    Hi, I'm new here, but I've same problem with my jboss AS 6.1 cluster. My configuration is 2 nodes jboss in cluster, using TCP protocol as channel of communication between jboss intead of udp multicasting. My config...
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    last modified by mbartolucci
  • JBoss EAP 6.1; standalone mode; pbcast.NAKACK; dropped message from non-member...

    Hello, Friends,   I have recently installed JBoss EAP 6.1, after having been away from JBoss for several years, and I was quite surprised by how much things have changed!   I'm having trouble resolving a p...
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    last modified by dpasiuk