• Use of SMTP to selectively monitor the application logs

    hi,   we have different applications deployed on the jboss server, wherein we have different log files generated per application. Nowe i wanted to use SMTP to monitor and send email for only few of the applicati...
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    last modified by vykalra1
  • Jboss5 JCA failover on RDS(AWS)

    Hi,     I don't know whether is the right place to ask for help.   We have client deploy our product on AWS, Jboss 5.1.0 App server on the EC2, and connecting to a Oracle RDS, they want to make RDS 'f...
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    last modified by bondchan921
  • log4j.properties does not work

    Hi,   I am coding in Eclipse with jdk1.8 and wildfly8.1. I deploy an ear project in wildfly8.1(without MATE-INF), then I want to add a log4j properties in it. So I copy MATE-INF to the ear that it is in w...
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    last modified by wuqian2huangchangsong
  • Issues with creating a cache container

    Hi:   I have jboss-as-7.1.1.Final on an windows pc.  I have started Jboss and trying to add a cache container using jboss-cli.  I am getting the following errors   (1) Add a cache container with ...
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    last modified by javajoy
  • HTTPS Crashes JBOSS

    Dear Gurus,   My JBOSS crashes on HTTPS.   Following are the LOGS.     2014-06-16 22:30:00,899 INFO [org.jboss.system.server.jmx.JMXKernel] (Thread-59) Server exit called, exiting the JVM now! 2...
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    last modified by imtiaza
  • Multiple Frequently Changing /tmp/vfs DIRECTORY

    Hi Guys,   greetings!   I'm new to JBoss EAP 6.2 (JBOSS AS 7.3.0) and learning the deployment on it.There are less documents on deployments and very confusing so asking.Please help!   Im running my J...
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    created by anandkrishn29
  • Cannot find ironjacamar-eclipse.jar

    Hi   I can not find the ironjacamar-eclipse.jar in the ironjacamar distrubution. Somebody can ttell me where I can find it.   TIA Richard
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    last modified by bangau
  • Automatic redeployment of a web service(axis archive, aar) in JBoss AS 6.1

    I have web services deployed as AAR(Axis Archive) within JBoss AS 6.1. I would like to know if it is possible for a java program in aar to automatically redeploy itself on critical exception. I hope I may embed some c...
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    last modified by ednaswap
  • Error deploying an application via jboss windows service

    Hi all,   I'm facing the following issue deploying a war into jboss AS 6:   When starting jboss with run.bat command, the deployment is fine!   But when starting jboss as windows service, the war is ...
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    last modified by ikane
  • getResource method in Jboss4 and Jboss5

    I am getting the classloader of a sample class using the below: ClassLoader cl = Class.forName("com.abc.def.ClassA").getClassLoader();   I am getting the URL of the above class using the below: URL url = cl.ge...
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    created by praveenrrk25
  • Problems with jasperreports libs when migrating to jboss 7

    Guys, I did a migration project from jboss 4.2.3 to jboss 7. I use jasperreports in version 3.7.6 When migrating all reports whose design is done manually and not via file. Jasper compilation error occurs in the met...
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    last modified by erenildo
  • Please Help! Migrating from Jboss 4 to Jboss 5,deploy error in jboss-5.0.0.GA

    Hi, ereryone! I am a beginner at JBOSS, and i have a problem with the applation described below: In ../deploy/D.ear/META-INF/application.xml file, A.ejb.jar and B.entities.jar are included and the content of appli...
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    last modified by lutzendonkey
  • Jboss 7 server start up taking long time

    Good Morning.   I am using jboss-as-7.1.1.Final. I am starting up server  it takes long time.   After using below two  commands , its taking short time.   1)  Path : ~/jboss-as-7.1.1....
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    created by rameshchokkapu
  • JBoss AS 7.1.1 - is remote-jmx network traffic encrypted?

    Hi folks,   i am using JMX via <remoting-connector/> on management port 9999. Everything is working fine. My question: Is the network traffic (ssl-) encrypted?   ...i do not want to configure ssl fo...
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    created by dniklas
  • How to configure JBoss 5.1.0.GA to use Log4j2

    Recently we have run into what appears to be lock contention with the default log4j package (1.2.14) that ships with JBoss 5.1.0.GA.   Our application has been running fine at various locations with the followin...
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    created by rheim
  • JBOSS 4 to 6 migration issue

    Hello I am trying to upgrade a project from JBOSS 4 to JBOSS EAP 6.  I have ear file which has ejb.jar and war files. EJB, Web Java classes which are  unable to reference media source API, though I have ment...
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    created by bsrinua
  • Queue and topic not bound in jboss 5 GA

    Hi folks, Please help me to resolve the issue. Summary: I get queue not bound error when I start my jboss server. Below is the server log:   /opt/jboss/bin/run.conf: line 84: rem: command not found =========...
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    created by naveenkumarnl
  • Session Data Crossover

    Hi, all. I'm running jboss 4.2 GA one application running and multiple users are accessing. There is an occasional problem where data for one logged in user gets the data from another logged in user.   is any se...
  • How to configure session data crossover detection

    Hi, all. I'm running jboss 4.0.5GA, portal version 2.4.1 (with a custom application running inside the portal). I have 2 instances of the app. server running on the same virtual machine, fronted by iChain. There is an...
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    last modified by ndrw_cheung
  • Not able to load jars in jboss classpath

    Hi All,   I am getting following exception when I am trying to access the application URL.I have deployed my application in jboss eap 6.0 server.     ###### Error in jboss console is #################...
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    created by sanjmand