• JBOSS 7.1 issue

    Hello all, I am new to JBOSS Application server 7.1. I created war for my application and put it in deployments folder. Then I started the JBoss 7.1 application server. War got extracted at some temporary location...
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  • JBoss 7.1.1 does not create server.log.

    Hello all experts. Here is what we currently have running, JBoss 7.1.1 in Domain Mode. OS Red Hat:Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.4 (Santiago)   So on the host(Host-A) that acts as the Domain Controller...
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    last modified by kingakoopa
  • Error getting jboss-as-client 5.0.1.GA Maven

    Iam using the JBoss Server 5.0.1.GA, Eclipse and Maven to write a JBoss Client program. I added the following lines to my pom.xml:   <dependency>          ...
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    last modified by ffhhggss
  • Jboss error :java.net.SocketException: Broken pipe

    Hi,    We have two applications (App1 and App2) deployed in a clustered environment in two nodes (both applications deployed in both the nodes). App2 exposes an MDB and App1 consumes the MDB. Whenever a requ...
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    last modified by sibbala
  • Active Sessions Load Metric in JBoss 5.01.  Can this limit be increased from 1000?

    Here is the information from the following file: <JBoss-Home>/5.01/mod_cluster.sar/META-INF/mod-cluster-jboss-beans.xml We had our production server stalled recently because there were too many active sessi...
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    created by bipinbora
  • SSL and Diffie-Hellman groups

    Hi folks!   I configured jBoss to use DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA for HTTPS connections. I wanted to know if it really uses this cipher and monitored the traffic with wireshark. Everything was ok except the DH key agreem...
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    created by stemue
  • federation support in JBoss Authorization Server

    HI I am new to JBoss Authorization sever and just want to know is their any federation support in JBoss Authorization server. Which protocol it supports Ws-Fed or Ws-Trust or OAuth or all ?
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    created by utsavvishnoi
  • How to start RMI with public IP when JBOSS is bound to

    I am using Jboss 5.1. Earlier I was binding Jboss to But for security reasons, I have got a requirement to bind my Jboss to localhost ( so that all my ports are connected to localhost instead of pub...
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    last modified by bhkumar
  • Smooks result from transformation disappears

    We are getting a very strange situation :   String msgBody = (String) message.getBody().get();       System.out.println("Request in: " + msgBody);   String result;    ...
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    created by naislav
  • can't login with Arabic password using JAAS in JBoss AS

    Hello,   The problem is that I can't login to my application with Arabic password although I can login with english password and i'm using the following:   First:(Base64) Hashing password before insert it...
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    last modified by romyo0o
  • Integrating Apache Cassandra into JBOSS AS - how?

    Hello,   I'd need to integrate Apache Cassandra with my JEE application running on JBOSS AS 7. I've been searching the web on how this is done best. I found a number of suggestions, but none of these seems to fi...
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  • Can we deploy Oracle Forms and Reports in JBoss AS?

    hi.! I want to know can we use JBoss AS to deploy Oracle Forms and Reports ? If yes then how or if no then why?
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    created by ahmedsunny
  • Migrating weblogic ejb2.x application to eap 5

    We are migrating a product which was developed in Weblogic 8.1.X to JBoss EAP5.X. 1. As this product was there in for a long time code update is considered as a last apporach, which version in eap  should we ta...
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    last modified by rohith_jboss
  • how to access folder insite jboss 6.1.0 directly through URL or access the folder publically

    I am working on JBOSS 6.1.0. I want to assign context path inside host element of the server.xml but it gives me following error. Deployment "WebServer" is in error due to the following reason(s): org.jboss.xb.bindin...
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    created by jaygohel
  • Deploying an app in jboss5.0

    Hi Experts,   I am very new to JBOSS(web applications).I have created a  simple ejb web application and trying to deploy using the jboss 5.0,I am facing some issues.Please help me out resolving the issue...
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    last modified by pradeepkj
  • jboss4.0.1sp1 to jboss6.1.1 migration issue

    hi,   i get below error when i do <ant> at windows command prompt. The source code works at 4.x level, and breaks at 6.x level. Also, i noticed that the jboss directory structure also is very different be...
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    last modified by ppgandhi11
  • jboss 4.0.1sp1 to 5.1.0.GA migration issue.

    Hi I am a newbie. I have java 1.6.0_26. with windows XP. I downloaded the jboss 5.1.0.GA as a full folder using winzip. stuff works on 4.0.1sp1 but doesnt work on new jboss. final goal is to upgrade jboss to 7.x. code...
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  • JBoss 5 EJB Question

    This is an easy one for everyone but me.   I gave it 8 hours at work and I give up.  Even read the whole JBoss 5 manual.   So, I have a java client that connects to JBoss just fine if i do run.bat --h...
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    created by kherman
  • JAAS, pricipal=null issue

    Hi All,   by diging hundreds of threads,  I still can't resove it   -I have configed <security-domain> for each EJB jar file -I have configed <security-domain> in conf/standardjboss.xml ...
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    last modified by bondchan921
  • JBoss 5.0.1 End Lifecycle support

    Hi.   I am in a proyect to migrate an app to a newer version of JBoss. The application runs on JBoss 5.0.1 right now and one of my arguments are the old age of the 5.0.1 version and how it could be right now not...
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    last modified by juantoromarty