• jboss-5.1.0.GA does not start with selenium dependency

    I have the application that work fine until i added selenium dependency: <dependency>             <groupId>org.seleniumhq.selenium</groupId> ...
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    created by bibick
  • Missing dependencies for EJBCA 3.9.1 in JBoss 5.x.x RHEL 6

    Hi,   We are having a problem deploying EJBCA 3.9.1 to some versions of JBoss 5.x.x on Redhat EL 6.   The error is below.   12:17:06,079 ERROR [ProfileServiceBootstrap] Failed to load profile: Summa...
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    last modified by john.shields
  • le serveur localhost à l'adresse XDB requiert un nom d'utilisateur et un mot de passe

    Bonjour, mon problème est que lorsque je veux exécuter mon projet,la  première fenêtre indique due je dois saisir un nom d utilisateur et un mot de passe : voici le message: le serveu...
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    last modified by alajj
  • JBoss 5.1 GA TxConnectionManager Deprecation Errors with new Informix JDBC driver

    Hi,   Our application was running in production with JBoss 5.1 GA , Java 1.6.  We were using Informix DB as our data base. The Informix JDBC driver version we used till now is 3.00.JC3.  Now we are tr...
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    created by kodali2105
  • Problem with JBoss Admin Conole

    Hi All, @ I am having trouble with JBoss admin console access. I have installed JBoss 5.1 on cent os and started successfully. I started the jboss like below   # ./run.sh -c all -b,   Since I wan...
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    created by spadigala
  • JBoss will not start - (main) Error installing to Create

    We have been running this JBoss for quite some time (years) in a clustered environment. This is JBoss 5.1.0.GA running on Windows 2008 Server.   We moved the WIndows PageFile, and restarted... but now JBoss wil...
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    last modified by jimmylammon
  • Problem With dinamic port

    Hello,   I have got a problem with the dynamic ports on JBOSS. I have a system that works through a firewall and for this reason i need to fix all JBOSS ports.   When i execute a Netstat command i can see ...
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    created by ipedraja

    Hi i have ejb application deployed in 5.1GA and i have a other application deployed in jboss 5.1GA But i want one application to interact with other application i have added client ejb_client of my application to the ...
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    created by harshith.hm
  • how can I stop this service?

    Feedback appeared to down the server. This means am I being invaded. if I am how can I stop the service?   2014-03-21 04:49:36,497 INFO  [org.jboss.deployment.MainDeployer] (http- deploy, ur...
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    last modified by jandsrp
  • deployment errors when migrating from JBoss 5.1.0 GA to jbeap 5.2.0

    I needed to go to a version where a security flaw was fixed, so to avoid the hastle of going to a next major release, I wanted to go to a minor version upgrade. However, I'm getting deployment errors when I try to dep...
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    last modified by spiderweb
  • Memory Leak with java.security.ProtectionDomain

    Hello - We run into a weird memory leak issue with JBoss 5.1 on Linux. A heap dump taken while the JVM was busy doing GC indicated that there were a total of 283,188 objects of java.security.ProtectionDomain. We d...
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    last modified by hillside_emc
  • TurnDeploymentScannerDown

    Turn the Deployment Scanner frequency down or turn it off if you do not hot deploy.  Note:  The guidance on if you should do this or not is this.   If you use this in a test or development environment...
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    last modified by wdfink
  • JBOSS AS for Sles 11 SP3

    Can anyone share the hyperlink to where I may download JBOSS for SLES 11 SP3? I need the hyperlink to include options on various releases/levels of JBOSS, ie 5.1, etc..   Thanx, L
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    created by lars2923
  • Jboss 5.1.2 EAP warning with vfszip and war inside ear

    Hi all,   I'm having an issue with running an ear on Jboss 5.1.2 EAP. I'm deploying an ear file, and within that ear is a war. I'm using spring-data (1.4.3.RELEASE), along with Hibernate (4.2.1.Final) as the JPA...
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    created by kenco
  • deployment errors on migrating from jboss5.1 to jboss 7.1.1 final

    Hi All, I am getting following error, when i deployed my war in jboss 7.1.1, it was working fine in jboss5.1. Below error is coming for almost all the jars (in web-inf/lib), how to resolve this, please help em on th...
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    last modified by ggireeshg
  • How to configure APR+JBOSS for SSL.(HTTPs)

    I have tried a lot to configure APR in JBOSS, not able to use SSL (HTTPs).     Server.xml ": <Listener className="org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener" SSLEngine="on"/>   <Connector...
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    created by bishtsand
  • JBoss 6.1.0 Final Deployment Error

    Hi friends, i am new to this community and as well as for JBoss AS.   In our firm, we are using JBoss 6.1.0 in developement of swing applications. And Netbeans IDE and MS Sql Server 2008 as the DB. Here when...
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    created by dineshkumar.cse
  • How to add sub domain in Jboss 5.1.0.GA

    Hi all,   I am very new to jboss and i want to learn much about it since im appointed to move jboss from windows to linux.   I have jboss 5.1.0.GA running on centos 6.5 with jdk1.6.0_33. I want to configur...
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    last modified by ladnjay
  • jboss 5.1Server is not getting started

    While starting  jboss sevice from  service pannel i am getting below error. the jboss 5.1  service on local computer started and then stopped. some service stop automatically if they are not in use by...
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    last modified by munnangi
  • WebServiceException StringIndexOutOfBoundsException

    I'm trying to make a simple hello word web service example. I have coded both client and service. When I run the client, receive this error   Exception in thread "main" javax.xml.ws.WebServiceException: java.l...
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    last modified by demian.diaz