• Jboss 4.3 single singon depending on a context

    Hi   I have a bunch of applications configured on a Jboss so that each of them is available under the same domain but a different context:   xyz.com/app1 xyz.com/app2 xyz.com/app3   Each of the a...
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    last modified by rpgwars
  • WildFly 12: error jboss.remoting.management.channel.registry

    I am upgrading application from wildFly 8 to wildFly 12. Checked the standalone-full.xml in both the versions, looks good. The server starts, but the deployment of the ear fails with error.   2018-05-29 14:44:34...
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    last modified by ashishs
  • how to disable ssl and use only tlsv1.2 in jboss-eap-6.4

    Hi ,   I am using jboss-eap-6.4 and have deployed web services, My requirement is to stop handshaking for all the client making a request to my services with ssl protocol because mu application is currently depl...
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    created by manyu87
  • JCE cannot authenticate the provider BC

    Hi everybody! I'm trying to add support for JBoss AS 5.0.0.GA (JDK6 version) for a project that currently works fine on several platforms including JBoss AS 4.2.3.GA. The problem seems to be that the JCE provider fr...
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    last modified by jeklund
  • JBoss AS 6.4 with MSSQL database driver 6.2 (sqljdbc62.jar)

    Hi,   We upgraded from MSSQL JDBC driver version 4.0 to 6.2 and we are facing issues.   Below is an exception for this INSERT statement (_DT are date fields (datetime, null allowed is true) )    ...
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    last modified by harshapr
  • add crossdomain.xml in jboss as 7.1.1

    Hello! Please, I need help, I am adding a proxy apache for my server from jboss as 7.1.1Final (with flash content) when you login to the application you can not find the crossdomain.xml file   I've tried adding...
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    last modified by p4paulina
  • java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: oracle/xdb/XMLType

    when am retrieving the xml file and getting the below exception. java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: oracle/xdb/XMLType when i add the xdb6.jar, getting the below error. Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: oracl...
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    created by sant_kaly
  • Transaction error on JBoss 5.1.0

    Getting below error:   , processGlobalBeginningDate=Wed May 09 04:10:10 BRT 2018, processGlobalEndingDate=null] as rolled-back. (The reload process transaction is already marked as rolledback only.) com.sicap.d...
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    created by rajib.halder
  • Is JBoss AS 5.1 compatible with jdk-10.0.1?

    Hi All,   We are in the process of moving our java version from 8 to 10 but it seems Eclipse does not allow JBoss 5.1 runtime to configure with jdk 10.   I would really appreciate if anybody is know anythi...
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    last modified by jdhamelia123
  • Jboss deployment config file

    Hi everyone,   First of all, sorry for my bad english. I already deploy an application on jboss 4.2, the application deploys as a compressed .war file, i have to deploy as a folder. In Eclipse, exists a check t...
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    last modified by jgattas
  • JBOSS SQL Server High CPU 100% Kill Connection and they resume.

    Hello,   I have a SQL Server being accessed by 2 JBOSS servers.  From time to time multiple identical SQLs are submitted that consume 100% of the CPU.  All connections are killed, CPU drops from 100% ...
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    last modified by covi
  • Database connection pool issue on JBoss 6.4

    We have JBoss-eap.6.4.0 with below Database connection pool setting and oracle DB as a backend.  We have an issue with locking the connection pool and unable to run any other connection and its not releasing any ...
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    created by thummanagoti441
  • Jboss EAP 6.4.18 (AS 7.5.10) - SPNEGO Kerberos integration gives Unsupported negotiation mechanism NTLM

    Hello all,   I am facing the following error when I try to integrate SPNEGO with my web application, have followed all steps as per Jboss link : 12.8. Configure Kerberos or Microsoft Active Directory Desktop SSO...
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    last modified by ayansen
  • How to enable statistics in Jboss 7.0.2.Final

    I have tried to enable statistics in jBoss 7.0.2.Final but I could'nt enable the feature. I have two questions. 1) Does the jboss version has this concept? 2) If so, please let me know how to achieve that?   Tha...
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    last modified by mariaprabudass
  • Jboss server uses port 9

    Hi,   Does anyone know why jboss uses windows port 9 ?   I can see in resource monitor that port 9 is used by java.exe   Thanks, Thiru
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  • Empty Jboss files post removal of old application file

    Hello Experts, I have a very strange situation. My application file was deployed in jboss and i accidentally uploaded the new version application file without removing old file. Now when both the files were present ,...
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    last modified by mak1234
  • JBoss 5 as service is not starting after windows server 2012 reboot.

    1. We are using JBoss 5 as service (Startup type as automatic) on windows 2012 server. However this JBOSS is not starting automatically after windows server 2012 reboot. 2. If we set JBOSS Service startup type as aut...
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    last modified by ashutoshkanthi
  • Jboss6.4 not able to load /someone.key file from a jar

    Working on a migration project jboss5 to jboss 6.4. Issue details: I have a ear file which is deploying in jboss6.4. Within ear file there are two jar file suppose jar1. Jar and jar2.jar . Jar1 contains somekey.key fi...
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    last modified by rajendra3080
  • Is JBoss 5.1 able to work with Java 9?

    Hi guys,   Our application currently works properly with both JBoss AS and WildFly on JDK 8. I'm investigating the possibility of working with JDK 9, With some patches, it works like a charm on ...
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    last modified by pirent420
  • Delivery Active in jboss-ejb3.xml

    I am unable to configure delivery active via jboss-ejb3.xml getting the below error.   Description Resource Path Location Type cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid content was found starting with element 'd:delivery...
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    last modified by prateekmalhotra29