Thread Jboss Native Service Issue with Jboss 3.2.5 and JDK 1.6 64 bit
Jboss Native Service Issue with Jboss 3.2.5 and JDK 1.6 64 bitHello, I have recently faced an issue in Jbossnative service, It behaves very strangly on high volume of traffic. On further investigation, i found out that application was working fine, but it was not taking ...
Article JBoss AS7 Chinese Resources - JBoss AS7 中文资源汇总
JBoss AS7 Chinese Resources - JBoss AS7 中文资源汇总The purpose of this article is to collect the AS7 relative resources that is written/spoken in Chinese from internet, especially the resources created by JBoss Beijing team members. 本文主要收集网络上面的有关JBoss AS7的中文资源...
JBoss JavaEE Specs Git MigrationNote: This work is now complete, and is kept here for reference purposes only. Background Info Current localtion in svn:
Thread JSPRuntimeContext occupying more heap space
JSPRuntimeContext occupying more heap spaceHi all, Recently we had outage in our server(jboss-eap-4.3) and after analysing the heap dumps we realised that JSPRuntimeContext was occupying more than 30% of heap space. Is it suggestable to add the...
Thread javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: <queue_name> not bound
javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: <queue_name> not boundWe have a adapter that uses Java Messaging Service (JMS) APIs. When this custom adapter is invoked, a JMS messsage is sent by our core Engine to a JMS Queue. A Message Driven Bean (MDB) listening to this JMS Queue pic...
how to configure 64 bit jvm with jboss eapHi All How to configure 64 bit jvm with jboss eap....I am running 64 bit windows 7.Actually I want to increase memory of heap upto 2 gb. Utkarsh
Thread Has anyone got JMS Logging to work in JBoss 6?
Has anyone got JMS Logging to work in JBoss 6?I've seen a couple of post. Has anyone been able to successfully configure JBoss 6 to do JMS Logging? I have a topic configured which i can publish messages to from outside JBoss and consume them, but I ca...
Thread Custom log4j Appender - activateOptions not called
Custom log4j Appender - activateOptions not calledI'm running JBoss 6.1.0.Final on JDK 1.6.0_26 (mac osx) I have a custom subclass of org.apache.log4j.FileAppender that implements a size and day rollover of log files (ie: 20M max size and rollover each day as...
Accessing Quartz Job's from stateles EJBHi, 1. we generate generated emails by (WAR). 2. verify them using a stateles EJB and 3. send them each hour (Quartz-SAR). My EJB is stateles, so i need to collect the mails on ...
Thread Can you replace HornetQ with WebSphereMQ or run both?
Can you replace HornetQ with WebSphereMQ or run both?We are currently running JBoss 4.5 using WebSphereMQ as the messaging system. I would like to upgrade to JBoss 7 but I need to know if we can either replace HornetQ with WebSphereMQ or can both messaging systems...
Link to external libraries - JBoss as 7My application prova.war must use external libraries. Where do I place these libraries and how do I link from my application? Do I have to use modules? Or I can link to external libraries in some other way? When using...
ClassLoadingConfigurationPlease help me with something: I create a jboss-web.xml file <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE jboss-web PUBLIC "-//JBoss//DTD Web Application 5.0//EN" ...
ClassNotFoundException: javax.servlet.ServletContextListenerI have a Java EE 5 application (attached) with contents as follows (I've narrowed down my real application to the following test case which isolates the problem): |- META-INF/application.xml (declares web-module.war)
HTTP - 404 errorHi, I am gettting the following exception. I migrated from SEAM 1.2 to SEAM 2.2. This works fine when SEAM 1.2 is used. HTTP Status 404 - /PerfmWeb/home.seam type Status report message /PerfWeb/
Thread Cannot find target references . /home.xhtml etc in pages.xml
Cannot find target references . /home.xhtml etc in pages.xmlHi, I am using SEAM 2.2. Please find the pages.xml below. All the *.xhtml pages are located under WEBCONTENT. After building the project it gives "Cannot find targeted resources for all : home.xhtml,error.xhtml,log...