• Message Driven Bean Advice Please

    I am deploying a message driven bean to JBoss 4.2.3.GA         <message-driven>          <ejb-name>SCIMSMessageDrivenBean1</ejb-na...
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    created by ismailjones
  • Jboss Native Service Issue with Jboss 3.2.5 and JDK 1.6 64 bit

    Hello,   I have recently faced an issue in Jbossnative service, It behaves very strangly on high volume of traffic. On further investigation, i found out that application was working fine, but it was not taking ...
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    created by zequreshi
  • Jboss 5.1.0 GA,JPA+Hibernate, Maven3 combinely giving  org.hibernate.ejb.HibernatePersistence cannot be cast to javax.persistence.spi.PersistenceProvider

    Hi we are using Jboss 5.1.0 GA, Maven 3, JPA With HIbernate 3.3.1 and JSF. Can any one help for developing a multi module maven project by keeping persistence layer as seperate module from web module.   I am not...
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    last modified by dkalyan3
  • Determination of Classpath

    Hi   When a application is deployed as a collection of war files, how does Jboss determine the actual classpath to use   Thanks
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    created by david-brighton
  • JBoss AS7 Chinese Resources - JBoss AS7 中文资源汇总

    The purpose of this article is to collect the AS7 relative resources that is written/spoken in Chinese from internet, especially the resources created by JBoss Beijing team members.   本文主要收集网络上面的有关JBoss AS7的中文资源...
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    last modified by weinanli
  • JBoss JavaEE Specs Git Migration

    Note: This work is now complete, and is kept here for reference purposes only. Background Info  Current localtion in svn:   https://svn.jboss.org/repos/jbossas/projects/specs/ http://anonsvn.jboss.org/...
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    last modified by pgier
  • JSPRuntimeContext occupying more heap space

    Hi all,   Recently we had outage in our server(jboss-eap-4.3) and after analysing the heap dumps we realised that JSPRuntimeContext was occupying more than 30% of heap space.   Is it suggestable to add the...
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    created by ramathulasi
  • javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: <queue_name> not bound

    We have a adapter that uses Java Messaging Service (JMS) APIs. When this custom adapter is invoked, a JMS messsage is sent by our core Engine to a JMS Queue. A Message Driven Bean (MDB) listening to this JMS Queue pic...
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    created by dpandey
  • how to configure 64 bit jvm with jboss eap

    Hi All How to configure 64 bit jvm with jboss eap....I am running 64 bit windows 7.Actually I want to increase memory of heap upto 2 gb.   Utkarsh
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    last modified by utkarsh_shinde
  • Want to know where we can download jboss5.1 eap

    Hi All,      can you please provide a link where to download jboss 5.1 eap free dowload.???
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    last modified by sumanthkethe
  • Has anyone got JMS Logging to work in JBoss 6?

    I've seen a couple of post.  Has anyone been able to successfully configure JBoss 6 to do JMS Logging?  I have a topic configured which i can publish messages to from outside JBoss and consume them, but I ca...
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    created by jm1468
  • How to start Jboss from Java

    Hello every one,   I am wondering how to start Jboss from command Java.   Thanks! Ben
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    last modified by benjabyz
  • Custom log4j Appender - activateOptions not called

    I'm running JBoss 6.1.0.Final on JDK 1.6.0_26 (mac osx)   I have a custom subclass of org.apache.log4j.FileAppender that implements a size and day rollover of log files (ie: 20M max size and rollover each day as...
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    last modified by bwallis42
  • Accessing Quartz Job's from stateles EJB

    Hi,   1. we generate generated emails by (WAR).   2. verify them using a stateles EJB and   3. send them each hour (Quartz-SAR).     My EJB is stateles, so i need to collect the mails on ...
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    created by n0cturne
  • Can you replace HornetQ with WebSphereMQ or run both?

    We are currently running JBoss 4.5 using WebSphereMQ as the messaging system.  I would like to upgrade to JBoss 7 but I need to know if we can either replace HornetQ with WebSphereMQ or can both messaging systems...
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    last modified by drathnow
  • Link to external libraries - JBoss as 7

    My application prova.war must use external libraries. Where do I place these libraries and how do I link from my application? Do I have to use modules? Or I can link to external libraries in some other way? When using...
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    last modified by antonio_bruno
  • ClassLoadingConfiguration

    Please help me with something:   I create a jboss-web.xml file   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>  <!DOCTYPE jboss-web PUBLIC "-//JBoss//DTD Web Application 5.0//EN"   &#...
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    created by mbehr
  • ClassNotFoundException: javax.servlet.ServletContextListener

    I have a Java EE 5 application (attached) with contents as follows (I've narrowed down my real application to the following test case which isolates the problem): |- META-INF/application.xml (declares web-module.war) ...
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    last modified by shelleyb
  • HTTP - 404 error

    Hi,   I am gettting the following exception. I migrated from SEAM 1.2 to SEAM 2.2. This works fine when SEAM 1.2 is used.   HTTP Status 404 - /PerfmWeb/home.seam type Status report message /PerfWeb/home.se...
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    created by shpit
  • Cannot find target references . /home.xhtml etc in pages.xml

    Hi, I am using SEAM 2.2. Please find the pages.xml below. All the *.xhtml pages are located under WEBCONTENT. After building the project it gives "Cannot find targeted resources for all : home.xhtml,error.xhtml,log...
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    created by shpit