• call backs to hot deployment of -ds.xml

    I have added some more outputs. This time making changs in both caches at different times. Run DateTime:Wed May 05 13:46:18 BST 2004 ------------------------------------------------------- GMS: address is lbupajt811...
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    created by tsrmohan
  • Found a BUG in EAR hot deployment

    I believe I found a bug in JBoss hot undeploy algorithm. Here is my setup: - Jboss 3.2.3 running on Linux - a single .ear archive - this ear includes: .war archive, .sar archive, and .jar archive: .sar - Jboss servic...
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    last modified by yurifyurif
  • JBoss Production Deployment Issues

    I have an intranet system that was just released in a production environment the configuaration is as follows: JBoss version: JBoss 3.0.8 Database: MySql Operating System: Windows 2000 Professional Machine: Dell wit...
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    last modified by soshah
  • JBossRMIClassLoader

    Hi, sorry I'm sure that is the wrong forum, but all other forums are may be wrong as well. I'm in the process of integration jboss in eclipse to use eclipse as j2ee gui. (sf.net/projects/jstaff) The trick is that the...
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    created by joa23
  • does jboss support directory structure deployment??

    hi all i am new to jboss.i m wuking in a development environment. i am trying to deploy a session bean with the ejb client as as servlet..the web-app is in a .war file and ejb's in a .jar file. however i would like t...
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    last modified by suchi
  • Jboss 4: BETWEEN in EQL

    Hi. I have used following EQL: SELECT OBJECT(o) FROM Orders AS o WHERE o.date BETWEEN ?1 AND ?2 and this is what i've got at deploy: 2004-04-07 16:23:46,038 DEBUG [org.jboss.ejb.plugins.cmp.jdbc.JDBCEJBQLQuery.Orde...
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    created by mushkevych
  • Behaviour of jboss during hot deployment

    Hi, I am using Jboss 3.2.2 I am curious to know about what would be the behaviour of jboss during hot deployment of a bean. To put it more clearly how would the clients behave if they look up for the bean and call me...
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    last modified by tsrmohan
  • How can I deploy the -ds.xml before my EJBs when they are in

    Hello All, I have been searching around for a way to tell jboss which components to deploy first within one .ear file but haven't been successful.. I tried adding the -ds.xml into one of the jars in the .ear. knowing...
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    last modified by neva
  • Depolyment error during jmx-net.sar

    We are facing following deployment error on some occations, restarting the server happens to resovle the issue. 08:53:40,593 WARN [MainDeployer] The manifest entry in file:/home/nightbld/jboss_trunk_Oracle9i/jboss/jb...
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    created by shantharam_a
  • deployment order within ear file

    hello folks, i've a question on deployment order within ear file(or any other archive). I'm using jboss3.2.3 and my ear file structure is like this: E.ear |_ S1.sar |_____|_ J1.jar |_____|_ META-INF |__________|_...
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    last modified by sandy_basic
  • Problems deploy EJB QL

    Hi, sorry, i'm a little mad at the moment, you know.... I simply don't understand what is wrong with the following syntax. SELECT OBJECT(c) FROM MyStoreItem AS c WHERE c.price = 0 I keep getting a error when trying ...
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    last modified by ltcmelo
  • How to combine ear files of several modules into one

    Hello, I have an ear file for each module in my project. I would now like to have only one ear file encompassing all modules together so that I can have only one file to send to the client. How can I do that? Any ide...
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    last modified by neva
  • Strange deployment problem!!

    Hi , I have been trying to deploy an EAR and experiencing and starnge problem. Some of the Beans are failing to Deploy and the reason mentioned is EJB spec violation Warning: All the exceptions defined in the throw...
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    created by sheikh_a1
  • Ignore DOCTYPE

    How do I tell JBoss to ignore the lack of a DOCTYPE at the top of my deployment descriptors? The problem is I'm not always connected to a network (and as we've seen java.sun is not always available).
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    created by ericjkaplan
  • Service Lifecyle confusions - potential fix

    The state machine was not immeadiately for the service layer, but will be used to enforce illegal transitions if we decide on a state diagram. The suggested change makes sense, but the other problem is the fact that ...
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    last modified by starksm64
  • Why NoAnnotationURLClassLoader.getURLs returns a empty url[]

    /** * Return an empty URL array to force the RMI marshalling subsystem to * use the java.server.codebase property as the annotated codebase. * * Do not remove this method without discussing it on the dev list. * ...
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    last modified by hamduke
  • Verifier

    Hi, I am using Verifier for verifiying my ejbs. If I turn the fork="false", I get the following exception. I dont want the fork="true" as it opens a command window (on window 98). Is it a feature of bug? ----------...
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    created by rajsaini
  • verifier with ant

    Hi I want to verify my application like you can do with the verrifier which comes with j2ee developmentkit. With the sun verifier I become several errors. With searching on the web I found that on version 2.4 of jboss...
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    last modified by dirk65mb
  • How to reload classes and other resource in jboss 3.2.2?

    Order depends on two things: - russion doll packaging (you can have a jar and a war in a ear) - order of extensions, which is SAR, RAR, *ds.xml, *service.xml, JAR, WAR, WSR, EAR, ZIP, BSH, last
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    created by aliag
  • External DTD refs within a Jar file

    I've got an XML file deployed in my jar that has an external reference within the DOCTYPE: <DOCTYPE myxml PUBLIC "yadayada" http:yadayada" [ <!ENTITY % otherdtd SYSTEM "FILE INSIDE SAME JAR AS THIS ONE"> %ot...
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    created by katsteve