• How to control sequence of deployment of war file in JBOSS

    Hi Guys, Lets say i have sapweb.war and SWIM.war under JBOSS_HOME/server/deploy when i start my jboss as , it always try to load SWIM.war first which gonna cause my SWIM.war failed because SWIM.war only can be dep...
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    created by just_a_kid
  • Deploy war files with same application name

    Hi Friends, How to deploy war files with same application name. My scenario. Two War Files with the name PROJECT1.WAR; one is for testing and another is for development which are running in the same server. Any alt...
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    created by xp_mahesh
  • migrating from BES to jboss

    Hello, I'm on the way to migrate an application fdeployed and compiled with Borland Entreprise Server (BES)t o JBoss, can anyone give me a howto? Thanks
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    created by safi.ezzina
  • Unable to Operate a button after deployment in JBoss

    Hi Experts, Im new to J2EE. Here is my scenario. In Eclipse IDE my toolkit program works well. Step 1: I converted my packages to a JAR and placed its location in the server. Step 2: I took my JSP applications a...
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    created by dhayanandh
  • Error while deploying jar file

    Hi I am new to jboss. I am getting the following error messages while starting the server. I copied ServiceBean.jar file to the /server/default/deploy/ directory for deploying it while starting the server. please hel...
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    last modified by malert
  • Deploying Incubator CXF under jboss 4.0.5

    Hi all! I hope someone will be able to give us a solution to a problem that we are experiencing. We are trying to work with Celtix as ESB under jboss environment (vers 4.0.5) We have followed all the instructions to...
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    created by luka1602
  • MainDeployer.listDeployed() returns empty collection

    The admin console uses MainDeployer's listDeployed() operation to obtain needed information, but on the JBoss 5.0 Beta1 release, the results returned from listDeployed() is empty. Does anyone know what's going on? Has...
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    last modified by chilin
  • How to deploy multiple hars (atleast two) in jboss?

    Hi All, We have a product customized to different clients. We have a basic har which does the hibernate related stuff (common to all clients). Now we have implemented the customized work flow management which will be...
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    created by prabhu_rdm
  • Question of hot-deploying jar file

    Sorry if this sounds like a stupid question. It is fine to hot-deploy web app, but I'm wondering what does it take to be able to hot-deploy a normal jar file. The reason is this: we want to put Mule inside JBoss, wh...
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    created by anna_karina
  • org.jboss.util.FileProtocolArchiveBrowserFactory

    http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBCOMMON-19 As part of porting Scott's fixes for http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBAS-3866 into common-1.x, I found out the org.jboss.util.FileProtocolArchiveBrowserFactory had als...
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    created by dimitris
  • JBAS-4194 . Configurable Default TX attribute for CMT

    Couple of Approaches which comes to my mind are : Approach 1 : There should be the configurable Parameter in the org.jboss.ejb.EJBDeployer which will be used to set the default TX attribute . The attribute should be ...
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    created by vickyk
  • CAS in JBoss

    I am trying to deploy CAS in Jboss and I having a Log4J error: 11:15:49,814 INFO [TomcatDeployer] deploy, ctxPath=/cas, warUrl=.../tmp/deploy/ tmp39339cas-exp.war/ 11:15:50,486 ERROR [STDERR] log4j:ERROR Could n...
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    created by javierdac
  • scanning unpacked deployment units outside the jboss server

    Hi, I'm developing war deployment units for JBoss 4.0.2 all the time. One of the bottlenecks for developer productivity is the code deploy test cycle (probably most people feel this). Jetty now has this plugin for m...
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    last modified by joris77
  • Tracing what happens before EARDeployer starts

    I'm new to JBoss internals. I'm having a very strange problem: I have two applications in EAR files. When I deploy them on my desktop machine here (localhost) I get normal log messages. When I set up a virtual-host en...
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    last modified by smokingapipe
  • Help needed on Deploying a Struts Application as a portlet o

    Hi I am trying to deploy a struts application as a portlet on JBoss portal 2.4.0.GA...I get this error while deploying...Any suggestions will be appreciated [org.jboss.portal.core.impl.model.instance.PersistentInst...
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    last modified by hussain_rangwala
  • How can I  update files in deploy/tmp when start jboss but d

    Hi, I need to know how can I or where I found the configuration files for update /deploy/tmp without remove the wars when i shutdown or star again. Thanks for any help or idea.
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    last modified by sofia
  • Dynamically reordering of deployers

    The JAXWSDeployerJSE attempts to dynamically insert itself before the JBossWebAppParsingDeployer like this: public int getRelativeOrder() { if (relativeOrder == 0) { // Order this deployer before the JBossWebA...
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    last modified by thomas.diesler
  • DeploymentUnit access to parent

    The DeploymentUnit deprecates access to the DeploymentContext /** * Get the deployment contxt * * @return the deployment context */ @Deprecated // If you are using this, then think about it. DeploymentContex...
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    last modified by thomas.diesler
  • How to start a single application in jboss

    hi, Is it possible in Jboss that i start the server with a particular path of my ear file. And jboss Server only deploy that application at the time of server startup. I have one more issue that in my server 5 ear i...
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    last modified by pritesha
  • Failure during deployment scan results in JBoss undeployment

    Recently we had a running JBoss instance undeploy itself for unknown reasons. Upon inspecting the the log file we came across Could not list directory '/usr/local/jboss-4.0.3/server/default/deploy', reason unknown ...
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    last modified by mwaters