• JBoss AS 5 documentation

    I am just getting started with JBoss AS 5 administration and configuration guide and was wondering why it does not have anything on JBoss implementation of Java EE security platform (unlike previous versions which do ...
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    created by shekharshan
  • how to change the jboss schema name

    Hi, I'm following the Server Configuration documentation and came across: We assume that you have already installed the external database server, and have it running. You should create an empty database named jboss,...
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    last modified by qbq
  • JBoss5 - Legacy applications and descriptor compatibility

    Hi, I am an long-time JBoss AS 4 user and I having a bit of trouble deciphering my deployment issues on JBoss AS 5. What I am finding is that the JBoss specific deployment descriptors are causing the deployers to rej...
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    created by brent.atkinson
  • Is it possible to use Oracle CEP with JBOSS server?

    We are planning to use Oracle's Complex Event Processing in our application. Is it possible to use Oracle CEP with JBoss server?
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    last modified by imrana.mazhar
  • JBOSS installation - query

    I am using RHEL 5.2 on my Intel box. I am new to Jboss application server and while going through the installation documentation i got caught at one point below is what i find in the docs Download and install the ap...
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    last modified by iinfi
  • org.jboss.seam.InstantiationException: Could not instantiate

    Hi, I'm a newbie to JSF/JBOSS/EJB3.0 I did the setup correctly and was able to load the jsp pages. I created a Session Bean,entity bean and two xhtml pages. When i try to enter the details and click submit button,...
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    last modified by deepavenkat
  • A misspelled samples in doc

    Not sure where to report this, but there is a minor typo in doc. In http://www.jboss.org/file-access/default/members/jbossas/freezone/docs/Installation_And_Getting_Started_Guide/5/html/The_JBoss_Server___A_Quick_Tour...
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    created by zman12345
  • order of loading class

    there some some library folders under JBOSS_HOME. such as $JBOSS_HOME/lib $JBOSS_HOME/server/[configure]/lib $JBOSS_HOME/server/[configure]/[application]/WEB-INF/lib $JBOSS_HOME/server/[configure]/[application]/WEB-IN...
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    last modified by newme
  • what component?

    Hello. Sorry I'm french.. I don't know what are the component that I have to download for my configuration.Please help me. 1 serveur apache et 2 serveur tomcat OS Suse Linux server 32 bits Thanks!
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    last modified by 5l1m
  • How to reduce Jboss Startup Time

    Hi All, Sorry if i am posting this question again but i m unable to find its answer. i have just installed Latest Jboss 5.0. and have deployed my application successfully. but my problem is that Jboss is takeing 2 m...
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  • New to Jboss

    Hi Guys I am new to jboss, I want to do some project in java, so what are the things I needed from Jboss site, is Jboss is free? please answer. regards Philip
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    last modified by pjputhenvila
  • Build failure - SmooksFactTest - drools 4.07

    I need some direction on next step to take after encountering this error during build process: [INFO] There are test failures. Failed tests: testFact(org.drools.runtime.pipeline.impl.SmooksFactTest) testGlobal(org...
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    last modified by swong1
  • First time developing for JBoss (3.2.7)

    Does anyone have any recommended resources for getting started on JBoss 3.2.7? I've been using JBoss for years now and am familiar with the updating of pre-established programs, but I've never started from scratch on...
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    created by hopsaddict
  • configuring default application

    Hi friends I have an application deployed on the server but to access it i have to type http://localhost:8080/xxx in the browser. but I want to set the xxx application as the default application for jboss. So when i t...
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    last modified by yaragalla_murali
  • For Default Web application using JBoss AS

    hi, am using jbossAS4.2 for my web application. i want to load my application default. now i just redirect from Root.war/Web-inf/web.xml. it works like example, http://www.mytest.com/mytest. here mytest is my folder...
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    last modified by neek
  • eclipse + jboss + web services

    Hello! I'm totally new to jboss and a bit to web services. Can anyone tell me one tutorial that covers using Jboss for web services on eclipse ganymedes? I've googled it but found nothing. I'm despairing :( Also...
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    last modified by kotoko
  • Jboss not accessible on remote server.

    HI All, i am facing a problem with jboss while accessing it from remote machine. i hope some1 will b able to find its solution for me. i have installed lastes available jboss (jboss-5.0.0.GA) on a linux machine. now...
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    last modified by kashif_jboss
  • Configuring the Manager web application Context

    Anyone knows how to configure manager web application context in jboss 4.2.2?
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    last modified by priyapg
  • How to develop JBPM project with Eclipse, Netbeans, and Tomc

    Hi there, I m very new to JBPM, this might be a silly question, but forgive if it really is, i need your help! I m trying to introduce JBPM into my project, which is a big J2EE project, which used to be developed in...
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    created by liudi
  • bocBase in Context.xml

    Which path should be set as docBase inContext.xml in jboss 4.2.2?
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    last modified by priyapg