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Thread What happens when a business method throws EJBException?
What happens when a business method throws EJBException?My component has a business method that throws EJBException in some cases. At first, I invoke this method and it throws ServerException and it should throw it. Then, I invoke this method when it shouldn't throw except...
Thread How to do a distributed transaction process between wsad and
How to do a distributed transaction process between wsad andNow i want to create a global transaction on wsad. i call a ejb on wsad ,then call another ejb on jboss. function is transfer 100$ from oracle to db2 with two ejbs. I want to know how to complish the transaction based...
Confused Question?I got confused when I take a look at the server.log information. Does JBoss create and start one specified ejb container for each ejb in the application? Suppose if there are two stateless session beans in my j2ee app...
Thread configure,jca and xa .to integrate two application server.
configure,jca and xa .to integrate two application server.i have set up the jboss4.0 jboss-head. i want to finish a distributed transaction that bypass two j2ee platform.jboss and websphere by jca adapter and xa specification. I want to know i will configure the xadatasource...
an XML for deployment order of jars?I have various ejbs that depend upon each other. Depending on the order in which jboss deploys them at startup I either work or don't work. I saw some forum discussion a while ago suggesting renaming the jars with nu...
Running Tomcat in JBossHi, I have downloaded jboss-3.0.6_tomcat-4.1.18.zip from the www.jboss.org site after extracting it to the c:\jboss folder, I am not able to start tomcat along with jboss. Please help me to integrate the tomcat wit...
Thread PLEASE SOMEONE! How can I make CMP2.0 use existing foreign k
PLEASE SOMEONE! How can I make CMP2.0 use existing foreign kHi all yo, My problem is, that when my app is going to perform first calling over entity bean, MySQL throws sqlException : Column blabla defined twice. blabla means existing FK column in DB Conditions: The current en...
Thread Dodgy warning message 7.10.6 on EJB deployment
Dodgy warning message 7.10.6 on EJB deploymentAll, Could the warning message relating to clause 7.10.6 be extended to include the full message. " The methods defined in this interface must follow the rules for RMI/IIOP. This means that their argument and return...
Thread Client side http invoker bugfixes not in 3.2 branch?
Client side http invoker bugfixes not in 3.2 branch?Hello, I noticed that the last two bugfixes of a class I'm particularly interested in, org/jboss/invocation/http/interfaces/Util.java, are only available in the 3.0 branch, not in the 3.2 branch. http://cvs.sourcefo...
getEJBLocalObject returns null (JBoss 3.2.0)I've written a custom interceptor that I use with certain entity beans. It is configured as the last interceptor in the chain. I'm seeing some unexpected behavior. Calling getEnterpriseContext() on the invocation alwa...
3.2.x latest version?I'm not sure which version of 3.2.x is the latest. Is it 3.2.0 or 3.2.0RC4? I can't find anything related to this question either on jboss.org or sourceforge. If someone could point me right, it'd be greatly appreciat...
Bug in EJB-QL parser in all JBoss versionsHi all, If you have a variable with the name like "from%" you receive an error during parsing For example: SELECT a.fromNode FROM Link AS a WHERE ... It looks like the parser consider all tokens start with 'from' a...
Not BoudHI All! I am using Jboss3.0.6, Mysql, and an entity bean to access the database. When I use int type for primary key everything is ok, but when I use String type for primary key I get error. What does this error mea...
Query not found when in EAR...I think that I have found a bug in the EARDeployer. Trying to put together a website using 3.2RC4 I wanted to put my war and jar files into an ear file along with the application.xml file so it can be deployed. If I p...
Thread EJB jar deployment problems: LinkageException
EJB jar deployment problems: LinkageExceptionWhen I deploy my jar with one Stateless Session EJB there are new entrances created in tmp folder. Each for new deployment. Why is it so? The old ones aren't deleted. After some deployments I have no space on my hard...
bmp and auto_incrementI really need help...... I have jboss 3.0.6 installed on a freebsd 4.6 server and I am having major issues testing my bean. I am using the mysql 3.23. database. Basically, when I try to run my bean from the test drive...
How use Access bean on jboss?I have some session bean on WebSphere. And I use these session bean by Access Bean, now I want to use these session bean on Jboss. How can I use these Session bean on Jboss Server?