• What's new in Jboss embedded beta3 SP4?

    Hi dear jboss embedded folks, Is there a place where I can find a release note of what has changed in the new beta3? Thanks, /Benoit
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    created by benoit.heinrich
  • own jaas domain not working

    hello, I'm trying to use a self defined jaas domain policy inside my ejb3 tests with embedded jboss. But i got only "invalid user": [testng] javax.ejb.EJBAccessException: Invalid User [testng] at org.jboss.ejb3....
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    last modified by nias
  • Embedded JBoss and MBeans

    I've managed to get the Embedded JBoss deploy my EJBs successfully. Here are my configurations: Maven Surefire plugin: <plugin> <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> <artifactId>mave...
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    last modified by silenius
  • Problem with Embedded Jboss and MySQL

    There is my problem with Embedded Jboss and MSQL. I trying to solve him more over 2 weeks. I obviously can'™t find ri...
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    created by stevovukovic
  • Embedded JBoss and Maven

    I see a lot of examples how to use Embedded JBoss, but all of them add classes manually one by one like the example at http://www.jboss.org/community/docs/DOC-9684. Does anyone use maven and have an example about how...
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    last modified by silenius
  • EJB 3.1 Embeddable Prototype

    A lot of people are, understandably, complaining about the lack of any JBoss Embedded progress. I think the problem isn't so much as a lack of progress. Right now we have (and are still building) a box full of buildin...
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    last modified by wolfc
  • Maven and the -all.jars

    Hi all, we are starting to run the embedded JBoss for our tests. Our project is a maven2 project, so we can use the artifact from the JBoss repository to add the dependencies from the embedded libraries. So far so g...
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    last modified by hubaer
  • jaas

    Hello, I'm following this example http://in.relation.to/1380.lace to unit test my ejb3 components. When I try to deploy my beans (that have security enabled) I get jaas not bound message. What is the configuration ne...
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    last modified by kgoedert
  • Moved successfully from JBoss Embedded to OpenEJB Embedded

    I was one of the first early adopter of JBoss Embedded and all JBoss 5.X stack. But now enough is enough. Nobody seems to care at JBoss about JB-Embedded users. I lead a big project using EJB 3 and I made Beta 2 ->...
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    last modified by johanmicoud
  • Jboss Embed for Junit testing

    hey all, I'm trying to get jboss embed setup for unit testing. I'm running into this problem: java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to bootstrap at org.jboss.embedded.junit.BaseTestCase.bootstrap(BaseTestCase.java:103)...
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    last modified by dhartford
  • Local JNDI not working with embedded JBoss in Tomcat 5.5.9

    When I try to do a lookup on my data source as follows: Context initCtx = new InitialContext(); Context envCtx = (Context) initCtx.lookup("java:comp/env"); return (DataSource) envCtx.lookup(type.getName()); I ge...
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    created by jdean72
  • Is Embedded JBoss dead?

    Hi all, I find the concept of a "small" JBoss AS for simple testing a great idea, but I wonder that the latest version of the Embedded JBoss is beta3 and JBoss-AS- .0.0 reached CR1. So I asked myself is the Embedded ...
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    last modified by hubaer
  • Error while deploy real jar.

    Hi All, i want to load my own jar files (not virtual) to Embeded jBoss for JUnit testing i copied my jar to deploy dir and after i run Bootstrap.getInstance().bootstrap(); in stacktrace i see next errors: ERROR [org....
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    last modified by traffic_11
  • Where can I find last jboss embedded ?

    From JBoss web site, when I clik on the download page of JBoss EJB3, I go on that page http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=22866&package_id=132063&release_id=346762 It only contains very old...
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    last modified by jc7442
  • Building embedded jboss from JBoss-5.0.0.CR-src failed

    Hello, after trying to build the JbossAS 5CR1 from source with some problems (http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&t=138371 after that the build of embedded jboss fails too with: Reference ...
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    last modified by arakasi69
  • Problems starting jboss embedded

    Hi, I'm trying to get embedded jboss up and running under java 1.5.0_15 to do some EJB unit testing. So far I've pretty much just coppied the bootstrap dir and referenced it in my classpath, along with my junit test...
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    last modified by bradleydouglas
  • multiple seam apps on tomcat (w/ embeded jboss)

    I've been told (http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBSEAM-1663) that Embedded Jboss on tomcat can't run multiple Seam apps (the EJBs in seam.jar collide, apparently). It'd be nice if you could. I'm not particularly ne...
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    last modified by matt.drees
  • Has anybody a runing embedded jboss env ?

    Hello, since a few days i've tried to get a runing embedded jboss environment in eclipse ganymede, regardless what i'm doing without success. First and last, i tried it with the embedded beta3 package: i configured ...
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    last modified by arakasi69
  • NPE when calling getCallerPrincipal on SessionContext

    I wrote the following interceptor : public class SecurityInterceptor { @javax.annotation.Resource protected javax.ejb.SessionContext context; @javax.interceptor.AroundInvoke public Object execute(javax.intercep...
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    created by chawax
  • Interceptors don't work

    Hi, I use Embedded JBoss beta 3 in a Maven project and run unit tests with TestNG. It took a long time but now the embedded container starts well and the tests are successful. But when I configure interceptors in ejb...
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    last modified by chawax