• Another JSR for management

    You might want to look at a new api "Java Management Extensions Remote API" or JSR 160. You would probably need to write a client application for management purposes.
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    created by joseph_joseph
  • JSR77 : Inter-EJB Relationships

    Is there any generic (non-jboss specific) way of identifying which EJBModule deploymentDescriptor element relates to which EntityBean J2EEManagedObject? Let me put that another way... I've parsed a EJBModule deploym...
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    last modified by jeremypitten
  • JSR-88

    Does anyone knows if the exist a next version of JBoss where the JSR-88 will be implemented ? What version ?
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    last modified by fabcipriano
  • Components part II

    Hello, After 6 weeks, I would like to know where we are about the components? Are there examples available in CVS? :) Cheers, Loïc
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    last modified by wondersonic
  • JSR77 doubts

    Hi, I have some doubts to be clarified. 1)In JBoss3_0_4 i tried to stop one managed object(jboss.management.single:J@EEApplication= ,J2EEServer=Single,j2eeType=ResourceAdapterModule,name=jms-ra.rar) which has it's S...
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    last modified by ivrajesh
  • eXist JBoss Plugin

    Hi, at the moment I am working on creating a MBean for integrating an eXist XML-Database into JBoss. When integrating eXist into a standard servlet engine, the database Files are usualy stored somewhere in WEB-INF. W...
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    created by chrisdutz
  • Jsr77 Manageability

    Hi, If i deploy an application in a Jboss i could see the application given jsr77 manageablity. I think all these stuffs are carried out internallly in Jboss. My application is also represented as an MBean having Obj...
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    last modified by ivrajesh
  • Contribution

    Hello, I would like to know how to contribute to the administration console. I would like to help you for the HTML/Javascript/CSS/Servlet/JSP/Taglibs part of the console. I've worked on a web application for 2 years...
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    last modified by wondersonic
  • ANNOUNCE: JBoss Admin-Framework and Web-Console in HEAD

    Hello, I've commited (on Sunday) and administration framework and a web-console implementation in HEAD. ADMIN FRAMEWORK =============== Allows you to plug administration plugins that provide admin features for a spe...
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    last modified by slaboure
  • Let's Begin

    We need better management information. A lot of the JSR-77 stuff is useful information, the only problem was with how it was integrated, not really tested, and not understood by the people working on the core stuff in...
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    last modified by bill.burke