• why are some jars required by a Profile Service client not i

    In order to invoke methods on the Profile Service remotely, I needed the following jars in my classpath: set JBOSS_CLASSPATH=%JBOSS_CLASSPATH%;%JBOSS_HOME%\client\jnp-client.jar set JBOSS_CLASSPATH=%JBOSS_CLASSPATH%...
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    last modified by ips
  • Issues with MapCompositeValue

    Recently i noticed that the behavior of MapCompositeValue is a bit weird. The main issue with this is that remove() does not update the MetaType. Looking into that - i don't think that the value-keys should be stored...
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    last modified by emuckenhuber
  • type-mapping and metadata DS/CF props

    Datasources and connection factories have both a type-mapping and a metadata prop. The type-mapping prop is a simple value, and the metadata is a composite value containing a single simple named typeMapping. I think b...
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    created by ips
  • ManagedConnectionFactory security-domain value recreation

    WRT https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBAS-6796 It seems that wrapping the security-domain in a ManagedObject does not seem to be the right way. At least from the console side the recreation of this value cannot be ...
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    last modified by emuckenhuber
  • Applying persisted changes.

    One of the failures i mentioned was about restoring JMS destinations. The updates does not work when the ManagedObjectClass(..) is not present in the deployment descriptor. So the tests with this annotation element ar...
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    last modified by emuckenhuber
  • JBAS-6689     add support for activation policy metadata on Mana

    Starting this thread to discuss how best to address the issues brought up in the http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBAS-6689. We can certainly discuss what we want to do in the future but I think the immediate priorit...
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    last modified by ccrouch
  • ManagementView.process()

    When is it necessary to call ManagementView.process()? The Javadoc for the method don't make it clear. The following ManagementView methods update something: updateComponent removeComponent applyTemplate Do all, or ...
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    last modified by ips
  • JBAS-6672, null values and defaults

    Essentially this JBAS-6672 issue is asking for null managed property values to be interpreted as resetting primitive values back to their default values. This does not seem to have an easy mapping as there is no pract...
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    last modified by starksm64
  • JBAS-6676, Suport for exposing JMX bean as ManagedObject

    This has turned out more difficult than I expected because of how the ManagedObjectFactory/Builder are oriented towards creating a ManagedObject template from a Class view that is expected to have the management annot...
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    created by starksm64
  • JBAS-6697, exposing deploy directories

      "Ian Springer" wrote: That sounds close to what we need, but not exactly. In the Jopr jboss-as-4 plugin, when a user creates a new WAR or EAR via Jopr, they are prompted to enter the deploy directory, which is...
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    created by emuckenhuber
  • Connection Factory managed component types and templates

    I wanted to start this thread to bring together a number of JIRAs and to clarify with how we're planning to proceed with managing Connection Factory's in Embedded Jopr and JON. First here are the jiras which seem to ...
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    last modified by ccrouch
  • JBAS-6647, templates

    I'm not sure what your looking for in terms of MBean.Platform templates. These should not have templates as you cannot create a deployment of platform mbeans.
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    last modified by starksm64
  • JBAS-6285, platform mbeans managed components

    I finally got the platform mbeans integrated into the profile service management view and merged into the 5_x branch. Numerous issues in the jboss-managed project showed up that had to be addressed. These are all part...
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    created by starksm64
  • SNMP Custom data type attributes

    Not sure if this is the right place to post this question but I have a requirement to get our Mbean accessible via SNMP. I believe have the everything setup because I use a simple SNMP manager to get and set values fo...
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    created by evance
  • Problems with JSR 88

    Hi, I'm trying to write a JSR 88 Client for JBoss 4.4.2 (I'm following http://wiki.jboss.org/wiki/JSR88Client). When I connect to the JBoss Web Console at localhost:8080, my app (a simple WAR file) isn't there. Then,...
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    created by mapg
  • ObjectName for clustered webapp session managers

    The ObjectName we use to register a clustered webapp's session manager doesn't follow the same pattern as non-clustered Managers. Clustered webapp: jboss.web:WebModule=//localhost/http-sr,service=ClusterManager No...
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    created by brian.stansberry
  • JBAS-5862: New look for jmx-console

    Hi I have attached a patch to JBAS-5862 along with a zip file for people to try it out. Cheers Clive https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBAS-5862
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    created by csaldanh
  • Patch for JBAS-5657: JSP source code exposure in jmx-console

    I have attached a patch to the Jira. Some Context: The error page of the jmx-console spits out JSP source code. HTTP Status 500 - type Exception report message de...
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    created by csaldanh
  • Internationalisation of JBoss web/jmx consoles

    G'day, I'm part of the Red Hat internationalisation team, and I have been working on internationalising the Web and JMX consoles. Details, along with the patch, are here: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBAS-5576 ...
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    created by sflanigan
  • JBAS-5557, Deployment type reimplemented in the management l

    I have reimplemented the deployment type notion that was removed from the deployment spi in the management layer as an implementation detail of the ManagedDeploymentCreator registered with the MainDeployer. The http:...
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    created by starksm64