• JBAS-3051: Adding server config to title

    I have added a patch for adding the server config to the title. http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBAS-3051 Any comments guys? Clive
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    last modified by csaldanh
  • Patch for JBAS-1901

    http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBAS-1901 I have added a patch for the above JIRA. Description of the JIRA: "if you redeploy an ear multiple times you will see it show up multiple times under the web-console/j2ee...
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    last modified by csaldanh
  • JBoss production web service extremely slow

    It only happens in production. The response takes more than 30 seconds. There is no apparent errors we can find in the log. In QA and DEV server, there is no such delay.
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    created by cutethree
  • JBAS-4156: Adding bind address to JMX console header

    JBAS-4156 suggests adding the address to which the server instance is bound to the header of the JMX console. I've attached a patch to the ticket. Anyone object to this going into Branch_4_2?
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    last modified by jprindiv
  • Common context root for management web apps, web invokers et

    This post is with regard to http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBAS-4388. Here is the Description: "In any enterprise environment, administrative interfaces are blocked from the public even if they require a password...
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    last modified by csaldanh
  • Getting mbeans/mcbeans into open console

    A thread for the discussion we had this morning on how we could have some support for mbeans and even mcbeans in the open console so that we can drop the web/jmx-consoles. The main issue is that the current plugin ar...
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    last modified by starksm64
  • Use of JBAS5 management api's by user apps

    Is it going to be theoretically/practically possible for user applications to make use of the same annotations currently being added to the Datasource/JMS components in AS5? The idea here would be for a regular .war/...
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    last modified by ccrouch
  • JBAS-5246, Open console support

    I created a new umbrella issue for open console support issues needing to be resolved for jbossas-5.0.0.CR1 http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBAS-5247
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    created by starksm64
  • Using xinclude in config files

    Something I have been meaning to look at for a while now is whether we could use xinclude processing to allow the default dist config files to remain untouched by users. It seems to work as expected and can be used fo...
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    last modified by starksm64
  • Clustering Management Abstractions

    I'm opening this thread to start discussion of what the key clustering constructs are that are of interest to the clustering and JBoss ON teams. My primary goal is to gain clarity around the key concepts so we can use...
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    last modified by brian.stansberry
  • centralized JMX console

    Hi, I'm newbie to JBoss. As I know, JBoss has a JMX console. However, I think it is not a centralized console that you can manage and monitor distributed applications on different servers, is that right? Does anyone ...
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    last modified by yulingchen54
  • Patch to upgrade jfreechart to v1.0.2

    Currently the JMX-console uses jfreechart v0.9.20. When upgrading to v1.0.2 it gave compilation errors in console. The following patch takes care of the upgrade: diff -Naur trunk/build/build-thirdparty.xml trunk_jfre...
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    created by csaldanh
  • java.awt.headless by default

    Hi. I see some applications are failing to undeploy thus blocking server shutdown when java.awt.headless is not set. As well some are having issues running without that option. One of them is hudson that fails to gen...
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    last modified by akostadinov
  • Nested deployments, duplicate names and jsr77

    I'm looking into http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBAS-1305 (see also the discussion at http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&t=58955) I undestand there are 2 notions that currently don't ma...
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    last modified by dimitris
  • Internalization of the management layer

    So now that I'm starting to code exceptions and messages that will show up in management console tools, I need to start thinking about how this will be internationalized. We have a couple of starting points: http://d...
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    last modified by starksm64
  • The HSQL Database Manager runs on the server machine only

    I have noticed some rather strange behaviour with the org.jboss.jdbc.HypersonicDatabase MBean and the HSQL Database Manager. Through the jmx console, there is an option to start the HSQL Database Manager by invoking ...
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    last modified by mwringe
  • snmp-adaptor get/set and a basic MIB

    This is to discuss the work done on http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBAS-1454
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    last modified by dimitris
  • web-console-plugin

    I'm plannig to develop a web-console-plugin for administrators which includes: deployment list deployed modules deploy/redeploy/undeploy module(with a help of URLDeploymentScanner) datasource list deployed datasourc...
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    last modified by tokobayashi
  • ProfileService persistence

    I'm to the point where I need to write out the parsed Deployment for a given Profile. XML, Java Serialization, and JPA/EJB3 are the choices. Since the MC objects are mostly JavaBeans, I took a quick look at the little...
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    last modified by starksm64
  • Glassfish AppServer Management Extensions

    An FYI on the glassfish management api: https://glassfish.dev.java.net/nonav/javaee5/amx/amx.html
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    created by starksm64