• Can someone try to attack my JBoss instance by issuing JMX commands over HTTP?

    Hello,   Can someone try to attack my JBoss instance by issuing JMX commands over HTTP?   The reason I ask is that I saw this exception in my log file today and I was wondering if it was caused by an attem...
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    last modified by petal1
  • My MBeans do not show up in jmx-console on Jboss 6

    I have a working application on JBoss 5.1 under JDK 1.6.  It uses several MBeans.  I mark MBeans as follow:     @Service(objectName = "AppName.MBeans:service=NotificationScheduler") @Management(N...
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    created by pwnell
  • MBeans anzeigen

    Hello everybody!   When i navigate at my local pc to that adress: "" i'm able to see all processes (Are that processes or mbeans?). For example i can see:   name='jboss-ha-local...
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    last modified by toemsel
  • How can i change the at runtime MBean Quarz Scheduler Cron Job trigger time?

    We are using message driven beans for scheduling some quarz jobs.   by annotations in the bean like:   @MessageDriven(activationConfig = { @ActivationConfigProperty(propertyName = "cronTrigger", propertyVa...
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    last modified by uwe72
  • start/stop Web-App with JMX-Console

    Hi all,   i try to stop/start a simple web-app via the JMX-Console of jBoss. The web-app only contains one index.html, no .class or .jsp. Stopping succeeded successfully, the starting results in:   11:36:...
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    last modified by mixim
  • Unable to use jmxremote for JVM monitoring using Jconsole

    Hi All, We have Jboss 4.2.2, 4.3.0 and 5.0 versions running on multiple hosts with RHEL 2.6. This uses Sun JDK 1.6. We are intending to use Jconsole to remotely monitor JVM and threads of Jboss instances in our organ...
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    last modified by anandabasak
  • How to register a MXBean (JBoss 6 final)

    I want to use the new capabilities of MXBeans in java 1.6 to show List-attributes as javax.management.openmbean.CompositeData in the JMX-Console.   If I name the interface TestMXBean.java and the implementation ...
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    last modified by windigo
  • How to create an alias on another MBean

    Hello,   For instance in JBoss 5.1 it exists an Mbean "jboss.web:type=ThreadPool,name=http-". I would need to create an alias on this Mbean using the name "jboss.web:type=ThreadPool,name=http"  ...
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    created by yannalbou
  • Twiddle error - Object not of type: RMIAdaptorImpl

    Hello,   I've recently downloaded the latest version of JBoss AS (v6.0.0.2010911-MS) in my lab environment and am in the process of trying to run Twiddle against the default install. I'm not a JBoss admin, but n...
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    last modified by j.timm
  • Twiddle.sh failure?

    Hi all I'm new here and i already got a question about something. I'm trying to use this script twiddle.sh for managing a JMX-console (getting info about a server). Anyways, you guys probably know better what Twidd...
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    last modified by dragonix
  • Display all active Connections for JMS

    I am able to get no. of active connections, no. of max connections, no.of available connections using Mbeans for JMS.   Now I want to display all activeConnections on screen so that we can monitor the open (acti...
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    created by lordhrishikesha
  • JBoss 5.1: How to find all classloaders that loaded a class

    I understand that one can go to a deployment under jboss.classloader, in JMX, and find out which classloader loaded a class.   Let's say a class has been loaded multiple times by different classloaders. Is there...
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    created by forumer
  • Monitoring/Creating an email alert in JBoss 6

    Experts,   I was trying to create an monitor/notification service in JBoss 6 [Final]. Basically below is what I was trying to achieve.        1. Create a listener or something similar, ...
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    last modified by xsubinx
  • How does jkstatus work in a load-balanced + clustered scenerio?

    I am trying to understand how I might configure the mod-jk  /jkstatus (or /jkmanager) app in a scenerio where 1 instance of Apache is load balancing between 2 JBoss instances.  I can't find a single example ...
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    last modified by djangofan
  • jboss test helper jar

    Hello world,   I'm trying to test some service (implementing org.jboss.system.ServiceMBean) outside Jboss Container. Specificaly In a Junit Case.   I guess this has been done a million times, but i wonde...
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    created by liobod
  • jmx-console is not prompting for user login when the password is changed from application

    all,   I am working on a emterprite application.   I tried to open the jmx-console. The browser prompted for the user login credentials. After giving the user login credentials, the jmx-console is opened. ...
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    created by adayonline
  • Restricting secure access to JMX Console

    All, I have followed the wiki documentation to set up jmx and web console security. All is good till this point. Is it possible to have a bit more granular level security? That is, user depending upon the role, can ...
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    last modified by mskonda
  • Sending Notification from MBeans POJO

    Is it possible to send a JMX notification from a POJO annotated with Service/Management only?   I've tried various different ways, but nothing seems to work. I can get to a stage where via jvisualvm I can subscr...
  • how to send an SNMP trap when the application goes down

    I need to generate a SNMP trap when the application deployed in JBoss goes down or on undeploy, please suggest how to proceed. I have looked at the snmp_adaptor.sar and the configurations (jboss-services.xml and attr...
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    created by diamercy
  • Remote MBean invocation classpath issue

    I am currently upgrading our AS from 4.0.5 to 6.0. We currently have an ear with a mbean packaged in a sar. We also have a war that is packaged outside the ear that is used by the remote clients using a servlet and JN...
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    last modified by lil_z420