• xhtml not recognized after security configured

    I have a jsf/richfaces web app that works fine when security is not enabled. However, when I add a security-constraint section to the web.xml then, after a successful login, JBoss tries to download resources such ...
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    last modified by pbaker01
  • JSF restore view problem during Cluster failover

    Hi All,   We have deployed an application in Weblogic 10.3 cluster. Application is using JSF 1.2, Richfaces, Spring 2.5 and Hibernate. We are facing a problem in the cluster where JSF is not restoring the view...
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    last modified by prasanthvnair
  • The action for my left navigation pane is not working.

    Hi,   The action for my left navigation pane is not working. Below is the code   Frames Code ----------------------- <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Frameset//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/...
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    last modified by prity
  • @postconstruct doesn't work in managed bean

    Hi,   I'm using JBOSS 6, JSF 2 and EJB 3.1, i have an ear with - EJB folder (@postconstruct is working) - JSF folder with manged bean where @postconstruct doesn't work   This my manged bean : package c...
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    created by couse1
  • EL value expression error javax.el.PropertyNotFoundException

    In jboss-as 5 (Seam 2 and jsf 1.2) something like this used to work and we used the concept extensivly:   {code:xml} <form> <h:inputText value="#{myAction.dogManager.getDog('FRED').age}"/> <h:c...
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    last modified by crussell42
  • facescontext null in jsf mojarra-2.0, jboss 6.0 and jboss 6.1

    Hello everyone happens that by invoking the method FacesContext.getCurrentInstance() returns null   alguna  idea   I'm using   Jboss 6.1.0 JSF 2   web.xml   <?xml version="1.0"...
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    last modified by burgosjc
  • Hitting a jsf page using ip address

    Hi,   Am using,  JSF 2.0 , Jboss As 6.0, GateIn 3.1 and my war is built using Maven 3.1   So, I will get a war like myWar-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.war   My xhtml file is placed under webapp -> web-inf ...
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    last modified by selfcare
  • JSF and spring integeration

    Hi,   I am new to Spring and JSF 2.0. I am working for the project to integrate JSF 2.0 and Spring 2.5.     Could any one tell me what is the advantage of using Spring? Since most of the stuffs we c...
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    last modified by tamizharasi.periyasamy
  • MyFaces 1.2.9 on JBossAS 6.1.0

    Hello,   I am trying to deploy an EAR using MyFaces 1.2.9 on JBossAS 6 [6.1.0.Final "Neo"]. JBoss comes with Mojarra-1.2, MyFaces-2.0, Mojarra-2.0, but no MyFaces 1.2 is included! So I looked in the JSF-Guide (h...
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    created by visualmatrix
  • JSF Extended datatable inside rich tab

    Hi,   I am facing some issue with Extended data table inside rich tab. I have two rich tab each having their own extended data table. I have written a Datamodel for these datatable. Both the datatable point to ...
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    created by pushpak1981
  • Error JSF 2 java.io.FileNotFoundException:*/*.xhtml Not Found in ExternalContext

    Hi, I have an a error in Jboss 7.0.2 "Arc", spring webflow 2.3.0.RELEASE with richfaces 4.0.0.Final(Myfaces 2.1.1): 12:34:19,729 SEVERE [org.apache.myfaces.renderkit.ErrorPageWriter] (http-- An excep...
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    last modified by elegar
  • Method-Parameters not supported in JBossEL/JBoss 6.1?

    My colleague has got a problem with JBoss 6.1 (stock) / JSF 2.0 (with PrimeFaces 3.0M3): Trying to retrieve a date value through an EL expression that calls a method with a parameter and then references a property of...
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    last modified by grexe
  • could not locate named parameter

    hi guys i have an issue about could not located named parameter ["SomeParameter"]   and this is what i got   root cause   java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: org.hibernate.QueryParameterException: cou...
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    created by onesleo
  • why date its not out

    hi guys i have an issue actually its very basic but i havent any idea why the date which i was input from the form not printed on the LOG   this is my back bean   private Date startDate; private Date en...
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    created by onesleo
  • Configuration Details for JSF2.0 with Seam2.0

    Hi all,            Can any one tell me the full  configuration details for JSF2.0 with Richfaces4.x working with seam2.0 .   Thanks in advance.
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    created by devisambandhan
  • Is there Global Exception handler in JSF 2.0?

    Hi,   Am using JSF 2.0 , Jboss AS 6.0, GateIn portal 3.1   In my bean, based on some checks am navigating to respective pages by configuring in faces-config.xml.   Suppose there are some unhandled ex...
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    last modified by selfcare
  • hi guys how do i fix java.lang.NullPointerException

    hi guys how do i could fix this error   java.lang.NullPointerException     thanks in advance
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    last modified by onesleo
  • h:outputFormat and f:param with complex value

    Hello,   I would like format a message with 2 parameters. One of the parameters cannot be given to f:param directly in the value attribute since I need to format it also. See example below :   JSF :  ...
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    last modified by laurentg
  • jsf 1.2, richfaces 3.3.1

    Hi,   I need to develop a left hand side panel that has links to other pages. I created a "LHSPanel.jsp" and entered the command links that i needed. and included this file on all the pages that needed this left...
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    last modified by anthonycrane
  • JSF 1.2, richfaces 3.3.1, left hand side dynamic panel help needed

    hi,   I have a left hand side panel that has links to all the different pages in the application.   The links are decided dynamically after the user logs into the system based on his/her credentials(roles...
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    last modified by anthonycrane