• Null Integer/String converted to default objects?

    Hi,   i am implementing search functionality for objects from the database. All is fine except for the specification of a null value for any Integer or String property of the object. Whenever a null value is pas...
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    last modified by arnoldussen
  • faces-config 2.0 xsd missing in JBoss AS 6.0.0.Final?

    I couldn't find the xsd for 2.0 version of faces-config in the metadata jars shipped in AS 6.0.0.Final. It's also not here http://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/jbossas/projects/metadata/web/trunk/src/main/resources/schema/....
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    last modified by jaikiran
  • <h:commandButton> and <h:commandLink> support on JSF2.0

    Hi,   Are <h:commandButton> and <h:commandLink> supported on JSF2.0 ?   If not what are the similar tags which perform the same operations as above?   Regards,
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    last modified by selfcare
  • dynamic commandLink Problem

    Hi, JBoss Users.   I'm using JBoss 6.0 Final but have a very painful problem.   A h:commandLink don't execute an action of backing bean when it is rendered by actioning, like action="#{testBB.showList}". ...
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    created by oosnowan
  • Dynamic EL expression for data binding

    Hi,    I am working on a very dynamic UI and am stuck on a problem using EL in a facelets view. JBoss 5.0.x RichFaces 3.2.x JSF 1.2 Facelets 1.1.x Java 1.6   In the below code I'm trying to bind ...
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    created by ben.maisano
  • ERROR [org.apache.myfaces.shared_impl.config.MyfacesConfig] Both MyFaces and the RI are on your classpath. Please make sure to use only one of the two JSF-implementations.

    I am migrating one of my app from WebLogic 9 to JBoss AS 5.1, and it using Myfaces. I added the below block to my web.xml to disable the built in JSF i.e. <context-param>        &...
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    created by jymc
  • Jboss 6.0 valuebinding error

    <h:outputText value="Welcome, #{userName} #{userNum == 1?'[ Admin ]':userNum == 2?'[ Super Admin ]':userNum== 3?'[ Normal]':'[ Delete]'}"             ...
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    created by krikorkherberian
  • Injection in managed bean fails in JBoss AS 6 Final

    Running JBoss AS 6 Final.   The following pieces of code is used to reset the session after a timeout.   public class GUIResetPhaseListener implements PhaseListener {        ...
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    last modified by johan.ca.andersson
  • Error while deploying JSF project in JBoss-6

    Hi,   I have JSF project and trying deploy in JBoss-6 and while running the jboss6\bin>run.bat i am getting the following error.   I have used JSF-1.2 jars. Can anybody help me please to deploy the p...
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  • parts of form dont get submitted if rendered by condition

    hello!   i am facing a strange problem: in a form i would like to display parts of it by a certian condition (some param is set or not). if i put this in a panelGroup, the parts of the form seem not to be submi...
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  • Permission Denied Error

    Hi,   I'm facing "Permission denied" java script error in my jsf page only for IE browsers.   Please let me know if any one has solution for this.   Thanks in Advance.   Best Regards, Anil Kum...
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    last modified by anilkumar_a
  • MyFaces 2 ViewExpiredException repro case

    I'm able to reproduce the ViewExpiredException exception in MyFaces 2.0.1 (also see in 2.0.4). I'm running JBoss AS 6.0.0.FINAL. The problem is that each postback creates a new seralized view in the session. With onl...
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    last modified by robertgary1
  • @PostConstruct annotation not called on JBoss 6.0

    At first, I already know the thread http://community.jboss.org/thread/150609 and tried out all suggested solutions:   Added JBossScanningInjectionProvider to web.xml [code] <context-param>   <pa...
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    last modified by mrkspfeiffer
  • Exception: could not find Factory: javax.faces.context.FacesContextFactory

    Hello,   I'm migrating from JBoss 5.1.0.GA to JBoss 6.0.0-Final and facing following exception during FacesServler initialization   2011-03-09 18:07:24,574 ERROR [org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[jbo...
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    last modified by ylitvinov
  • Running Two Mojarra config in single ear

    Hi,   I've got an ear with the following structure:   myear.ear       |-->lib       |-->mywar1.war        ...
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    last modified by jgautier
  • How to create multiselect rich:tree with checkbox:urgent

    Hi,     I have a project requirment to create a tree(rich:tree) with multiselect option.And also i more requirment that when user clicks on parent node all child node should be selected.   Can any one...
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  • problem with rich:dataTable tag

    Hi, I have gone through rich faces site. It is good.   But when I tried to create a page with more rich components like richTable and some rich textBoxes, I am getting errors like when I click on any column to ...
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    last modified by krishnakishu
  • DropdownMenu does not show content

    Hi,   I am just starting to use Richfaces and went through some basic stuff. A.o. others I tried to get data in a drop down list. However, the data does not show up in the dropdown menu. First, I thought it were...
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    last modified by pplenckers
  • Can not deploy API on JBoss. web.xml parse error.

    Hi everyone. I have faced a problem related to migration of project to IntelliJ IDEA from Eclipse. The same web-project (but on another pc) worked just perfect, but now after long-term adjustments of IDEA it almost w...
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    last modified by ayscha
  • Bundling Mojarra 2.1.0 with AS 6.1?

    The latest version of Mojarra 2.1.0 (JSF 2.1) contains a couple of much needed bug fixes (see http://javaserverfaces.java.net/nonav/rlnotes/2.1.0/releasenotes.html).   It also finally allows a JSF based web appl...
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    last modified by henk53